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  1. I believe I picked up the last complete exhaust system from Brantford Nissan and had installed years ago. I don't know if these helps you but here's are some photos I took. Very difficult to take under the car. It's from the stock 1972 240Z.
    1 point
  2. The design looks to me to be an attempt to allow the bearing cup on the end of the shifter to move in a more lateral motion to stay fully engaged in the shift rod head. The fixed pivot point of the Z shifter the bearing cup will move in an arc line, slightly pulling away from the shift rod head when not in neutral. I would have assumed this was accounted for in the design of the orig shifter and not have been enough to cause a problem. The movable pivot point on the latter resolves this by extending the radius line as it moves off neutral, but I would think at the same time in introduces more plastic wear surface into the entire mechanism, fine in the short run but likely to get loose with a lot of use. Engineers love to change things (star trek the motion picture).
    1 point
  3. Hi, here are some additional information of the exhaust system . Pictures from Fairlady-Z and Datsun 240Z service manual and service bulletin. We have 4 types of front pipe, #1 early manual trans #2 early auto trans #3 later manual trans #4 later auto trans The early type has a junction between dual pipes and single pipe, later type does not have it , just welded two pipes together. Kats
    1 point
  4. So you got it to start with starter fluid? Your life would be so much easier if you would take some measurements. I remember the old ways from the old days though, Filling my crankcase with gasoline as I cranked and cranked the engine with the "new" carb" that had no float valve, but I knew the carb was good, my friend gave it to me. Grinding the springs off of my new clutch disc because it was installed backward and I didn't want to take it off again, and I knew that wasn't the problem. Got a great workout though from removing and reinstalling the transmission about ten times. Good times man, good times.
    1 point
  5. Thanks kats, Those are some great photos. Though you are lucky to have found an original exhaust system. I have yet to come across any NOS piece of the exhaust system. I was ready to just go with the aftermarket reproductions at this point, though I'm not sure how good they are, or how close they are to the originals. I was told that the currently available ones have a rounded/stamped collector where the two downpipes meet, which was born out of "ease of manufacturing"- but to me, that seems a little half-assed.
    1 point

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