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When I bought my 1973 240z in 1991, it had 72,000 miles. This weekend, after 26 yrs, I surpassed 172,000 miles in my Z (I wanted to pass the 100,000 mile mark in my Z, before I put it away for the winter). This got me wondering how many other Z owners have driven their Z car more than 100,000 miles? It also got me thinking about how my journey with my Z started (see pics below): The article that introduced me to the 240z: The Auto Trader ad that led me to my Z: A pic shortly after I bought my Z: A recent, and my favourite pic of my Z:2 points
I like this one since it leaked without the engine running. The oil just sits below the edge of the pan when the engine's not running. The only seal it can get by is the drain plug's. If you ran the engine then turned it off and let it sit, the filter gasket is a potential leak area,, since it's tilted and is supposed to stay filled.1 point
oil leaks.. clean everything real well from the spark plugs on down. when you see the leak again see if you can see it starting up high like around the head, if not look lower like around the pressure sending unit or oil filter. If still dry look closely at the pan, right at the mating surfaces. is it in the front or back of the engine? if in the back of the engine do you see any oil coming from the weep hole on the bottom of the bell housing of the transmission? this can be hard to determine, clean this area well with some brake cleaner. IF you have what looks like a pan gasket leak in the back of the engine AND if you can see what looks like a leak that is coming out of the weep hole, then you may have a rear main leak. the only way to know for sure is to pull the trans and the clutch and the pressure plate and take a look at the rear main. focus on the seal AND look at the seam that is where the rear main side seal resides. I had a persistent leak that did not respond to the pan gasket or the rear main but from the side seals. You can replace the rear side seals without pulling the trans, can do them when doing the pan gasket. You pull the pan, then unbolt the rear main bearing cap (need a puller or fashion something to pull it) don't mess up the main bearing, replace the seals, use the sealant as per the FSM, make sure the pan is not dimpled from over tightening use a new gasket and hope for the best. My leak was from the side seals for sure. It looked like a pan leak.1 point
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1 point
Haha, great. I had some a growling dog/wolf sound too, over by the "hound of hell" by the devil... but it died real quickly. I even scared a few parents, mostly with the Nun from The Conjuring, which I don't think you can see if the pictures... here she is. She's actually very scary in the movie "The Conjuring 2", which I've only seen clips of. Might even compete with the Exorcist lady for scariness. And her "theme song" is "Hark the Herald Angels Sing" (Christmas song) which really ups to creepy factor (It's in the movie, not my idea unfortunately..). Valak's theme song youtube Several adults asked if she moved, and I said "not until dark!" hahaha it's just a styrofoam head painted by me, with a nun costume, on a lamp stand.... I've become very resourceful since I've gotten the Z! And here's a few more Halloween photos, while I'm at it...1 point
Nice AND scary. You have all the attributes needed. Engineering graduate, potential alcoholic, artist, shade-tree mechanic, avid thrift store shopper, ebay seller, Halloween fanatic, ex pothead, and some other stuff.1 point
My other hobby is Halloween. I set up at a family member's house since I don't have a yard. And their neighborhood is like the biggest Halloween draw in the city. Most of the stuff you see was "custom" made by me, or assembled from bits and pieces. At least one of those monsters was made using an old Christmas tree stand lol. Some others used old fan stands. I set all of this up starting at 6 am Oct 31. We had over 650 Trick or Treaters. It was cold, 25 F and light snow. Then I put it all away after, passed out with extreme soreness at about 10 pm. I'm not 18 anymore hahaha. My DD Tahoe also broke the sun shell at noon (transmission, lost R, 2, and 4), after picking up some dry ice and balloons. Not sure I'm going to fix it, time for a new daily... that's what's really scary! Sorry I didn't get any night/lighting pics, I was too busy scaring kids as Michael Myers. But I had lots of blue LED floods, amber LED candles, and lots of red and fire n ice light for the gates of hell. And two fog machines with chillers.1 point
Not my car - some of my my rescued partZ. Working to rehabilitate a 240Z grill. A friend has a blasting cabinet so I was able to get all the small pieces easily cleaned up. The blades are too long for the cabinet, getting stripped with a drill motor and sanding wheel (not disc). Original paint plus one or two additional layers.1 point
I drove my Z down to Sugar Hill Speed Shop (https://www.facebook.com/Sugar-Hill-Speed-Shop-1001732356563108/photos) today to pick up an engine, flywheel and clutch that a friend gave me. We loaded it up on another friend's truck and stored it in his garage. The engine is a fresh rebuild with less than 150 miles on it. I attached a photo of the car it came out of. The friend who is storing the engine for me is going to help me with the engine swap in about a month from now. I have been unbelievably blessed with making some incredible friendships over the last few years.1 point
Here is Zup's Garage radio lab video. There was a problem with the original file name. This one is destined for his 7/70 car I believe. A fun day in the Zup garage ....1 point
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