I have a 1978 Z and recently got a problem with fumes. I drive the Z around and these fumes make my eyes watery and I come out smelling like fumes. Can any one help me eliminate this problem.
I had the same problem when I purshased my 78 Z. I went ahead and dropped the tank and had it cleaned. The old gas caused some corrosion in the tank. I also changed the fuel filter and added a new one before the fuel pump. Ever since I did this the car is running fine,
Has any one had any trouble with bad idle or backfiring. I took it to a mechanic and he told me it was the air flow meter. I bought another one and the car is still doing the same thing. I have a hard time starting it and it has momments of running good and momments of it bogging down. Need info if you have ever had this problem. Its a 1978 Datsun 280Z fuel injectes L28 4 speed.
I just purchased a 1976 280Z. The Key works on the ignition but not on the doors. Does any one know where I can purchase a new set for the front doors and hatch back.