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I see some old names / faces in this thread, that's great to see! I'm glad the folks from this community are still around to help, the Z group is fantastic! I might have some unique perspective - I had a few Z's in the past, the most recent was my 1972 shown in my avatar. Around the same time I purchased it, I bought a 1966 Jaguar E-Type, and it needed some work, so the Z had to go. I sold it for $5,000 (!!!), and while I don't regret it, I miss the car. I too have seen the Z car pricing of late, it's both a blessing and a curse. A blessing in the sense that these cars are finally getting their due, but a curse in that I simply won't pay the money people are asking. Along the way, I purchased a Ferrari 308 QV, which is a real hoot. I love it - it took me YEARS to find one, but I did. I was over on Ferrari Chat (another forum like Classic Z Cars) almost as long as I've been here and it finally happened about 4 years ago. My point is, patience is a virtue. While a 996 might give you the enjoyment of a modern car (and believe me, don't take that for granted. Even my '84 308 is still "old", and I at times I yearn for a modern classic), there's so much character in these old cars. Yes, they aren't necessarily the best daily drivers. They may be hot, they may smell, they may not be fast, but they are a time machine. I had a Z when I was in high school, and it was the greatest thing in the world to me then. When I had my 240Z, I felt like a kid again. I pop back in here from time to time, hoping maybe to get lucky and get a nice Z car. Or, maybe I'll sell the Jag or Ferrari and convince the guy in Virginia (Brian??) that has all the awesome Z's and 510's with his dad to sell me one!!! Good luck either way!!4 points
I feel you on that one! At least you still have parts of the floor still visible . I won't bring a camera into my shop for a while yet for fear of being judged .2 points
Hi, I'm into Datsun's, RX-7's and aircooled VW's. I own a '73 240Z two RX-7's and a Beetle. I love Datsun's in general. I'm pretty much obsessed with my Z car and I'm gradually adding to it and getting it closer to how I want it to be. I post pics of all my cars and other stupid stuff on Instagram quite a bit. The main thing is to enjoy the cars as much and as often as possible.1 point
Choice of Block and Cylinder Head were Matt's. The choice of rods - the longer factory stock 240Z variety - was a colaboration between the two of us. Pistons were custom designed due to the combination of parts chosen, with the dome volume prescribed by the gasket and head, for approximately 9.85:1 compression ratio. Once I've done a preliminary buildup of one piston, I'll be able to provide absolute dimensions. BTW: For anyone thinking that all P90/P90a cylinder heads have chamber volumes of approximately 53.6 cc, they should think again. Our machinist and I cc'd three different P90 series heads and found a variation of 4cc's or more between them. The P90 we have has been milled and still holds about 55cc's, while each of our stock P90a's have chambers between 55.8 and 57.6 cc's. On Matt's engine, I will use a P90a's with about 56cc's and equalize each chamber after I accomplish pocket porting and port matching. I'll install a cam, do a valve clearance/dome height clay check, and then the head gets sent to the machinist for minimum material surfacing - about 0.003-inch - to clean up areas that needed weld repairs. I expect this head to have about 55cc's volume when done.1 point
The Bulge Style nuts just have a ridge that prevents the socket from bottoming in the lug hole and damaging the alloy surface.1 point
OMG, its the frigging hobby tractor with the snow chains again My garage is just as bad. The Zed is in for the winter and hidden behind all the other junk and garden furniture. Not that I had much room to start with. Mark, Your project is looking great. A lot of work going on here for sure, but when it's finished you will know it's a solid car and a car to be proud of.1 point
Newest progress, parts and a "rolling chassis"! Today’s update is about miscellaneous stuff and a “rolling chassis” at the end of the post! I hassled for weeks with the rear spindles, they just did not wanted to come out… Heated the housings with a propane torch for several minutes and bashed on the spindle with a wooden hammer to not mangle the threads on the spindle. Just shortly before the spindle was out on the second housing the wooden hammer gave up!:D Was able to get the rest of the way out with the remainings of the hammer!:D Already went an bought another bearing remover for the ones on the spindles, but haven’t tried it out yet! And I wasn’t able to get the bearings inside the housing out yet. Drum Brake Calipers removed and partly disassembled. I also removed the sleeve of the lower control arms of the front with a handsaw. And cut out the rusty areas. Already did some sheet metal patches for the rusty aread as well as for the window mirror holes since I’ll be going with fender mirrors, forgot to take pictures yet though! And since I freshly got new Vogtland lowering springs in the mail and never posted about the other new parts I already acquired I wanted to take a group picture before i put everything back into boxes to store it for the next time! There are still some new parts I acquired not showed, I may post something about them in following posts! The majority of the time working on the car for the last times was for this bad boy. Also my first welding exercise! Now I can finally roll the chassis around and work on the body outside of the garage!:) I also took that chance to clean up the garage quite a bit and hung the dashboard on the wall, so its finally off the ground! Let’s see how fast I’ll be getting the body ready for paint!:)1 point
Anybody want a partially completed '69 510 restoration? Asking $13,000 AUS....1 point
Mine required quite a bit of sanding to make it sit flush against the decklid and the mounting bolts are not exactly lined up (each one is unique I believe). With that being said, its overall a great piece, much better than the cheapo's that you find on eBay.1 point
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No takers on this subject, eh? Try bre2.net or classicdatsun.com You may have to contact Peter or Les to find out if their spoilers have the raised area for the emblems. I'll bet the BRE "original style" spoiler has it.1 point
What a great story, 240ZGL , you have got an early original in the U.S.A. Congratulations! Hello Fred, thank you very much, how are you doing? I know your attic contains lots of tresures which are hard to come by. kats PS: attached photos are PS30-00087, restored in the same shop two years ago where my Z432 had.She is a sister of my Z432(PS30-00088) she was a silver, but now turned white.She has got an original early rear spoiler.1 point
Hi,Thank you everyone,I did restored the spoiler.I am not happy with its finish, I should work hard for sanding and painting.But currently this is my best,do not look it closely!I used a heat gun to be flexible the portion of it where should be straighten.Also I put FRP liquid and cloth to fill the gap between body panel and the spoiler.And for reinforce the spoiler.Color is not matching for the original,but I am OK.Please note 3 holes for the emblem on the back,they are a good sign of original early one.The earliest spoiler has only one emblem " Fairlady Z" . These holes are exactly correct locations and dot size.Compare the official photo of Z432-R, you will see mine has the same location of the emblem. I looked into holes from inside of the spoiler,there are no evidence of repairing or filling extra holes. kats1 point
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