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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/06/2017 in all areas

  1. Found the problem! EGR valve had a rock stuck in between the plunger and the housing. Swapped in the new one and she just purrs. My dad thinks it has a perfomance cam in it too, but I have no idea since I lost the rebuild paperwork. Thank you everyone for your help. I'll upload a video of it finally running shortly.
  2. You actually don't have to glue anything. If you are using the stock original style door weatherstrip, the inside, upside down U shaped edge of the weatherstrip fits over the door threshold pinch weld. The welting is then pressed down over this pinch weld, weatherstrip combination which captures the door weatherstriping securely to the car threshold. Hope this helps.
  3. Thanks Mark! Happy to hear some positive feedback beyond the other posts I've read. Gotta wait for parts but I will update when all is in and running.
  4. 1 point
    Valve train certainly is interesting. Those look like early Nissan Comp Aluminium spring retainers. They came in different colors to indicate what lash size they supported. I wouldn't throw the cam away. May just need a slight touch up and a re-parkerizing...... Any markings on the back of the Cam?
  5. To patch the hole you really need a donor panel or someone with a wheel because the panel is curved in 2 directions. The roof skin is really thin and it would be hard to avoid distorting it. The best fix is to just re-skin it but that means removing glass, exterior chrome, interior trim, etc. It is a lot of work as there are probably 150 or more spot welds that have to be drilled out. $4500 seems high but I bet a shop would have close to 100 hours in it by the time it's done.
  6. Double check your firing order since there was confusion in the beginning. TPS is not supposed to move like that, http://atlanticz.ca/zclub/techtips/tps/index.html Use a timing light. Check your PCV valve and hose.
  7. The box looks great. How did you produce the texture pattern on the box?
  8. Original owner!! Cool! Work looks pro.
  9. The interior is painted with silver POR
  10. It looks like a good starting point to me. Mmm, factory air...after that trip to Memphis for ZCON 2015 (8 hours each way in 90+ degree weather), I have been thinking of how nice it would be to have AC every now and again.
  11. 1 point
    So it opens the crimp edge? Most of the ones I've seen cut the flange off, but since we don't have a good source for door skins that's really not desirable

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