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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/13/2017 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Michael the painter at the body shop,... who is my neighbor, just sent me these photos of RedBird in the paint booth! Isn't she lovely??? Jai
  2. 1 point
    Looking good Jai! Can't wait to see photos of her all done.
  3. Could be WAY too rich.... Sent from my iPhone using Classic Zcar Club mobile
  4. Look on the driver's side, to the right of the gas pedal. One goes all the way to the fire wall, another to the side of the radio mount. Take them loose and try working it. Seems like the top one is the one that goes to the firewall? The middle is to the heater core valve on the passenger's side. The bottom is the one that opens those doors behind the radio, or maybe it's the top one??? Anyway I'd bet it's the one to those doors/flaps that you need to free up. That panel is a huge pain to remove. Very fragile to. Good luck.
  5. Why would you assume that? Is it oil residue? Valve guide seals maybe Take a propane flame to it and see if it burns off .
  6. No. The only one that goes directly to the fuse box is the same one that goes to the alternator. The one that goes to the multi-function stalk goes to the fusebox after the switch. The two that go to the ignition relay go to the fusebox after the relay. The one that goes to the ignition switch and powers some stuff after the switch does not go to the fusebox at all (which I consider a design flaw). For example, the starter solenoid has no fuse in the line at all. Neither does the ignition module or coil. Now that we have identified the wiring harness year (probably? hopefully?) you can download that year wiring diagram and take a look. Here's a mostly finished color wiring diagram for 78: http://www.classiczcars.com/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=41454
  7. I think that you need to remove the console and the whole assembly to get behind the panel. It's probably shown in the FSM. Might be in the site's Technical area also. I had a similar problem. The lever pushes and pulls on a stiff cable. If somebody gets aggressive on the push, the cable bends and shortens up. Then it acts like a spring and won't allow the knob to come back. I straightened mine out and had it working for a while but eventually I replaced it with a piece of piano wire.
  8. 1 point
    I see something that was in my truck and blue Monday. That looks GREAT Jai! Those guys jumped on it doggone it. Those black & white Bears will love your fabulously cute little red car.
  9. Ah... but that lovely Lope from a well Tuned L- 6 with a big(ish ) cam and some decent CR just can't be beat.

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