Hi Dave, Im with Zed Head on giving incorrect advice. Never accured to me the csv would fire just on the starter function. I thought it needed AFM or oil presure to activate. I think I might need to read the fsm too
I replaced all my fuel lines with new rubber and used a rubber line the the csv so I could test it when I was looking for my leak down. that way I could clamp it shut with vice grips and two pieces of aluminium strip. My leakdown was in the check valve in the fuel pump.
Your problem would frustrate the crape out of me. Nothing worse then problems that come and go. I have a problem with my ECU. I have three of them, but they all make the engine run differently, feels different to drive and they all have problems. One works really well and its in the car now, but it starts playing up every now and them. It even left me standed on the side of the road. That is why Im playing with an aftermarket system, just don't have the time to work on it atm.
Goodluck with your search.