Victor, We currently use this I/Oport Racing mount for the "tape" type camcorder, but the recording head picks up vibration at high rpms or speeds... This may be good for the larger old fashion type video cameras, but with the new smaller digital type camera or recorder a secure soft mount position on or in a seat works well. We don't use image stablization, adds more problems to the picture. This is going to be something you have to experiment with from camera to camera. Our old camera gets vibration even with rubber insulation between the mount clamps and the roll bar. Even though, it works good to watch your track session or driving habits at home after all is said and done. We are going to a digital recording camera with a lipstick or bullet lens & external mic. You will want remote start/stop control too, so you don't need to be reaching for the controls on the camera. We are investigating this system, since it has everything you need. This week they just upgraded to a newer or better camera than what is advertised but the price is still the same for the system.... I think about $550.00 I believe a 1GB SD card gives you 20 to 30 minutes of hi-resolution time, and they have 2 GB SD cards too. Here is another type of system ready to go and the media is computer ready to download, no conversion. Might give these 2 companies a call and talk to them. I have had good conversations with the UPR people, but the camera guy is out till next week. Good luck, Craig