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Just thought I'd pop in to say I finally found an affordable alternative to my Zed! After test driving some BMW m3's and M2 Competitions, and considering a 911, I just didn't want to spend north of 50,000 dollars for a toy! Then I found this car advertised in Edmonton, and negotiated a good deal for the same money I got for the Datsun. A 2006 BMW Z4 M! I am loving the convertible driving experience, and it actually feels reminiscent of the Datsun, two seater, long, sexy hood loads of power from the beautiful sounding straight six! And, the wife now wants to go on road trips! It is admittedly much more comfortable for longer distances. The car seems to have been well cared for, 56,000 kms over 3 previous owners, it has a few scratches on the rear bumper, and the wheels have some curb rash and will be refurbished at the end of the driving season. No owners manual or service records though, I will track them down hopefully, car has been in Alberta all it's life. Fully vaccinated and heading to Jasper for a road trip this week!11 points
Ahh, Z4 M roadster. The ever sexy S54 engine! I bought a 3.0Si today2 points
1 point
You two look great together... you are following Grannyknot's lead Red & Silver is spot on! @grannyknot1 point
1 point
True, but the effectiveness of the vaccine has been empirically demonstrated. The FDA is always a few years behind reality.1 point
If it's a rod bearing, disconnecting the spark plug wire from the plug, while it's idling, will substantially lower the ticking noise.1 point
1 point
Who doesn't need a major overhaul? CDC also suffering from massive mission drift as well...1 point
The Black Box. Probably would have had to get a "Q" clearance. Q used to mean just a certain level of security clearance. I assume that "Q", whoever Q is/are, has/had a Q clearance, hence the moniker "Q". Anyway, you missed out on the whole Boeing culture in the PNW. Work hard, get laid off, collect unemployment knowing that the cycle will repeat. I had some friends in the Boeing world. No offense Racer I don't know if you're an engineer or not. But there really is a "Boeing way of life" out here.1 point
I haven't seen the Resident Evil movies... probably would be good time to catch up. I believe another one is World War Z..1 point
The FDA is not really what people think it is. It suffers from serious "mission drift". It needs a major overhaul. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-vaccines-fda-exclu/exclusive-top-adviser-steps-aside-from-fda-covid-19-vaccine-reviews-over-potential-conflict-idUSKCN26E3IW https://ethics.harvard.edu/blog/risky-drugs-why-fda-cannot-be-trusted1 point
LOL. Yeah, what science fiction was that one? Resident Evil? Did I get the right one? Big corporation builds virus in an attempt to create a super-soldier. Doesn't work right and escapes from the lab and animates dead tissue. That's the one, right?1 point
Well I was thinking that things that fly are aviation. But I'm not in the business, so I don't know the finer points. However.... I almost WAS in the business. Recruited out of college and flown out there for a "mass" interview where a gaggle of soon-to-be graduation students are all brought out at the same time and stuffed into a meeting room. In that room, they are forced to watch boring corporate videos (on VHS) and have ridiculous question and answer sessions before being led one a glamorous plant tour by some woman from personnel to show them where they could be working. When it came for the plant tour, two guys from some other department came looking for me... "Mr. Obvious, can you come with us please?" They took me out of the gaggle and led me to another small meeting room where they interviewed me for about an hour asking all sorts of stuff... When I asked a couple questions about what I would be doing, they pointed out the meeting room window to a different building which had all the windows covered up. They said they couldn't tell me anything at all about what I would be doing, or what I would be working on, but they assured me that it would be great work. I never got the plant tour. I have no idea why they singled me out, and I didn't take the job, so I have no idea what it was. Clearly military. B-2 maybe? Almost took it, but didn't. So we were almost work-mates. You, me and the other 45000?1 point
Took a different look at what to do so I can get my brown 72 in driving condition for the summer. I was building this engine for the car when I was married to Mrs. Racer 1.0. The bottom end was done and I had started on a head for it when we split up. Right after that I was at Portland with the race Z for an ICSCC meet and had a crankshaft break. I was leading the points in my class, and the next meet was Pacific Raceways the following week. I didn’t have time to build another bottom end, so I swapped the head and other stuff and ran it for one weekend. Took the head and other stuff off a couple weeks later and put it all and a fresh race prepped bottom end. That was about 24 years ago. It is an L24 P30 block, bored 0.030 over. The cylinders are eyebrow clearanced. The crankcase was smoothed and sealed with Glyptal. The head, intake and exhaust from my race car have already been on it once, so they would feel right at home. I don’t plan on returning to the class I ran the race Z in again, so that setup is available. Stay tuned, eh?1 point
Have you ridden in or driven a stroker Datsun yet ? You are going to love it !1 point
Diff wise, it helps if (for the lower one) you have the "outie " style as far as getting a wrench on it to take it out, as it points at the transverse link bar. What really matters is to put the one with the magnet in the bottom hole. That and having it fit and not leak..... As to what is "correct" factory wise, I leave that to the historians. Transmission wise I usually see an outie on the fill hole and innie on drain hole.1 point
Many of us have someone in our family or another family that has made this sacrifice. Take a moment over the day to remember our fallen. Happy Memorial Day. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk1 point
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