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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/27/2017 in all areas

  1. LOL, sounds like a guy I work with. He has always had high dollar cars, Porsche, Ferrari, now has a Lambo. I said you can't make much more than 150K year. With 3 kids, wife, nice house etc., how the heck do you afford these cars? He said, you have a 401k right? I said sure, he goes I don't.
  2. So you took SteveJ's advice? How many stitches?
  3. 1 point
    EuroDat, Dear one, losing our long time friends is so so hard, I am grieving for you and your family. We are so blessed when these wonderful creatures share our lives, makes it hard to do without their physical companionship. The pain is so intense, even hard to breathe at times. Your great love for her in allowing her to leave her broken body behind is the ultimate gift to Kylie. She knows of this gift, and loves you even more for it. I can only assure you that time will take the sting out of the loss. It never leaves but is manageable. Try to focus on the happy times shared, those memories will live in your heart forever. Thank God. I do believe they are attached to us even from the other side. It may sound crazy, but instances of fleeting motion glimpses may be near you. They do not want to leave us anymore than we don't want them to go. Bless you and your family for giving Kylie such a good loving home. She loves you and is so thankful to have shared her life with you. Sending my love to each of you, Jai
  4. 1 point
    Hi Jai. Unfortunatly my family knows all to well what you are going through now. I mentioned earlier in this thread that our 14 year old four legged friend Kylie was not going too well. She took a turn for the worse and we had to put her to sleep yesterday in the middle of the night. She went with the four of us by her side. She has had problems with a leaking heart valve for a while and that suddenly deteriated. She had diffuculty breathing and that was getting worse by the hour. I will miss her a lot.
  5. Auction ended at $602.
  6. 50th anniversary 240Z is just around the corner.
  7. I saw that on DRIVETRIBE. Looks like the 80 and 90s are the first batch to be taken care of. Hope 240z will eventually be on the list. Sent from my iPhone using Classic Zcar Club mobile
  8. Cool! Hope I didn't sound bossy - just wanted to share something that worked well for me. I'm enjoying your progress. The project will really start to take on speed now.
  9. 1 point
    Alt, battery, battery cables,fuse links
  10. 1 point
    Using a voltmeter, measure the battery voltage twice. Once with the engine off and again with the engine running.
  11. 1 point
    Sorry to hear about your loss. Who would ever imagine these fantastic critters could mean so much to us. I am wildlife biologist and work in the field alot doing surveys. For 12 yrs. my buddy Darby worked by my side. Last August I had to put him down due to kidney failure. This is my first year working alone without him. I sure miss him. Sent from my SM-G930V using Classic Zcar Club mobile
  12. Door locking mechanics removal Like I promised, everyday a new post until the 1st of May!:) Have fun reading it, even though today's might not be as exiting!;) Pretty much one of the last things to bolt off of the car, besides the door itself, were the door locking mechanics. Off they go! Before: And after with a pretty empty door!:) I’m struggling with the mechanics themselves though! The plan ist to yellow zinc plate them, I’m not sure though how and if I should remove the plastic connecting clips! The plastic nut thingys on the door handle mechanics are off already! Also not sure what to do with the inside handles, since they are not separatable, and the vinyl stuff seems to be glued on: See you tomorrow and have a great evening - or whatever it is in your place!:) All the best Fabian

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