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  1. 3 points
    Located in Colorado springs. Sent from my Pixel XL using Classic Zcar Club mobile
  2. That's not expensive...especially if you consider how long you have been chasing drive ability problem s and the associated mechanics fees!
  3. I had a colortune and it was nice at idle but couldn't see what was happening while driving on the street. Also with modern unleaded gas it's difficult to base everything on the color of the plugs. Sent from my iPhone using Classic Zcar Club mobile
  4. siteunseen: Glad this helped sir! Let me know if you go this route and have any questions. Only change I would consider making is using better speakers than I did! Get the kick panels from Motorsport but, I know there are better speakers out there that will fit the kick panel space than the ones offered in the Motorsport kick panel/speaker bundle. Sam
  5. Anything less than six hundred miles is "right next door" for a Texan
  6. Today was the day I got around to install the Z-story exhaust'. Looks good so far. Haven't started the engine yet as the system is temporarily fitted and I still have to install the updated R200 drive shaft. Goal is to finish tonight and run on the dyno tomorrow. More photos to come.
  7. Below is my post on the HybridZ Forum re my stereo install and shows a pair of ABS panels that I fabricated to hold the two speakers that I placed under the dash in my 280Z. You have a lot more room under there in a 240Z so I'm sure you can do something similar. I added a very small amp because I'm also running rear 6x9 speakers but you could get away with only front speakers without an amp. So even though I like the way everything is hidden I must say that I'm not totally satisfied with the sound on this set up and have purchased kick panel pods to change the location of the under dash speakers and I will be installing Polk Audio DB522 5.25"coaxials in those. I"m also going to change the amp to a much better Kenwood KAC-M3004 unit also mounted in a similar position under the carpet over the transmission tunnel toward the firewall. I'll report back when I have the new set up ready. "Starting with the Retrosound radio which I discussed previously in this topic, the sound upgrade is complete and and I'm enjoying balanced, crisp highs and mids from the front and side speakers with excellent bass response form the rear 6x9 Infinity speakers. It's being all pumped from a very compact Miura amplifier (80 watts x 4 channels) which we located beneath the carpeting to the right side of the console (close to the firewall) and is quite undetectable. The front speakers are McClaren Prosound 5 inch sealed basket units which are closed in the rear (not vented like usual speakers) so there's no need to add a box or enclosure making them very easy to fit in tight places. We fabricated custom panels out of 1/4 inch black ABS plastic (with similar texture to the OEM dash) into which the 2 front speakers were fixed and tucked away under each side of the dash. Although ideally high frequency sound should be directed toward the listener, in virtue of keeping everything "invisible", we had to count on the power and quality of the front under dash speakers to bounce sound off the floor. It has proven to work very well. I also decided to remove the rear speaker grills and make them less noticeable by simply covering them with black speaker fabric. Here are a few pics to illustrate the set up: Speakers and ABS panel: Driver and passenger side mocked up under the dash (before speaker grill installed): Amplifier location: One of two USB ports in the glove box: Overview of the final install:
  8. 1 point
    You think "predictable" is an exclusively negative trait then? You never seem to have anything to bring to a debate. You drop big statements (how about "...just the best and far superior to anything else in the world concerning production sports cars at that time." ?) but you don't seem to have anything to back them up when questioned. I've asked you what seems like a hundred times (yeah, predictable...) as to exactly what car/cars you were referring to with that particular statement, but you don't seem to be able to answer. All you come back with - usually after a period of radio silence - is another dodge. Where's the substance? For the record, I don't consider myself any sort of "guru". That's in your head not mine, and you'll need to take at least some responsibility for it. Truth be told I'd prefer to be a scholar, as there's still so much to learn. If I think you're wrong, I'll tell you. If I'm wrong I hope to be corrected (yeah, "BAM!"). The truth tends to come out one way or another. Debate! This is a forum, after all. On topic: Hopefully people will quickly see through crass insults regarding Takuma Sato's ability. He's not my "hero", but I'm glad a Japanese driver has got his name on the list of winners in another world classic race and he has shown speed elsewhere. By the same token I don't believe this Indy 500 win instantly makes Sato "the best Japanese driver of all time" (as is being claimed elsewhere by people who very likely couldn't name more than three Japanese drivers, and one of them Hiro Matsushita...) as that too is garbage.
  9. 1 point
    The cam tower bolts go through the top left and bottom holes. The head bolts go through the top center holes. Chuck
  10. 1 point
    The paper gaskets between the spray bar and towers could have moved and blocked the flow?
  11. OK, lets see if this works, <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/dR8bHf6C-Qc" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> Nope, lets try this,
  12. I've "LIKED" too many post today so I need to do it the old fashioned way. Thank you, I like what you posted except the cancer part. We can put a man on the moon but can't help people with that sickness, sad to me to know the big pharmacies don't want to cure it just treat it. Back when they cared about people they came up with cures. Smallpox, polio etc.
  13. Manny, you have characterized these re-created tags as "awesome" in the result. As I have just received my order of these tags for my car, I would also add that, as I am aware of the definition of the term, they appear to be a "flawless" re-creation of the original. For those interested in getting the best products for there coveted cars, this is as good as it gets. Thanks 240Ziggy. Dan
  14. 1 point
    Thanks Zama........only show I ever took first, second and third!
  15. Original Ad on Kijiji in 2003 He left out a few items... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Year: 1977 Make: DATSUN Model: 280Z Model Detail: COUPE Price: $7,500 Mileage: ------- km Date: 7/7/03 Ad Type: Private Comment: 5 spd. blue int. blk. int. AC, US car, no rust, AM/FM/CD, air dams, new neader & 2.5' exhst. rebuilt eng., incl. orig. 4 spd. trans. & exhst. Manifold cert. $7,500. or b.o. (519)423-6788, Ingersoll, after 4 PM. (CGFTWH) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Photos from PO -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Day 1
  16. A couple of months ago I found this 10/70 which had been stored away for 10 years. I was able to buy this one and 2 others. A 5/70 and a 1/72. The brown one is one that can be refreshed and put back on the road fairly quickly. Looking forward to driving it soon.
  17. Upon starting college (1977, Wlikes University, Wilkes-Barre, Pa) my twin brother and I begged our parents for a "vehicle allowance" because he would be going to school 3 hours away in New Jersey and this would be our first "separation". We never thought it would work but it did! After a very long conversation to make sure we understood the value and importance of his gift, our amazingly generous Dad gave me a check for $15,000 to be split between my brother and I in the purchase of 2 new vehicles. This was just one more episode in which Dad showed his love and sacrificed his own perks to benefit one of us kids (and we're 5 boys!). We understood the message and never let him down. I had dreamed of owning a Z for about 3 years and knew that they were very close to 8 grand by 1977, which was more than the $7,500 allotted to me. I kept my desire for a Z secret and started a campaign to convince my brother that the best car for us was a Pontiac Trans Am. He would buy a white one, I would buy one in black. We visited dealers and worked out a deal for $6,700 each, fully loaded, out the door. We would have about $1,000 for "extras" . He fell for it (I still laugh at him for that) and I backed out at the last minute (as planned) and rushed to Fred Schuler's Datsun on King Street in Wilkes-Barre and bought my amazing yellow 280Zap for exactly $8,000 plus $500 for a technologically advanced AM/FM/cassette/CB radio by Clarion that would switch seamlessly between functions during those numerous 3 hour rides from Pennsylvania to New Jersey and back almost every weekend listening to Billy Joel's "The Stranger" and the soundtrack to "Star Wars". Never before or since have I enjoyed or loved a car more. I traded it for a 1980 280ZX once I started medical school but dreamed of driving a Z again for the last 20 years. Literally, I had a recurrent dream of driving my '77 yellow Z around town only to wake up when it would break down and nobody had the knowledge to work on them anymore ! A friggin' nightmare. I decided to hunt down a 1977 280Zap 4 years ago and read every forum I could find (thank you so much). I opted for a final year of S30 production May of '78 280Z in amazing condition and have immensely enjoyed driving and working on it with my 14 year old son who loves it and will eventually inherit it, closing the circle and paying it forward.
  18. Me at 19 with my brand new 73 I loved that car Today's version
  19. 2011 was the end of my starter marriage. Time for a new toy! [I also bought a 2008 Z51 C6] I searched craigslist for a Z within a 300 mile radius of Augusta, GA for months. I finally found one, 1973, decent looking in the photos, for $4000. It was a 2.5 hour drive up to Greenville, SC. The PO bought the car from a Datsun dealer in 1976. He said it was the longest relationship of his life. Daily driven in the 70s and 80s, locked in storage for the following two decades. He said, "I tried to sell her once before, and the guy showed up, but I had to send him away." He handed me the keys and told me to take her for a spin. The rings were sticking from sitting so long so she was blowing plumes of smoke. We took it to a nearby shop for a compression check; steady across the board. I was ready to hand him $4k on the spot. He decided to offer a $500 military discount AND delivered the Z 2.5 hours south back to Georgia. Every so often I think about selling her, but I've owned her for 6 years and have only logged a little over 2,000 miles. I still have some bugs to work out but I want to drive this Z for a long time. The paint job is a 10-footer. I intend to keep it that way. More of a driver's car.
  20. There is a bandied-about myth that the ONLY header to have, the 'ultimate' is an equal-length version. This emanated (imho) from flat-out racing designs as these headers are designed/tuned to give the maximum hp possible at a very narrow and therefore specific engine rev range. None of us in our Zs run all the time at high revs and neither do we run at the same revs - what all of us need is to maximise low-down torque that we use for every gear-shift and the Race-Sport is better for that. But the milder (or even stock) the engine, the smaller the difference between the Street-Sport and Race-Sport....so little that it's not 'worth' paying the extra but the more you prepare your engine, the more relevant to fit the Race-Sport header because you'll better exploit that engine or, said another way - return the investment. Effectively the Race and Street-Sport will follow your current set-up....the 'wilder' you go, the more adapted will be the Race-Sport.
  21. I know this thread is a little old, but I have a clarifying question: Were the Atsugi and Ampco pumps designed with the donut/disk diaphragm rod that was used in the Nikki pumps, or did they use the t-shaped diaphragm rod from the Kyosan Denki pumps? I read in this thread that the Kyosan Denki pumps are replacement pumps that never came installed from the factory (unless I read that wrong), so I assume that all of them use the same rod shape as the Nikki and only the Denkis use the t-shaped rod. Edit: I also just found out that there are two different diaphragm-rod diameters, which makes it even harder. Ultimately the only rebuild kits available are for Kyosan Denki pumps, so I think that might be the way to go. I also noticed that none of the Kyosan Denki pumps I'm seeing on the internet have the staple in the diaphragm tab.

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