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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/31/2021 in all areas

  1. Many of us have someone in our family or another family that has made this sacrifice. Take a moment over the day to remember our fallen. Happy Memorial Day. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. 3 points
    Because (as mentioned above), 95% is not 100%. Since your in the flight business... If 100 flights were to come into your local airport and 95% of them landed safely. And, of course, one other possibility is that it's a mutation variant that is able to slip through the existing vaccine. That's why even if you don't think you need it for yourself, do it for all the other people you come into contact with. We're all in this together and if you don't get vaccinated, you're potentially the Petri dish for the virus to mutate. If you want to get back to normal, get your vaccine!!
  3. 2 points
    Because the better vaccines efficacy are ~95% (Moderna & Pfizer). This means that 95% exposed to the virus will not test positive but 5% of those vaccinated and are exposed to the virus will get the disease and test positive. Fortunately most of those will be asymptomatic and show no symptoms (and feel well), but others may exhibit some symptoms. Stats show that nearly all who show symptoms will have mild case due to the way vaccines prepare the body to battle new pathogens on entry. This is why the vaccines are great. Unfortunately J&J and AstraZenica vaccines are less effective ~ 60% so most with these shots can still test positive if exposed and also spread the disease as well as get mildly sick. For these scientific AND LOGICAL reasons, it is best practice to continue wearing a mask until most in a region are vaccinated with the better vaccines or the virus is eradicated in a region then all entering into that"clean" region are tested on entry. UK will have a longer battle to snuff out the virus as they are mostly AZ jabbed and only ~60% will be safe, the other ~40% of them will continue to spread the virus about among themselves unless they continue to wear masks to stop this. The good news is that with ~80% vaccinated with the 95% efficacy, heard immunity will eradicate the virus in those regions. These models with shown over a year ago. In our province, we had our active case counts to 0 for most of 2020 (with no one vaccinated) but our idiot PM (who controlled airports under FED Govt) continued to let untested people fly in with the virus. He is an evil ****er to have done this and the deaths and illnesses here are mostly due to him.
  4. 2 points
    The Sun is a highly questionable source at best; it's a Rupert Murdoch publication that's trashy and sensational...about even with the Enquirer. I will have to see much more reliable reports to give this any credence.
  5. 1 point
    Actually, I'm in Aviation. I work in The Big Shed. So sort of in the flight business, eh? Probably more risk and exposure there, about 45,000 people wander in and out everyday. A small city. And it is situated on the northeast apron of the Snohomish County Airport.
  6. Stroker is ready to drop in. Finding time lately has been rough. IMG_2282.MOV
  7. I have been using the Bosch version since 2012 without any issues what so ever. I can't open it without damaging it, so can not say anything about the internals. I did remove the cover from one of my working spare JECS relays. Here are some of my photos.
  8. VTO, a Classiczcar website sponsor, offers a nice version.
  9. The chances are that if it is in the Nissan relay, you'll find it in the Bosch relay since the Nissan system is a licensed copy of the Bosch.
  10. Looks Great! I would also replace all the rubber brake lines while you have the suspension apart. It really becomes a real pain in the butt when you put in all the work and re bleed the brake lines just to find a cracked hose. Been there once and will never make that mistake again
  11. I have nos rubber for them, spare set came with my car. Happy to sell them on to someone who will use them.
  12. American Racing did the original Libre alloy mag wheel for the 240Z, they were 14" diameter and 5 1/2" wide. BRE/Interpart used to sell them. Shelby and a few other companies did knock off but originals have ARE on the inside face. I just bought a set recently and have seen them pop up for sale on a regular basis. BRE have had them remade and sell them in various sizes. https://www.bre2.net/mm5/merchant.mvc?Screen=CTGY&Store_Code=B&Category_Code=bre_datsun_libre_wheels BRE Z parts catalog 3_71.pdf
  13. Just came across this one. Who knows what the innards look like. The problems don't show on the outside. https://www.ebay.com/itm/174753879999?hash=item28b02497bf:g:JK8AAOSwzOhgjcRl
  14. 1 point
    I'm not a bit surprised that it may have come from a lab. As long as they can claim plausible deniability, they're safe.
  15. 1 point
    My entire family is vaccinated and overall Colorado is more than 40% vaccinated (even with the anti-vax right wing in some areas.) Add to that the number of post-covid people and we're up there in the 70% or better range. I'll be very comfy moving around with the related guidelines as they develop.
  16. 1 point
    I don't want to be a buzz-kill but the CDC is making a "greater good" choice with their new mask guidance. Be careful. Know your local area. The CDC is thinking in terms of the whole of the United States and they and the federal government want to "reward" people for being good and getting vaccinated. Still a lot of unknowns out there, as far as variants, plus vaccinated people can still get COVID. Sorry. Buzzz....killed. Here's my region. Alabama looks pretty good now but you guys had some high numbers for a while.
  17. I checked a few R200 vents I have. The arrow points forward. My finned R200 cover has a metal vent which remains closed until the spring loaded valve is opened to relieve the excess pressure. I measured it if you are interested in swapping one of these in place of the plastic one. It is 14mm. Don't know the part number or availability off hand. Edit - After removing and studying one of the plastic vents from a R200 cover, I can't see any reason why the arrow couldn't also point to the rear as long as the through holes in the case are oriented to the sides, which they would be either way.

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