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About olderthanme

  • User Group: Member

  • Member ID: 10107

  • Title: Its not a beater!!!

  • Content Count: 63

  • Content Post Ratio: 0.01

  • Reputation: 0

  • Achievement Points: 395

  • Member Of The Days Won: 0

  • Joined: 03/03/2006

  • Been With Us For: 6938 Days

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  • Map Location
    Snellville, GA
  • Occupation
    Pizza delivery (sometimes in the z if it is running)

My Cars

  • About me and my cars
    early 1974 260z RLS30-012743
    240Z round-tops, header, mystery engine work two owners ago but it works, currently installing coilovers and about to buy new clutch (maybe a spec stage 3)

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  1. You guys need an engine design tool... Like THIS one...
  2. I have fabricated a few dashboards and am trying to see if anyone is interested. Here is the dashboard going into my Z. I just covered it with felt for now. The dash will come in a left and a right half. Perfect for the racer or someone looking for something different than a stock dashboard. I also made the dashboard that was in the HybridZ race car. (mock up in my 260Z) The dashboard is not finished and needs finishing. You can cover the dashwith fabric, leather, paint, powdercoat, or polish at extra cost. I can ship the dash with any of these done. It will come sanded smooth ready for a cover if ordered as raw aluminum. I can make a half dash or full dash. I can weld on end caps like on the half dash. I can weld the two halves together if you want a one piece dashboard. (can't be powdercoated as a one piece welded full dash) Also coming soon is a console to go along with the dashboard. If you want something custom let me know and I can work with you on doing something different than the standard dash. When I find the current price on aluminum I will put up a price since the price of aluminium is rising quickly. the thickness of aluminum I use is .063 or 1/16". I can use thinner aluminium for the ultimate in light weight. Save about 30 pounds from your stock dashboard. If you want something a little different let me know and I can work with you. I will make a run of dashboards if I can get 6 people interested in some custom light-weight aluminium dashboards. Less than 4 pounds
  3. This is the great thing about drawing. I can add some things and subtract other things. Personally I like the front end on maverick and the flares and rear end of the first one. I also would like to do an e-type one day but doing it on a Z would be way cheaper. While I was sketching La Belle it seemed to look more classic looking. I think Maverick was too agressive even for a bunch of the HybridZ guys. I think the spoiler in the second sketch looks very classic and would do good on the La Belle. KDMatt: I would need to get your Z and make longer rear control arms and would have new axles made. Then it would be converted to dual control arms and real coilovers instead of struts. The L35DETTT would also cost some serious $$$$$ to build. I'll do a more "subdued" sketch today and put it up later today.
  4. Some of you may have sen the thread on hybridZ about this but I am interested in what others would like to see. I have made a LOT of sketches and here they are: I call this one "maverick" I call this one "La Belle" this one is just for fun this one is a bit E-type-ish I would like to hear what you think and would like to see. Maybe some people could show some of their own sketches of what they would like to see in a new kit. OTM
  5. I used the HF helmet for about 35-40 hours of weld time in the overhead position for stick welding. I have highly modified the helmet for protection from sparks and it has lasted longer than I thought it would. The electronics are pretty good but it has it's design flaws. For a hobby welder or even doing light welding on a job it is a great helmet. If you are welding as a career you want to invest in alittle more expensive model. Get the Harbor freight one and buy their warranty. $50-$60 is well worth your money.
  6. yes. it will be fine. I had all the way upto 215/60/14" tires and it kept all the tread under but the sidewall stuck out a little. no rub even with dead struts. I am now running 225/60/15 and those FILL the wheelwell. I rolled my fenders out to clear them.
  7. obviously wide flares...Still lots of work to do on the drawings. Not too bad for a drawing noob... and a modified pic of my car on the tail of the dragon... tips and suggestions are welcome and anticipated
  8. SUs: $500-$600 (in your case just need rebuild) Tripples: $1500 or possibly more...how crazy do you want to go? and please don't get a centerforce...I have seen too many burn up...
  9. ooh pretty!!! I like the shaved balance bar...I am doing that this summer...engine clean up!!!
  10. yeah dude...I built the aluminium dash for that beast!
  11. I have just cut out a splitter to help stiffen my polyurethane air dam and to help with areodynamics...there are a couple threads over on hybridz about improving the areo on the first gen that has the drag coeficcient (sp?) of a piece of plywood...sealing up the front end helps reduce drag and increase downforce...now time to vent the wheelwells.
  12. oh wait...just saw your sig...that will sound just a little different...not too horrid sounding I would think...it just has that irritating high pitch noise...I don't know what that is all about...:bandit:
  13. your welcome. I should be taping another video tonight if everything goes ok. I have a final today from 3-5 and I should be back home by 6... How will your Z sound different? you building a hybrid or a stocker?
  14. click the picture to see the video... Video Hosting - Upload Video - Video Sharing how to build coilovers really fast...this is all that is to it!!! here is right after getting it rolled out of the garage right before ZdayZ and I had cranked it for the first time earlier that day since January when the clutch died... Video Hosting - Upload Video - Video Sharing here is a driving video while I was breaking in the clutch... Video Hosting - Upload Video - Video Sharing
  15. it works fine and is identical to the MSA setup...just parts made by a different company...I just got the QA-1 springs from summitracing.com for like $38 each and got the threaded collars from A-1 racing...it is MUCH cheaper to buy individual pieces than to buy the MSA kit... I could build the MSA kit with real camber plates for 3/4 the cost...and that is just buying from full price retailers like summit and A1...I think you can have techno toy tuning camber plates for like $350 and the rest of teh coilover setup is like another $360...you save a hundred bucks right there. Much less if you have a contact within O'reillys or Summit to get good prices. I just stopped using MSA when I discovered you could get the toyota calipers for like 50% of the price that MSA was selling the solid rotor brake "kit" for...it was just some calipers and brake lines...I felt so ripped off.
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