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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/09/2020 in all areas

  1. 2 points
  2. My name is Gerson Caicedo, my wife and I are the sole owners of kfvintagejdm.com and klassicfab.com..I ran into this thread while doing some Zcar vendor research online today. First off I want to say that we(kfvintagejdm) are not affiliated with any shop, vendor, reseller, or organization anywhere in the world...PERIOD!!! my wife and I own the company outright and we answer to no one, except you the client/enthusiast....It has always been this way, we have been making reproduction sheet metal for close to 20 years now. We have a full stamping plant and reverse engineering shop where we laser scan, and reverse engineer all these new Japanese parts that we are introducing. We also make ALL our stamping and cutting tools..we even make our own hydraulic stamping presses.Our factory is located in Bogota Colombia and our sales office is located in Riviera Beach Florida..we have a distribution warehouse in Valencia Spain to serve out European clients, we also have distributors in Japan, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa. we are in the process of building a 6,0000sft distribution shop in Indiantown Florida. Our aim is to be your go to company for quality reproduction sheet metal for your Classic Japanese cars..... website www.kfvintagejdm.com website www.klassicfab.com IG @kfvintagejdm IG@klassicfabrications_inc FB @kfvintagejdm FB @klassic Fbrications Inc
    2 points
  3. Sale 1 Pontiac for $400 then buy twenty $20 car covers.
    1 point
  4. I just IM'd a friend in Spokane and he said that the seller is being inundated by interested buyers from all over the country. It sounds like a bidding war for the lot. ?
    1 point
  5. Glad to help. I'll take a look at what I have for raw materials around here and let you know.
    1 point
  6. Greg, that is a full cover and not a Vintage Dash I am assuming... Looks nice, and passed dreaded heat test.
    1 point
  7. OK. I thought it might be aluminum. I know I found a bunch of aluminum ones when I was searching around, but wasn't sure if that's what you had. As for the micrometer... You got most of it right. It's a 1-2 inch mic, so yes, it's 1+something. And yes, the numbered hash marks make it 1.3 something. And yes... The un-numbered hash lines are each 1/4 of the major hash lines But since each of those minor hash lines is 1/4 of .100, it works out to twenty-five thousandths (.025). And as you turn the thimble (the part that spins), you are counting up thousandths to add to the previous .025 hash mark. So if the zero on the spindle lined up perfectly with the third minor hash line, you would be at 1.375 (1.3 + .075). But you're actually three thousandths beyond that 3/4 hash mark, so you have to add three more thousandths. 1.375 + .003, or 1.378 I whipped this up to hopefully help:
    1 point
  8. After repairing my original dash a few times and having crack again after each time I finally succumbed and installed a full dash cover. I took the the car out in 91degree heat today and no issues with the new cover and I'm pleased with the result. ?
    1 point
  9. I took the 260Z on a local "Maskparade" tour. I had the only old Japanese car out there, and it did draw some attention before the tour started. However, many more people came by after we were done. It was fun to get it out on the roads, and it drove so well.
    1 point

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