Why yes, yes there are. And here are the steps I followed to find them. You may find them useful in the future. 1. Find the little "Search" box in the upper right hand corner of this page. 2. Click on "This Topic" and select "Forums" from the drop down menu. 3. This is where it gets tricky....type a word or words related to what you're looking for into the "Search" box. Since you're looking for pictures of the REPRODUCTION heater control panel, type the word "reproduction" in the "Search" box. 4. Scroll down through the list of messages until you find the one that contains pictures of the repro panels. They're offered by forum member esprist. I think you can also find them on eBay. To paraphrase something I read in the Bible, "Do an Internet search for a man and you remove his lack of knowledge but once. Teach a man to search and and you keep him from bugging you with search questions forever." Dennis