I checked my '71 240Z and measured 1.75 inch clearance between the mustache bar and the mount plate. I have an R180 rear end which I installed several years ago to replace the worn out factory unit. Do you have the mustache bar installed backwards? There might be difference in drive shaft length between the OEM automatic and the 4-speed and this was done to make it fit?
I have similar "deh-deh-...." noise on my '71Z with a used differential I installed. It also is in tune with revolutions. Did you find a specific bearing bad by visual inspection or did you just go in and replace both bearings each side and noise disappeared. How much trobuble did you encounter pulling the axles and removing the bearings.
Just replaced these bushings on my '71Z. Picture looks about right. The bushing with the thicker flange must be on the rear side of the control arm. The thinner one goes on the front side. The package should then fit snugly to the frame mount. Hard part is getting the old sleeve out and then cleaning the old rubber from the control arm ID. Good luck!