what is the size of the trunk in a 240Z?
Hey guys...just found this post in my e-mail...It has been about a month since I last looked at the site (nope havent posted in a while). I ended up getting a Saturn SC2 1998 (its a car, but its no Z). Oh yea and...no trunk space. least not much more then I am sure I would have found in a Z. For my folks it came down to reliability factors (they didnt want me stranded everywhere) and for my father it was all about space...which I dont even use. Just so you guys know the SC2 is a 2 doors 4 passenger (did I say 4 I ment 2 in the front and 2 midgets with their legs cramped in the back ). It really doesnt offer that much space as far as trunk space as I mentioned. I am now a senior in college and will soon be off to the "real world" as they say. Which for me is great in many ways...for one thing I will be able to buy my dream cars. A 1971 Datsun 240Z and a Austin Mini with a Acura Integra type R engine in it. The Z is more important to me as it still to this day is the beauty in my eyes. If only I could find a decent Z for a decent price...one day I am sure.
JUN 350Z crash at 250Km/H Video
he is doing 190ish MPH when he is at top speed. He was downshifting when the accident happened...maybe he was pushing it to hard. Right before he looses control it looks like the car is moving left and right slightly...braking to hard?
What is your screen resolution?
wow people actually use 800x600...talk about old school
This is how NOT to act...
I just watched it a minute ago...the guy just dosnt make any sence...really how dumb have people gotten that they forget how this country came about and the reason that we found our way to the top? I agree God Bless our troops...without them...it wouldnt be The United States of America
Aren't you proud of us?
"second to done":) 240znz
wow...I couldnt drive the car...to each his own...but wow...sometimes to much of one thing is a bad thing
Authentic KPGC110 on Yahoo Japan
dang thats alsmost 94 thousand US...it better be gold plated for that price
ask me anything
Why is the sky blue? Why is it red in the evening?
Another Z spotting.. on T.V.... but Snoop Dog?
if you guys ever watch "That 70s Show" keep a look out for a 240Z. You will see it when Eric is working at the dinner. The will show it twice; when eric looks at donna, then later when in the dinner also eric looks at his mom...Both times in the background
ok...new question for everyone. I was going through a Z magazine and found an ad in there about there being a r/c car 240Z for sale from strictly Z. I went to the strictly Z site however and found no such thing. Does anyone know about any of these r/c cars, or where to find them? I would be willing to buy them off one of you guys if you have 1. Thanks in advance
Differences between 240z and 280z???
the size of the triangle windows in the back are different sizes
looking for a 1970 240z
Hate to tell you this, but 240Zs rust everywhere. All 70s cars for that matter have rust issues. Someday when I go out looking for a 240Z I plan to buy one with tha color scheme. I will keep my eyes open for ya. But if you do find one....look really really close for rust. Minor rust many times leads to finding major rust somewhere else.
looking for a 1970 240z
go to your local Z club...it is possible they have seen one around. Yours should be http://www.mdzclub.org. I hope this is the closest to you as it was the only one I could find in Maryland. Find if they have a meeting time and go sometime and just ask one of the people in charge if they have seen one or if they can look out for them for you if they ever come across them. Thats my best advice. Unless you are willing to travel miles and such (then go around and look). Another thought would be to look in your local papers classified. Many times Zs will pop up on there. My last advice would be to go to a search engine and try to find Zs in you area that are put up for sale. Finding a certain color scheme may be hard, but best of luck
anyone know someone that sells Kyosho 240Zs? I cant seem to find any that arent the rally version, or the jap version of the cap. I hear Kyosho comes highly recomended though...saying it is the best for diecast quality...anyone have an opinion or a direction they could point me?
Original Mock-Timber 240z Steering Wheel