Dear one, losing our long time friends is so so hard, I am grieving for you and your family. We are so blessed when these wonderful creatures share our lives, makes it hard to do without their physical companionship. The pain is so intense, even hard to breathe at times. Your great love for her in allowing her to leave her broken body behind is the ultimate gift to Kylie. She knows of this gift, and loves you even more for it.
I can only assure you that time will take the sting out of the loss. It never leaves but is manageable. Try to focus on the happy times shared, those memories will live in your heart forever. Thank God. I do believe they are attached to us even from the other side. It may sound crazy, but instances of fleeting motion glimpses may be near you. They do not want to leave us anymore than we don't want them to go.
Bless you and your family for giving Kylie such a good loving home. She loves you and is so thankful to have shared her life with you.
Sending my love to each of you,