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  1. No, we are not reusing any molds, these are new molds made by us over the last 3 years from NOS fender samples.
    6 points
  2. It occurred to me as I was leaving this page after having read this (and agreeing), that this forum has attracted and retained amazingly friendly and helpful soles. I've been on and off here a long time and every time I dig into someone's topic and read the community's offerings I am reminded how much I appreciate them and admire the seemingly endless well of knowledge and encouragement freely given. I enjoy being here and hope I can pay it forward.
    4 points
  3. So I am messing around with heater boxes right now and I was pressure testing two heater valves I had. I cobbled together some hoses to attach my coolant tester to. One valve did ok, although it leaks slightly around the push rod when it's being actuated. The other leaks badly as the junction of the brass body to the steel bracketry. So in the best Captain Obvious manner, I decided to take it apart! Folded the ears back and removed the bracketry The internals just pull out after that There is a square O ring seal between the hard plastic end and an inner washer. I think if it were replaced the valve would seal up. I've started looking for suitable O rings without having to buy a 100qty. Bead blasted the valve body just for fun
    2 points
  4. He also lifted the new transmission (a 720 box, not a 280Z box) into place, and we worked well together to get it bolted in. We verified the clutch engages and will disengage. Next Saturday, I'll put all of the parts back in...and fill the transmission.
    2 points
  5. I think it came here to europe as a technician at Datsun/nissan center ordered the wrong loom and it stayed in Germany or so for a long long time.. These days, if the loom is in great chape it could be a very expensive loom! (You should investigate more in direction of Japanese JDM carpart guys..)
    1 point
  6. Hahaha.. Funny.. Washing powder=That white powder you use to wash chothing.. For softening rubber we specific use "BIOTEX green" But that's a very local brand name, that's why i didn't mention that.. And.. yes heat is a big help but i always better take it easy with just a few times new hot water on it and that's okay.. you can put it on a stove and heat it but be carful not to ruine it.. Looks like in Denmark they also know this brand... On another note: I worked years in security system services and the fire-security system of the biotex factory was one of the big systems i serviced!
    1 point
  7. Do you have the torque converter to go with the 4N71 transmission? Otherwise the OD gear won't work right. Also, there are two versions. L4N71B has a regular torque converter, and the E4N71B has an electronic torque converter. I'm not sure which one came on the Maxima, but the E4N71B version should have some wiring to make it work. A little more searching suggests that if it's a Maxima transmission, it's the L4N71B.
    1 point
  8. We'll know the answer to that question after you've located the NAPA kit.😄 I suspect that the internals didn't change over the design history of that valve. Base plate, levers, mounting holes, yes. But cylinder, cap, plunger, rod and seal --- less likely.
    1 point
  9. When I was younger I was naive on the nature of humans and have changed my view over the years. The world while full of great and generous people there are a lot of bad actors out there. It’s really really part of the nature of humanity, we are a competitive species with many bad traits that come out when our basket of goods is threatened. I’m reading the book The Peloponnesian War right now. The war occurred before Alexander The Great about 2500 years ago. You realize we cannot change our species, we have the same antics, same back stabbing, same ruthlessness today as we did then. We’ve progressed far technologically but we haven’t really changed who we are as a species. The goal for me is to fight these tendencies and always be the best human I can. The trolls like you saw in your post should be ignored and shunned, that’s all you can do…..pay it forward and do good!!
    1 point
  10. A few photos to go with my write-up. I didn't take any photos of the work that I did with my door trim panels. These pix show the same technique used for the rear kick panels...
    1 point
  11. Just wanted to add some noise to the conversation, this dude makes some really nice interiors for other Datsuns. Wonder what two completely new door cards would cost, and how close they are to OEM. https://www.instagram.com/tree_ausawa/
    1 point
  12. Kats, I have finally found all of the necessary parts for my differential relocation, and wanted to again thank you for helping me find a NOS diff. insulator. below, I wanted to include a picture of my restored mustache bar as I have, again, taken a lesson from you on how this should be done. Thanks again, Kats.
    1 point

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