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  1. Back at it! Lately I've been working out some bugs I have on the car. My first issue was an intermittent ignition problem that I had. Every once in awhile the car would just crank and crank without starting. Come to find out it was simply a faulty ignition switch (about the only thing that I didn't replace). Second, I wanted to address my suspension. It wasn't too terrible but the BC coilovers were a little harsh for my taste. After some researching, I ended up, 1). Raising the car about an inch. 2). Found out that the rear coilovers had too much preload on the Springs, so they were adjusted. 3). Let out about 5 psi on my tires Now the car rides soooo much better! No longer cringe at the thought of going over a pothole. Very happy about this! Next up are the brakes. They need to be professionally adjusted and possibly re-bled. I will be getting this done next week.
    2 points
  2. The description on those LED lights says they last 25 times longer than incandescents. Since my original factory installed incandescent bulbs have worked nicely for 46 years I'd be good for another 1,000+ years if I switched over. Might be worth the effort. Dennis
    2 points
  3. Jerry, The honest truth about hand throttles is that very, very few cars ever made it into the hands of consumers equipped from Japan with the hand throttle. Most, if not all of the hand throttles we see were added at a later date. My cars have hand throttles but they are not original. What was original was the dual lever housing with the lever and cable removed. None-the-less, it's a great feature.
    1 point
  4. Not to say it couldn't have happened Jerry, but just seems like 8 months into production the factory wouldn't still be adding parts that were required to be removed by the port or selling dealer. If nothing else the cost of wasted parts and effort required by the dealers to remove and replace the choke/ hand throttle would have stopped them being installed pretty quickly I would think. As for the plastic wrap being left on the interior dog leg trim I have seen that on several cars. My #480 car still has them on it too but no hand throttle. My 5/72 still had the shredded and dirty plastic wrap on the front door panels and the seatbelt shoulder straps were stiil wrap in original plastic bags when i got ghe car. Clearly the PDI was hit or miss at some dealerships. It will be interesting to hear what the original owner says. Sent from my SM-T377P using Classic Zcar Club mobile
    1 point
  5. The factory used strips of foam tape that by now has turned to dust. Chuck
    1 point
  6. I have four sub 500 vin cars and all left the factory with the hand throtltle but all were removed either at the port or dealer. I have heard some people claim a few could have somehow slipped through and have been left intact. Possibly on a very early car but I find that very hard to believe on a May 1970 production car. Much more likely a prior owner added it. Sent from my SM-T377P using Classic Zcar Club mobile
    1 point
  7. Re: Daniel Stern -- he has a reputation for being eccentric. You either take his recommendation or he shuts off the conversation. Many satisfied customers and many perplexed by his "customer service". If you can work with him, things generally produce the desired results. Google shows this time and again. The light and wiring kits would seem usable. The wiring kit looks to have the plugs and relays you'd need, with the understanding that these things are generally "universal fit". Hella is regarded better than Autopal for optical quality, pattern, cutoff, etc. and that's what matters most, but Cibie still seems the tops by comparison. Unfortunately their prices are at the top also. Any replacement will likely be an improvement over old, stock bulbs, so it really matters how much you drive at night, require brighter light (older eyes), and can afford to spend. Google specific products when you have things narrowed down, just for backup information.
    1 point
  8. Somebody found a use for old tennis ball cans. Whala, Pringles!
    1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. Are you using the FSM drawings? You need a reference. I install mine by putting all of the springs in to their respective holes, laying on the shop floor, then grabbing both shoes and folding them like a book. Keep tension on them to keep the springs from falling out. Place the proper contact points on contact points and open the book, pressing the shoes on to the backing plate. The springs will stretch as you get things in place and the book will try to stay closed. Then use a knee or a friend to hold them there while you install the little retainers.
    1 point
  11. I've read a lot about those on here. It's a quality control mark during assembly and there's a name for it but I can't remember. Here's something I found real quick. http://www.classiczcars.com/topic/17394-240z-gas-tank-markings/?do=findComment&comment=139605
    1 point

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