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Yes, they are a reputable company and yes, their products are good. Many people across the world - including several who frequent this forum - have purchased tanks (and other items) from S30.World and are very happy with them.4 points
Thanks guys! I wish they were around when I did my restoration. I did mine the old fashioned way.. 😉3 points
3 points
2 points
2 points
So I picked a direction for my rear disc brakes on my 240z project. After talking with Cody we decided the best long term fit would be to just upgrade to Wilwoods all the way around. The rear Wilwood upgrade offered by Silvermine has a separate mechanical handbrake caliper along with a four piston hydraulic caliper. New vented disc BP10 street pads New rotor versus the old rotor To install the the parking brake caliper this yellow zinc plate needs to be removed. The caliper will then bolt to the aluminum adapter plate that is is supplied by Silvermine. The antisqueal shims on the rear of the parking brake pads have to be removed also. They are still a very tight fit over the rotor. So I took a 2" Rolok and dressed the pads down a hair. They just fit over the rotors now There's a YouTube video I watched that shows slight reduced the diameter of the stub axle for clearance for the Rotor ID. I'm not sure I needed to but I did it anyway. I used a caliper to try to make them even all the way around.1 point
By the way, all of the ones I made are based on the early non-emission style not the euro style.1 point
1 point
Please go back to my post #138 and tell me how you think it justifies your response. As far as I can see - as was my intention - I was respectful, offering "Don't want to ruin hopes and expectations here..." as a preface to my explanation of what the document actually says. Tactful in my book. And in reply, I got this: "Whenever one posts anything on any site in the on line universe one runs a considerable risk that he/she will be challenged. My answer is "let's see you do better". If you can, I'm talking first hand , personal experience, and not something from another site somewhere, I'll be among the first in line to offer congratulations. And yet ZSpert himself is very happy to challenge anything that he sees wrong, and is - usually - completely correct in doing so. Nothing wrong with challenging. The "risk" is a good thing. There are no sacred cows on this forum. Peer group critique is an essential part of research. So where does the "let's see you do better" and all the rest of it come from? I posted my explanation and the document speaks for itself. The simple fact is that it clearly IS NOT the "4/71 240 Build Sheet" that it is labelled as being. So where's the factual push-back? All I - we - got was a flounce. He's taking his ball home. He also wrote: "You see, I don't have anything to prove to anyone save myself." On the contrary, if any of us posts a 50+ year old document on a specialist forum and makes a claim as to what it represents, it needs to be correctly identified and understood. If we don't get it right, then who will? No 'long term member of the Z community' should get a free pass to a status of infallibility. And yet: Mea culpa. Sorry for the 22+ years of "esoteric factoids" on this forum, LOL. I would have thought that esoteric factoids are the very lifeblood of a forum like this, but maybe your preference is different. And "meant to bloviate"? Apparently you have the power to "...reach into someone's mind a read their most inner thoughts."...? Of course, bloviation has been around on this forum for a good while. I invite you to pop back to post #32 in this very thread to see an arch exponent at work. Half of it is nonsense, but it goes down as history. It's all just a matter of being a *popular* Guru, see?1 point
1 point
I've seen exhausts that leaked, so if you want to fit it right make the intakes smaller not the exhaust pipes/connections. Particularly the exhaust number 6 causes trouble at the seals.. so you know now what to look out for!1 point
It's powdercoat on all the suspension parts. I only use paint on the differential and CV/half shafts. Also took a little 'artistic license' with rear suspension. Diff rear cover and half shafts should be black.1 point
I would defer to Kats - of course - and you'll prefer that, but it's pretty simple stuff. Again, logistics. A driver drops off a car on part of its journey and this form is kept as proof of who drove it there and - by inference - that it made the journey safely. It is titled 'Sharyo Mochikomi Hyo' and I would translate that - if a little too literally - as 'Vehicle Bringing-In Form' ('Mochikomi' being the action of bringing something somewhere personally, like bringing your own bottle of wine to a restaurant that doesn't have an alcohol license). A better - simpler - translation might be 'Vehicle Delivery Form' or 'Vehicle Delivery Sheet'. We have discussed such documents on this forum in the past.1 point
Thank you for validating my level of understanding. I'll mention it to my wife 😀. Although my Z came from the showroom floor with D hubcaps, I eventually traded them for a set of the Z caps because I thought they looked significantly better than the D caps. Looking back, probably not the smartest move. Especially when i see what the D caps are selling for now.1 point
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