I heard a radio commentator say today that he was amazed how politicized the CO-19 situation has become. People are ignoring science and choosing what to believe based on political inclination as well as their own convenience.
Personally, I'm on the side of science. Maybe it's having earned a PhD, but to me politics and my personal convenience make no difference. Health and survival first. Even if I were of a different political persuasion, I wouldn't be running around in public without a mask. And when I shop, I wear nitrile gloves and clean them before re-use.
This weekend I saw pictures of people jamming a few restaurants that have opened. Not a single one is wearing a mask. I wonder what in the hell they are thinking and wondering whether they are not very bright, making a political statement, too stir-crazy, or a mixture of all three.
I know the virus is out there, and in reality, nothing has changed over the past two months except that we have taken enough precautions to spread out the peak and save people from dying in hospital corridors due to lack of ventilators. As soon as we start mixing together, it's clear that the infections and deaths will increase in number. I don't plan to be among them. Not this summer, not this fall, and not until we find ways to provide more protection than a mask.