Everything posted by ktm
[Timing Help] Checked my timing today - it is all the way advanced and shows...
I have timed the car, which is why I know I am at 7 deg BTDC with the MAIN adjustment showing full advancement. The slot I found last night has maybe a third of the adjustment of the main slot. The best I might be able to eek out is another 7 deg, putting myself at 14 deg BTDC for full advance on both slots. This would indicate to me that something is amiss. I am not one to just let it be because the car runs.
[Timing Help] Checked my timing today - it is all the way advanced and shows...
Update: Upon further inspection I discovered that my ignition is a Crane XR700. Also, my distributor has the model number D612-52. Research indicates that this distributor (D612-XX) was found on 70 to 73 cars. So, it appears that I have a 'stock' distributor converted to an electronic ignition utilizing the Crane XR700. I found the second adjustment nut as well. It was centered in the adjustment slot. My next few steps will be: 1) Rotate the engine until the pulley shows 0 BTDC. 2) Check the cam lobes to make sure they are at the 11 and 1 position. 3) Check the position of the rotor. 4) Come back here and Zcar.com and do some more research.
[Timing Help] Checked my timing today - it is all the way advanced and shows...
Inner fender, right below the coil.
clutch hydrolic leak
Even if you bought the part from MSA, they are still quite cheap for both the master and slave cylinders.
[Timing Help] Checked my timing today - it is all the way advanced and shows...
Thanks for the insight Gary. The ignition is unknown as well. A nondescript black box with a nondescript blue coil. I may have to call the PO and inquire as to what ignition and dizzy they used.
[Timing Help] Checked my timing today - it is all the way advanced and shows...
I used the 8mm bolt (the one that is up-side down) to do my major adjustments. The dizzy is turned completed clockwise with this adjustment. Arne, if I remember correctly, my #1 lead points towards the radiator (though it may be cocked towards the radiator cap - I am not sure at the moment). I'll check the second adjustment bolt. Thank you for the help.
[Timing Help] Checked my timing today - it is all the way advanced and shows...
....7 degress BTDC. It is fully rotated clockwise. I have not checked my timing since I bought the car in March. The PO installed an electronic ignition, but I do not know what kind. The car idles and drives fine, but I know that something is not right and want to fix it (this is not my primary car). After doing some reading, I understand that it could be one of a few things: 1) Worn out springs in the dizzy (unlikely to be this worn out though). 2) Dizzy rotated 180 deg. 3) Oil pump spindle installed incorrectly. I am leaning heavily towards number 3 with 2 a close second. Am I on the right track? Suggestions? 1972 Datsun 240z - Bone stock Currently in the midst of a re-freshening
How far will Maaco go for you?
My work is located 3 miles from MSA. I work right up Glassell by Meats. Having MSA so close is fantastic. I can buy parts for my car with cash and not have a paper trace for my wife to see (and track how much I have actually been spending).
How far will Maaco go for you?
Wow, looks like I am in luck. I live around Irvine and would have no problems taking my 240z to jackboxxx's MAACO franchise if that is the quality work I can expect (same color too!).
Exterior "Gasket" Sealant? Looking to temporarily stop a leak
I know I will have to fix the pan eventually. This is just a temporary measure to help cut down on the leak. Over at zcar.com they suggested Grey Sealant as it is oil resistant. I am not losing that much oil (only leaks while the car is running and stops shortly after it is shutoff), but it does make a mess of the cross-member and suspension components that I just cleaned.
Help me decide an underbody paint scheme (control arms, housings, etc.)
I have a lovely 1972 240z that is painted 918 Orange. I am in the midst of a refreshening, so as I take off certain pieces I intend to paint them for both aesthetic appearance and corrosion protection. Any suggestions as to an overall paint scheme?
Exterior "Gasket" Sealant? Looking to temporarily stop a leak
between the oil pan and block. I replaced the gasket already, but one of the PO's overtightened the pan and warped quite a few of the holes. In addition, the pan is slightly warped. I did not have the time to straighten it out, so I put on a new gasket and reinstalled the pan. I will eventually repair the pan, but in the meantime is there a way to seal the exterior? I am thinking of using a silicone sealant where I spot the leak. Mind you it is a slight leak, but enough to make a mess of the garage floor (I have some cardboad down now).
Best Buy Me color?
Bah, orange is the way to go. It is the quintessential Z color. Whenever you see an old photo of a Z, it is orange. I was specifically looking for an orange Z. I wanted one that was originally orange, not repainted orange. Why do you think Nissan came out with Le Mans sunset as the symbolic color for the 350z?
Car Valuation...jusut curious
I just picked up a 1972 240z with only two small rust bubbles: rear deck and rear hatch. Everything else looked fantastic: Rebuilt L24 Newly upholstered seats All gauges working Dash cap No dents or dings in the body Original 5-spoke mag wheels with center caps All emblems Beautiful orange color Vinyl is intact and unmarked $4100 I am giving the car a thorough refreshening: replacing the interior carpeting, replacing all weather seals and bushings, sound deadening the plastic interior panels (applying a strip of neoprene where the plastic meets the body), replacing all fluids and seals, etc.
Stupid Question for the Day: Must the cap be placed back on the brake reservoirs
Update. I have brakes, though the pedal feel is soft. It feels like air in the lines, but I triple checked before disconnecting the bleeder. Could the master cylinder have air?
Stupid Question for the Day: Must the cap be placed back on the brake reservoirs
Can't be an open bleeder, checked around the floor. I am almost 100% certain there is not air in the lines. I'll keep checking.
Possible help with small issues with my 5 speed in my 72 240z....
Flushing my clutch system worked. No more grinding.
Stupid Question for the Day: Must the cap be placed back on the brake reservoirs
for your brakes to work? I am not trying to drive with the caps off, but my old caps lost their gaskets and I was trying to do a quick test drive around the block to check out the effects of my clutch and brake line flushing. I completely gutted the gaskets and put the caps back on. When I pushed the brake pedal, it went to the floor (while the engine is running).
Possible help with small issues with my 5 speed in my 72 240z....
Wow. I am having the exact same problem in my 240 that I just picked up, except I grind 2nd, 3rd and reverse about 50% of the time. I figured that the clutch was not being fully released but did not have any idea where to start. I know that the previous owner replaced the clutch slave cylinder recently (a DIYer) and may not have properly bled the system.
New 240Z Owner Saying Howdy
I just picked up an orange 1972 240z and absolutely love it. I previously owned a 2003 Le Mans Sunset 350z for 2 years before selling it due to a little bundle of joy. I know that I'll be scouring these forums for information during the coming months/years. Hell, I just dropped $360 buying weather stripping, headliner and outer shift boot. Thankfully zcarparts.com's store front is 1 mile from my office...cash payments make my purchases harder to track for my wife.