So it took me literally hours just to set up the posts & plate. First I screwed the plate to the rafters, then levelled the posts & jacked it carefully using 2 bottle jacks & then a floor jack in the middle (cut all the stud nails first!). Then I cut 2x4s to fit (95") & clamped then screwed them together
Added some cross bracing, since it's gonna be there a couple days, since it took me so long to setup .
Found after that that the corner post is toast so I removed it entirely
Extra large end opening now. Have to do the sill first, then the corner post , then tie the door frame to the post, then address the studs
Doors will be much more level than before, once it's all tied together
Cleaned the foundation, packed some gravel in the openings & added some concrete (not finished) - I'm going to add another anchor bolt at the west end to the 8' section going in