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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/18/2019 in all areas

  1. I randomly seem to stumble on nice stuff by accident. I always dreamed about triple Mikunis for my Z, but i always felt in the current situation with the house going on i save them for buying them later, even with rapidly rising prices. Then one day i accidently came accross these nice carbs for sale on an Austrian ads website. A bit of negotiation, a payment and they arrived here today: They are genuine japan made Mikuni (Solex) PHH40 S5 (5-screw) carbs. You might wonder why PHH40? I don't plan to run any crazy numbers, so the PHH40 should be nice with my calculations. we'll see. i think i can swap them for PHH44 when i figure out that i was wrong in future. The deal was too god to say now. it was a once in a lifetime opportunity. They have been beautifully restored. Probably will zinc plate all the bolts but not sure yet: It even gets better: They're fully restored, and came with a free set of intake side gaskets and beautiful velocity stacks. After all i'm very happy with my purchase and i think my engine setup comes along nicely with the FET Intake manifold and the Kakimoto valve cover. The whole engine side of things is still on a bit on hold, but when i find good parts like this, i just have to save them for the future ?
  2. Got parts back from plating. Sorted these into separate boxes to help keep things organized. Items are categorized as, Nuts, Bolts, Washers, Brake parts, Carb and Smog parts, small screws and washers, silver zinc parts, and misc. That will help when I start putting things back together.
  3. Exactly. I'm fully confident in your confidence!
  4. On a whim I tried their chat function. They said 2-4 weeks. Don't know if it's real but they didn't say next week. You can't "Watch" it unless you're a member.
  5. 1 point
    I have a friend going to look at it Monday. If it is decent, we will pick it up if the price is still reasonable and part it out between our two builds and sell the remainder to others interested in parts. Hate to see this get crushed and there is really no chance of it being restored with out a chop job....
  6. Hi Jim, Actually, the two shown are not for this car and are for earlier models (E30 and ?, I probably should not have included them on this thread) . They do not have the side port near the outlet which is unique to the '73 and '74s. The '73 manifold, I'm guessing early '73 (N36), has the side port as shown below and in earlier post. As you know, there is a tube that routes from this port up to the balance tube. On the '73 exhaust manifold, I drilled and tapped the smog ports. You can actually see part of that manifold in one of the above pics (3 manifolds). Also, I re-posted the '73 manifold pics below. The '74 manifold are much larger as seen in your picture. Not sure when the change came about for the larger size, but both have the side port. Yes, funny thing about the air galley and the discoloration. Not sure if there is any way to prevent that. It seems to discolor more if you disable the air pump which probably gets the air galley real hot since there is nothing to cool it down. It does appear that after the initial discoloration that the color stabilizes which is a good thing. And, I really don't have enough experience with the different platers to know which ones have a better finish or not. Will have to see how the air galley for this '73 does as it is NOS. Hopefully that does well.
  7. I re-discovered an orphan E-30 head in my pile last month while looking for other things. It should find a new home... hint hint....
  8. I'll have to check. My buddy owns it. If it has, it will have a fat headgasket.. (or no flattop pistons, like in a L26 (euro)) I think that when i tested a E30 on my L24 it had a compression around 1:12 ?? or even higher, after a few runs the gasket went... And i installed the (revised) Original E88 back on it.. was in 2007..(car ran fine it just needed new gaskets and seals then.) till today it runs beautiful but after 48 years the pistonrings are getting very old.. Last year i went to a dealer in Germany and i drove it over 200km/h on the German highway and i think i have blown a valveseal or something.. (broken a pistonring? comp. is good at all 6) , since then it uses a bit to much oil.. ( my 240z is up for an complete overhaul after i finish my orig. dutch (euro type) 280zx 2+2 slick roof..)
  9. As Gav points out, I just got them off Yahoo Japan in 4 separate auctions.
  10. 1 point
    That will teach him not to remove the diving board bumpers, what do you think it will go for?
  11. I have got one coming from Japan for about AU$100. Nissan in Aus wanted around $350!
  12. Thanks for taking that "bad toupee " off the dash. The repair is much, much better.
  13. @Home Built by Jeff Much better!!! The heater valves are hard to service and can be a little pricey. Some other guys have found newer parts that will work as a suitable replacement with some rework.
  14. 1 point
    The good news is it takes up less garage space than a traditional Z...
  15. 1 point
    Oh wonderful. No time or space to get it. Just a lousy 77 anyway.. hehehehehehe
  16. I’m in the quiet end of the state - thankfully ?
  17. I have the rollers and cups. Grind off the back of the shoulder rivet and press out the rivet. The press back in the rivet and put a small tack weld on it.
  18. I designed and printed replacements for the washers. Printed in TPU - oil, grease resistant & extremely flexible. it has a similar flexibility to rubber. Does not require the rollers to be removed will flex enough to get over.
  19. Some small progress to report. I have completed the porting of the EFI intake manifold and runners and will move on to the drilling and tapping of the E88 cylinder head. A little nerve wracking but I have confidence my lack of skill and experience coupled with bold determination will shield me (and my cyl. head) from any harm.... New shiny parts are on their way too... more to report soon!
  20. It is a 1968 Datsun 2000. IT has the Comp oil pan, Datsun Comp C cam and the dual DCOE 45's. I just redid the interior, pulled the dash got the heater working and put some insulation down on the floor. It is a supremely good driving car.
  21. The description says that it has been fitted with a 5-speed transmission. If it came from the same source vehicle as the engine (?) then it would be an FS5C71-B, which would require shifter and/or tunnel mods in this 1970 production bodyshell. An FS5C71-A would be a straight fit, so I presume it is a B-type 5-speed.
  22. I was able to get two of the fittings to loosen on one of the manifolds. That is very promising. The other four on that same manifold would not budge. So, I think I will let them soak some more and try again on Thursday. No rush as this would be worth the wait. The fire and ice seems to work pretty well. Hopefully it will allow the Kroil to penetrate a little deeper on the fittings that would not move. The second manifold wasn't moving at all. So, I think I will continue to soak that one as well. I took the throttle shafts into Olympic coatings for a dry film lube coating. This should hopefully replicate the previous green coating that was on the throttle shafts. Forgot to take before pics on these. Also got a couple tires in today from @jayhawk. I will wait till later before I unwrap them. Pretty sure they are some nice Bridgestones.
  23. Well there's your problem... Maybe try loosening them instead of unloosening them? Seriously though, good luck with the endeavor. My only word of advice is of potential personal safety... The active ingredient in that freeze spray stuff (R152) is difluoroethane, and I'm no expert on the topic, but one of the components of flame decomposition of many of the fluorocarbons is hydrogen fluoride gas. Problem with hydrogen fluoride gas is that it turns into hydrofluoric acid when it comes into contact with water. And as a fictional silicon life form once pointed out, you're a bag of mostly water. Short story? I'm certainly no expert in the field, but I don't think it would be a good idea to work with a torch in one hand and the freeze spray can in the other and don't light the freeze spray on fire. Speaking of such things, I did exactly that with a can of R134 (tetrafluoroethane) a coupe months ago. And 24 hours later, based on the corrosion spray pattern behind what I was working on, I think I created some hydrofluoric. I had all the ingredients there at the same time. Very very nasty stuff.
  24. Bought a couple air galley's since these were pretty hard to find. One for this car and one for my white Z. Now that these are getting way too pricey, I am going to try and salvage these two. I have been soaking the two set-ups shown below in alternate soakings of Kroil and PB blaster. After about a week, I will hit them with fire and ice (torch on the exhaust manifold, then ice cube on the fitting) and see if I can get them to budge. I am not optimistic, but will give it a try. If that doesn't work, then I will just cut them off and drill and tap.
  25. Yes, it is nice to have someone with his quality of work. The delay is due to the number of Z cars he is working on concurrently. Here's a pic of the staging area: Can you tell that I am ready for the body to show up? I actually had an old '73 exhaust manifold laying around, so I worked on removing the old vestiges of the air galley and re-tapped the holes. Also, the large plug for the tube that goes from this manifold to the balance tube came out pretty easily. I will take this over to Olympic and get it ceramic coated. New air galley's are getting hard to find (meaning expensive) and old ones never come off well. Zstore and Zeddsaver are out of stock on these. Had to pick up one from Jay at jdm-parts.com It should arrive in a couple days.
  26. I like the stamped numbers! Clever!
  27. I haven’t seen anything that says otherwise. 100% positive rating on ebay seems to support that as well. They’ve sold enough seats that someone would have busted them by now if they were fake. When you look at what mediocre aftermarket seats can cost, these are worth it even if they’re phony.
  28. Yup. Here is a photo from last summer:
  29. Just read your whole garage build thread, Epic! Will be great to have all your projects under one roof then just walk upstairs and you're home.
  30. The new garages! Life is good... Sent from Canadia

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