Az Z Clubs???????????
Desert Z is a decent local club however from MY experience it is full of 350Z owners who have more money than knowledge of the Z. There are a few really good and helpful members but most of what I saw when I was around them were a bunch of guys who had the new 350Z and didn't know much of anything about the Original Z. JUST MY OPINION
air compressor, tools $299 at HD
I've been looking at that since my 26 gallon husky was stolen out of my garage a couple of weeks ago by some border jumpers.... I don't need all the tools but the price is pretty good.
Upgrades turned into a large job!!
I was just about ready to cancel my ISP service......... the rest of the net is just about worthless..... except for that stuff my wife is always hollering at me for downloading. I like what I've seen so far.
Shutup Steve.... just because you are the king at finding the smoking deals doesn't mean you have to rub it in. As for me... I'd rather pay slightly more for my Z stuff because I don't live in that evil vast wasteland of a state :devious: Besides, once you exit California, the overall cost of living drops drastically :laugh:
Misc. +...
Don't take this as me being rude or being an A$$ but if you want to sell stuff you need to know how to do it. I think anyone posting should be required to read the sticky post regarding hints about selling. I for one have been known to see an ad and buy something not because I need it at the time but because I either will need it or fell the price is to good to pass up. The best way to sell what you have is to list what it is and how much you want. If you have too much to list, start with a partial list and then add to it as you sell stuff. Always list an asking price. If you are willing to move on the price "OBO" tells the possible buyer that. Tell them if shipping is included or not and if you have paypal or how you would like to be paid. I would have much rather sent you an email saying, I'll take the radiator, 4 springs, steering wheel, etc tell me how much the shipping is so I can pay you than this post. I'm tempted to make an offer of $5.00 for everything you have including shipping to Arizona. Those are the offers you are asking for when you don't name a price. Many members have quickly moved a large amount of stuff on here by doing it the right way.
ebay email virus
Just a warning that looks like somebody has hacked ebay and found people who buy and sell Z stuff. I got an email from the guy asking info about something I was supposedly selling... He was asking about: 280ZX / L28 ELECTRONIC CONTROL UNIT / ECU His email is bsamuel2@ozark.coop (though that could change on a virus). Here is more info on the email: Question for seller -- Item #2442531575 (subject heading) Can you please provide the part number? Thanks Blaine -------------------- Question from: samuel20024 Title of item: 280ZX / L28 ELECTRONIC CONTROL UNIT / ECU Seller: mark (text) Chart.xls.scr (44 KB) ugly attachment that is probably a virus. Be careful out there
need 240z carpet
Get him that carpet.... that hatch area looks naked!
Time for a new meaningless poll...
I'm moving to Indiana just so I can use Lance's garage! I have 4 plates not including the garage opener plate. I hadn't planned on adding any because we were going to sell the house and move but it looks as though the better half might have a new job lined up so we are in it for a while..... time to go to the electrical department at HD
Do i want a Roadster??
I KNOW you are trying to start something when you start talking smack about hacking a 240..... Do it to a 260. Many more comments like that and we might be able to arange a stay at a nice little hotel with padded walls. :stupid:
Do i want a Roadster??
It's not a sign of a mid-life crisis. It's a sign of realizing you can drive a car with the top down and not have to worry about your hair getting messed up! If you can swing it, I say go for it! I've never owned a roadster but I've driven a few here and there and would love to have one to run around town in.
OEM style muffler available
Firt the rules... I don't work for Autozone and I'm not trying to promote them for any reason other than to let you guys know this.... Now the story.... The hangers on the muffler finally rotted ot so it was time to replace the muffler (muffler ony, none of the pipes). I hit 2 other stores up for a muffler (Autozone and Checker) that wasn't a glass pack or a Cherry Bomb. I just wanted a cheap muffler that would fit the baby and stop the exhaust fumes from killing what few brain cells I have left. I decided to try a second Autozone (the guy at the first one was a jack arse) and lo and behold the kid comes to the counter with the perfect fit muffler..... I take a deep breath and ask how much.... I figure there is no way I'll get what I want at the cheap price I want..... I was wrong. I spent more on the hangers and junk than I did on the muffler. $15 for the "Defender" muffler. Receipt part number 016679. Stamped on the muffler: M1560 and 159201 H. It's got a nice smooth sound to it so those of you looking for the OEM style and not wanting to sound like a ricer go get it!
Best car or car chase
Come on... did I read the posts too fast or did all of you forget about Dirty Harry in The Deadpool and the remote control car????
Z Music
Steely Dan....... Come on admit it, everybody likes Steely Dan, I'm just brave enough to admit it. It doesn't exactly make you want to drive the Z the way it was meant to be driven but the it's still great!
New 240Z Fan!
Big fan! His Z may have a better paint job than his Daddy's but at least his Daddy's Z runs on the road The link will only be active until 03/06/04
Car Collection Terminology and Standards
I've been watching this saga from just about every view available and I've got to add my 2 cents in.... I probably would have done close to the same thing as David did if I were buying a car from a person who makes his living sell Z or Datsun stuff. I might have asked more questions (I don't know what he did ask). Most Datsun people are good, honest trust worthy people. I've seen some of the stuff TIR sells on eBay and have spent some time on his site. Personally, I think he is one of the ones that has high prices. That's just my opinon. I will also say, that as a Z owner that will begin "refreshing" 1 possibly 2 (my current one is up for sale, sort of) 240Z's this year, TIR will get none of my money. Not because The engine wasn't original but because it was misrepresented and TIR made no effort (he came close to accusing David of lieing at one point) to correct the situation. I just hope that Chloe or one of the other vendors with a good reputation in our comminuty can get me what I need! One daily driver that needs some TLC (if I don't sell) and one 71 series 1 that hasn't been on the road since 1991. I think I'll stay busy once I get started.