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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/05/2020 in all areas

  1. At first look, my last remaining brain cells screamed "Appliance Wheels" But, it goggled Appliance wheels and came up with this link. http://vintagewheelcatalogs.com/ Thanks to the creator of that website for preserving vintage catalogs!
  2. Crager made some also, from 1979
  3. What a great site! OK seems like they are Western Clyclone II Western 1976 Vintage Wheel Catalogs.htm
  4. No engineer here, bean counter, but I did room with one at FTU (now UCF) I think I was accepted into the engineer club when I was able to quote star trek during summer reruns (and I knew the resistor color code, that was unexpected). We had 4 engineers and one accountant in the dorm suite.
  5. I laugh because I had initially thought it was to cover rust....I am even happier now! LOL. Thanks for the replies and solving the mystery. Had I not bought a second one I would have never thought to ask the question. See, it makes sense to own more than one Z. I am going to tell my wife the benefit of more than one Z car....she will be so happy....NOT.
  6. 1 point
    Make sure your fuel filter (stock design) is mounted vertically with the outlet on top. Inside the fuel filter, the opening for the outlet is low when the filter is mounted properly, so the fuel does not fill the filter typically. I hope this image give you a good visual. The photos you posted are in a format that users with Windows computers cannot open easily. I am lazy and do not care to install software that allows me to look at them. You may want to look at converting the photos to a JPG format. As for fuel starving, go back and give us details. Why did you add in the electric fuel pump? Do all of the fuel lines have smooth bends that don't kink the hoses? Have you checked the fuel pressure between the pumps? You don't want too much pressure (>4 PSI) on the fuel rail, as you will overwhelm the floats.
  7. 1 point
    I still had to replace the steering box on the mustang, so finished this last couple of days. In an earlier stage I allready replaced the rest of the steering assembly. I thought this would solve the left to right play in the steering wheel from inside the car, now everything is replaced but it is still there, maybe I need to adjust something, somewhere, I did email the guy who sold it to me, so waiting for his reply/advice. Now wait for the transmission to be back early september
  8. Hi all, apologies if I miss state the current situation. - the car crank up - there sparks on each spark plug - direct wire connect to fuel pump, the pump spin - fusible links have continuity - starter works hence sparks on spark plugs - turn the key to on, a noise coming out from AFM connect voltmeter to fuel pump while turning the key to start got zero volt. That’s why I start from to trouble shoot why there is no power to the fuel pump. i will keep digging from the manual to find info. I’ll be honest, tracing wire diagrams and the symbols like relay is pretty tough for me. The answer is all there. It just doesn’t make much sense to me is all. I’ll keep looking but if you have more info, please help. @Zed Head I’m not offended that easy. If I don’t know, I don’t know. Remember you help me the other day with the brake could not hold pressure!? It’s only easy if someone point it out what you did wrong. It would take me days if not weeks to figure it out. But once you explained, made perfect sense and I thank you for that. I learned something. regards
  9. Well, I finally started working on my "New" 280Z (350 Miles). I plan to have it finished and take it to ZCON in September. Larry from AMMO NYC came down last week and did a full Paint Preservation/Restoration, making the car look all the more unbelievable. I'll start adding some detail photos when I can, but here ar e a few.
  10. Thank you! Great advice! ...Yes I have several things to ponder before I start really fixing things in the car. While I haven´t been able to do any serious work on it I´ve been doing a lot of research (this site is an amazing source of information) and trying to decide on certain things like for example if I want to keep the original engine or do a swap for something more modern/reliable, or if I´ll keep the current paint job or change it to another color that better matches the red interior...or on the contrary, may be just changing the color of the interior. I´m still not sure, every option has pros and cons. What I´m sure about is that I don´t want/need to do a complete restoration and full originality but at the same time I neither want to radically transform or customize it. It´ll probably wind up being a mild resto mod, basically stock looking but with little improvements here and there (like LED lights, a better sound system and such) What you can be sure is that I´ll be coming back here to show this project´s progress and certainly to ask a lot of questions. Have a great day everyone!
  11. Yeah yeah.. Last week i got out of the car and hurt my back really bad.. went to the doctor and he told me i have a hernia... It's véry painfull.. i barely can walk.. I wanted to make a set of pic's of the finished car.. (inside and out) but i'm at the moment more or less tied to my chair and bed.. (A lot of #%&^$#*^%$...GRrrrrr..) Here i got this one on my pc so can post this one, made in Boxmeer (The Netherlands of course, When i was at the carpartsshop) The car is stil not waxed... I did install the last inside trimmings before the hernia.. Doctor says i can take 12 weeks to recover..
  12. 1 point
    So we sold mommas blue 350z a year or so ago when she got a company car. Yesterday we made a trade. I had this 2004 6.0 turbo diesel Lariat 2006 350z plum, automatic She looks really crushed, doesn't she???
  13. Parasol Paints in Toronto, Canada (www.parasolinc.com) will custom-mix a vinyl paint to perfectly match your color. Send them a small sample of vinyl from the underside of a seat or cut from the back hem of a trim panel. A 1/2-inch square will do. You'll need 1 qt. to do the dash and centre console (estimated cost of US$100/qt, shipping extra). I had them mix up two quarts the match my butterscotch seats (sourced from Banzai). The color match was spot on, the product applied very nicely, and it has held up very well over the years (no lifting or peeling). Parasol's vinyl paint is applied with a standard-issue HVLP spray gun. It's water-based and the gun cleans up easily, provided that you do this right after you finish spraying). You'll need to apply at least 3 medium coats to cover a black surface with a light brown paint. Regardless of whose vinyl paint you end up using, you will need to be relentless in your prep work. All traces of silicone (ArmorAll, etc) need to be removed or else you will get major 'fish-eye' when you try to apply the paint (and you can't just wipe the crazed vinyl paint off and start over again). SEM offers a pair of cleaning products for a two-step process. Effective (if used properly), but not cheap. Parasol offers their own line of cleaners.

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