Everything posted by Alan Pugh
I need a map reader light surrounding.
Is the map reading light in the 260 the same? The dash facia panel is different but I don't know if they changed the light. If it's the same i've got one that has a crack through the mounting tab at the back but otherwise in good condition. Alan.
What is "backfiring"?
OK this is what I remember without getting out the books. Backfire, when fuel is ignited in the induction system back to the carbie (not usually an issue on F.I.). Afterfire, when excess fuel is ignited in the exhaust system which can be caused by a combination of different faults in the engine, Valve timing incorrect, Ignition timing incorrect, Running too rich, Throttle opener solenoid not working. I'd have to go back to the text books to give you the complete list. Alfadog in your case it's only happening going down hills at 3000 rpm or over which suggests it's the throttle opener solenoid. This is only fitted to manuals, not auto's. I'm taking it for granted you are decelerating when it happens or you are just getting back on the accelerator. The dangers are that you will in extreme cases blow your muffler apart. Other than that it's not going to do much damage. The fouling of the plugs will occur but only if the cause is from running too rich which will foul the plugs anyway, even without the afterfiring. Hope this helps. Alan.
Is it lifestyle
Thanks Alan T. you are right about the Japanese cars. I have found it hard to find figures on home market cars sold. I had heard that the 2+2 was designed in unison with the 2 seater cars but thought it might have been a rumour started by a 2+2 owner. Does anybody know why the 2+2's were shelved and not released. Was it a last minute market survey? I probably should say about now that I am a 2+2 owner and yes I have come up with some good stories to mates as to why. Truth is i'd have a 2 seater tomorrow if she who is to be obeyed would let me. Having said that I wouldn't get rid of the 2+2 to do it because I honestly do love the longer look but I think they could have done better on the shape of the quarter window. So when my car is finished and on the road with myself, my wife, my son and the dog, who loves the fact that the quarter window opens we will enjoy it. Alan.
Is it lifestyle
OK i've found my figures. Disregard the initial 500 240's sent to the US in 1969 as the US was the only country to recieve any cars that year. From 1970 to 1977 in the US 328,863 240, 260 & 280's were sold, compared to 3,481 in Aus. That's 94 to 1. 2+2's on the other hand US 34,885 & Aus 2,956. Thats 12 to 1. I find these figures stagering. I do always remember though my Grandfather who fought in World War 2 and a lot of his mates,would not buy Japanese cars of any description. My mum bought a Datsun 1200 and he did not speek to her for 3 months afterward. I suppose these cars weren't aimed at their age group but there are a lot of different factors that go into these things. A lot of people my age (42) as kids got taken on Sunday drives for a picnic, you can't fit the kids in a 2 seater. Anyway that's enough from me, and if anyone else from other countries has anything they can add i'd like to hear it. Alan.
- On Rotisserie
Is it lifestyle
This is something that has always intrigued me. In Aus there were roughly 2400 240Z's sold here. Some might say not many, but keep in mind this was a fairly expensive sports car at that time with a population of somewhere around 16,000,000. Then the 260Z's came along with which the 2+2 was introduced. About 1100 2 seaters were sold but nearly 3000 2+2's sold during the four and a half years these were on the market before the 280ZX was released. As we all know 280Z's never made it to Aus, other than a few, i'll say special imports. In the US on the other hand, the figures are quite the reverse when it comes to 2 seaters and 2+2's, is this a lifestyle thing or a matter of different tastes between the two countries. I'm not sure on actual figures of cars sold in the US but I do know that the 2+2's made up a very small percentage of all cars sold. I would like to hear your comments on this, and any other things that have influenced you younger guys that were not around when these cars were released. Alan.
Major structural rust problem! HELP!
Unfortunately in Aus there is such a thing as, as is where is. Which means your on your own. You could take it to small claims court but it is your word against theirs, and it could drag on for years and cost more than it's worth. Different states have different laws but that's the general rule. Been there, had it done to me. Alan.
I have tried to order parts off MSA on four separate occassions. The only time they have taken my money and actually sent me something, was when I ordered their catalog. On the other hand Vic British have been nothing but helpfull and on the three occasions I have ordered parts off them it has taken longer to get them through customs than it's taken the parts to get here.
What's it called?
Alan T is quite right as usual. If anyone is thinking of Cadmium plating any of their nuts or bolts, be carefull as Cadmium is poisonous. It is widely used in the aircraft manufacturing industry but generally not used on cars anymore. If any of you come into contact with cad plated nuts and bolts wash your hands afterwards. Alan.
What's it called?
I've just had all my nuts and bolts done at the zinc platers, they just called it yellow zinc and they were done by the barrel method. Hope this helps. Alan.
Major structural rust problem! HELP!
2Many is right on the money, it is all repairable. Frame rail might be hard to get in oz, but any sheet metal worker could bend you up a floor pan and most likely the frame rail as well. I don't know how much you can do yourself as far as the repairs go, but anything you can do that someone doesn't saves you precious dollars. The only thing I would really stress to you is to remove the rest of the sound deadener for quite some distance arround both frame rails, and if possible check all the floor from the inside too. Anything that you think looks suspect try to push a screwdriver through it. Good luck with it and if there is anything you find in Melbourne parts wise that you need send me a message and i'll see what I can do to help you out with getting it up there. Alan.
Major structural rust problem! HELP!
The little bits of wire with blobs on the end come from someones unsuccessful attemt it would seem at mig welding. From what you've described someone has found the rust, tried to fix it, discovered more and more then given up and sold the car. The good news is that nearly everything on these cars can be repaired, it's just a matter of time and money. Photos will help everyone give you better answers if you can post some. Alan.
VIN/Engine number discrepancies
Yes that's right. In 1973 all our cars changed over to KPH and there was an enterprising signage company who printed speedo labels for all current model cars of that time. I got this for my HQ Holden and it too had the MPH in small print.
what sort of carby it is?
Can't remember what the H stands for off hand, i've got it somewhere though, but it doesn't stand for Hitachi. IF stands for intergrated float bowl. It could be a Hitachi carb but i've never seen a 2" with the round bell top. The reason i'm assuming it's a 2" carb is purely the fact that a 1 3/4" would not usually keep up with the turbo.
what sort of carby it is?
It is an SU carb and I believe it to be a HIF8 which is a 2" intergrated fuel bowl model which is why the bottom is flat. This was a very popular method of turbo charging cars in the seventies. For the Australians here this method was used by a lot of Holden red motor owners particularly Torana GTR XUI owners.
Location Poll
A footy is a Football. Similar in shape to a ball used in Grid Iron but has rounded ends. I think your ball comes to a point at each end. Not too sure. This ball is used to play Australian Rules Football. (Footy) The reason that South Aussie's and Victorians (both states of Aus) don't get on too well during Footy Season is because of the intense rivallary between the teams as this is a national game. Hope that helps.
adjusting valves
From memory it's all to do with the distance from the cam contact point on the rocker to the pivot point, versus the distance from the cam contact point to valve. It's always much more accurate to do valve clearances at the valve. Having said that there is probably only a few ten thousandths in it. Just my 10c worth. Al.
White-faced guages
Thanks MrC very helpfull and no they won't fit. Alan.
Location Poll
Why do Victorians fly to Perth? So they don't have to drive through South Australia. But only in Footy Season. Alan.
White-faced guages
While I do like the look of the white faces, and there are a lot of new cars coming out with them know, being age challenged and a glasses wearer I find them very hard to look at driving at night. While I'm here can someone do me a favour and measure the diameter of there rear quarter emblems on a two seater so I can see if they will fit my 2+2. Thanks. Alan.
Need opinions on whether to restore resto/modify my 70 240
I agree with Enrique 100%, you have got to do in the end what best suits you but lets face it I wouldn't be seen dead riding Mike Tyson down the street. Would you. Alan.
Best Head
I agree with Dtsnlvrs, my opinion is an E-88. Alan.
73 flat tops vs other choices?
Hi all, This is of course my opinion and not one shared by many of you but i'm keeping my flat tops on my 260 purely because theres nothing wrong with them. There is of course a lot of difference between these and the early dome top carbs. The water jacket is a bone of contention because the dome tops don't have it but keeping in mind that the carbs sit directly above the exhaust this does keep them at a constant temp. Intergrated fuel bowl under the throttle body looks different but does it mean the carbies are getting any more or less fuel than the remote fuel bowl on the dome tops. As for the smog gear that covers these carbs well thats a sign of the times we live in. Yes these carbs are a bit harder to tune with the smog gear on them but with a bit of persistence they can actually run very well. Mine do. Alan.
exhaust question
A tuned length header or extractors what ever you prefer with big bore primaries and then 2.5 inch secondary piping on a standard or not far off standard engine will normally rob your engine of HP not give you a gain. You need to do a fair bit of head work and flow testing to get a good benefit. Alan.
new owner of a 260 2+2
Hello everyone, I am also doing up my 260 2+2 much to most peoples disgust but after all it is all personal taste in the end isn't it. As for the flat top carbs I for one am not ashamed of the fact that i'm using them on my engine when I finally get to rebuild it. I'm leaving that till last. In my opinion there is absolutely nothing wrong with them when they are tuned properly and this is not as scarry as everyone makes out, sure they look different and I believe that is half the problem, the other half comes from the bloke that couldn't tune them so he told everyone they were crap maybe to cover his own arse. In short I agree with Zedrally some of you would be surprised and a little bit richer if the first thing you did was to keep these carbs and not ditch them because of what youv'e heard. Anyway mellow I hope you get as much enjoyment out of your 2+2 as I get out of mine. Alan.