I used the bottled Rit black dye, one bottle for each 27 gallon plastic tub. I filled each tub about half-way full with the garden hose and then added the dye. Put the hatch carpet section in one tub and the front/rear seat sections in the other tub. Mixed it a bit with a big stick. Let it sit over night. Turned the sections over about half-way through just to make sure the dying was even. Rinsed the carpet the next day with the hose and set them out in the sun to dry. Make sure they are completely dry before reinstalling them. In bright outdoor light, some areas tend to have a purplish sheen, similar to a bad hair-dye job. The sheen is not too noticeable when the carpet is installed in the car. In retrospect, probably should have used two bottles of dye for each tub. A carpet set from Black Dragon Auto was previously installed in the car, but I was never happy with the fit. I've since noticed that a lot of these new carpet kits don't have the slots and fittings to hold the carpet in place like they should. Glad I saved the originals.