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Treated alloy parts.

Alloy parts that have been media blasted with garnet sand.

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That really cleaned it up. Did you treat the metal with anything after blasting? I've done a few carbs with sand and never achieved a smooth finish like you have. Same with glass bead, it was too harsh.



A blow out with clean compressed air is the only after treatment. This is all that the Mikuni Solex Manual advises for cleaning their carbs. but I don't think they had grit blasting in mind when they wrote that:surprised

I have always wanted to try glass bead media but can't seem to find any available in Oz.

Another thread talks of Baking Soda as a medium.

If I can find a bulk supplier I may try that out.

Doing it outside the cabinet is a filthy exercise but sometimes it is necessary e.g. the air plenum on my '73 Z was blasted out, inside my garage.

Freakin' grit got EVERYWHERE:mad:

But, how else to remove the rusty bits??

After I had finished, I swept the floor and put it in a storage bucket, to be used again...

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