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Everything posted by Arizona240z

  1. At least one of your local shops should have a 3 row 280Z radiator that will fit nicely. The cost here is right around $130. You may have to remove the tie down hooks to get a perfect fit. You can also order one from www.carradiatordirect.com. I'll be doing the same thing in the next week or so.
  2. Arizona240z replied to SHOTIME's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    Make sure you check your local and state laws before doing that.....It is illeagal in a lot of states. I got nailed by a cop for driving my first Z without a bumper. Of course I was 18 at the time and the stereo could be heard 200 yards away... all he could do was give me a ticket for the bumpers.
  3. Take your time and recover well. it's great to see your name on the post again!!!!
  4. I'll take the carbs, I'll pm you for details
  5. My prayers are definately with him!
  6. It's not going to be the high cholesterol and triglycerides that are going to give me a heart attack, it's going to be the fact that Carl and I are in agreement on something other than the Z being incredible! :classic: Carl, I have to admit, I couldn't decide what your reaction to this post was going to be and I couldn't wait to hear it.
  7. Moore is a sick one........ Everything he does has the biggest liberal slant to it that could possibly exist. He has been kicked off of our College campuses, booted out of public areas and has been asked by numerous Americans to leave the country. Yes I have offered to help pay for a one way ticket to France for him providing he never comes back. Whew, with THAT said, I do realize there are 2 sides to every story and the truth is somewhere between what this idiot says and what his far right wing counterpart might say. PLEASE, before you take any of his "statistics" for gospel check out one of the many sights that tries to keep him truthful: www.moorewatch.com
  8. Arizona240z replied to Bambikiller240's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Thanks for posting the names Carl..... I hope everyone says a prayer or takes a moment of silence for each one of these fine individuals and the families they left behind.
  9. A moment of silence as it appears we have lost another brother to the modern day advances od Turbo's and Fuel Injection. hehehe, with that said, I'm glad the car moves! good job!
  10. Dude, step away from the '72. And remind me, should we ever meet that you can not drive my orange 72, even if it is silver at the time we meet! Welcome to the club, glad to hear you pipe up and introduce yourself. Aside from living the land of fruits and nuts, you are in the land of good 240Zs out there in Cali-land. Good luck on your search!
  11. I think I voted the same way Ben did ROFL you shouldn't have given us the choice.
  12. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=2412317387&category=6187 I didn't upload the images to the gallery so if anyone wants to do that go ahead. It amazes me what some people do to these beautiful sexy cars.
  13. Arizona240z replied to ZmeFly's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Guess you have to have Mike change your nickname to Zmecruise. ZmeFly is just too much of a stretchROFL Seriously, it does look nice and one day we'll pull you back into our worldROFL
  14. Ok, the looting happend, just like it happens here when a College or Pro team wins the end of the season (Basketball, Football, whatever) in LA, Detroit, Tucson I still haven't figured that one out) and a host of other places. Should the Commanders of the Military have stepped in? Maybe. At the point the looting started did they know how the Iraqi citizens were going to react? They thought and hoped that the reaction would be appreciative at what the forces were there to do. I honestly think some of the forces on the ground (the troops, not the leaders) were in Military mode that they felt the looting was "justified" by the citizens in being rebelious against Saddam. The inside jobs probably happend beforehand, when the leaders of IRaq wre lieing to the citizens and then running for cover. Kind of When Clinton took Air Force One AFTER he was no longer President and looted the silverware. A far as my comment about wounding the looters. We had been conditioned from day one, to expect civilian casualties, it had been talked about and discussed and we had been promised that it would be kept to a minimum. We had not been conditioned to expect the troops to outright wound civilians. I can see the headlines from the leftist media "Marines cause Iraqi Citizen to lose limb because he fired a shot at him for stealing a vase out of a museum" Followed by "Marines stop Iraqi Citizens from taking back what they should be allowed to have." The looting is one of those no win situations for this side of the fence. If we had stopped it, we would have been chastised, we let it go and now we are being chastised. On the same note, I've heard in the news that many of the museum items are being returned! I'll bet that has never happend in any of the what appear to be annual lootings in the States. Cultural this, Cultural that, I enjoy visiting the local Museum, and other Museums whenever I'm on the road, I enjoy the theatre and I believe that "Culture" has a place everywhere. I also think that we'll find out that most of those antiques had been stolen or looted, hell they could even be fake reproductions for all I know. The real stuff could show up in one of those walled in houses with millions of dollars that Saddam was keeping for himself. Again, at the point the looting began, I believe that the military were in different modes and trying asses the situation. It could have been assesed that this looting was being done as a rebelious act against Saddam.
  15. Arizona240z replied to tanny's post in a topic in Old Want Ads
    These ehings are getting harder and harder to find. I guess a guy in Canada has them but his prices are somewhere over the $350 mark if I'm correct. I do have front set that I'd be willing to part with, I've decided that I'm going to end up going with either coil-overs or a stiffer ride. email me and let me know if you are interested in the front set. dnklovstad@msn.com
  16. You said it Mike...... I can just see the news if we had wounded even one looter. Tanny, there's still hope for you yet :classic: The right side is a nice place to be ZwolleY, ZwolleY, Zwolley... Ann Richards Deserves all the negativity she gets, If Molly Ivins ain't crying about something, she ain't happy and Bill Moyers.... well if he was any good he wouldn't be hiding out in the not for profit world of PBS. Before this thread gets any uglier let me say this........ as probably one of the most conservative people on this board, I'd like to point out that Conservatives with one notable selection (slick Willie, we hate him) do dislike the liberals. It's what makes this thing work. What frustrates and infuriates me is that it seems that on the Liberal side of the fence, they HATE all of the conservatives. I just don't get it. As a pointless side note, to what is probably becoming a pointless thread, my best friend of 20 years is just about as far out there on the left as I am on the right..... these are topics we stay away from. Of course I think he is coming around as this week he mentioned that he is ready to leave the not for profit world and earn a respectable wage. As far as who fell and who didn't, I'm pretty sure every President made a blunder or two, they are human afterall.
  17. Arizona240z replied to That Ozzy Guy's post in a topic in Downloads
    That should win an Addy or two (advertising's Grammy). I like Honda's when people use them for what they are...... great, economical, dependable and somewhat sporty cars. I don't like the $10,000 Neons with $10,000 worth of mods.:stupid:
  18. I remember that Clinton fall. he was probably chasing some bimbo down the stairs or too stoned to walk upright. If I remember correctly he sprainged (sp?) his ankle. Too bad he didn't hurt himself more.
  19. I'll throw ZwolleY a little support for being brave enough to claim Carter as a good President. He wasn't a "bad" one. His only mistake was not surrounding himself with people that were strong in areas where he was weak. At least he has set a good moral tone and a strong work ethic for people to look upto. We'll never have a President that can be all things to all people or that can do everything right (If only Reagan was still able to be President :classic: ). As far as trading Joe for Jenny... I'll take Jenny as long as she never talks... Man is she annoying sometimes!
  20. I think her "enlargements" got so big she floated away......
  21. I hope you are not calling slick willy the only good President (or even A good one at that. With the Military blunders and failures he was responsible for set aside, he was not a good President for one thing: He taught our Children that sex isn't always sex. I think he honestly believes whatever happend between him and women other than his wife was not sex........ he touted it, went on TV, in Newspapers, and Magazines saying that what he did was not sex. On top of that he taught that it is ok to lie about things. And for that he should be deemed the worst President in history. We don't even have to wait for the books to be written to know that kids have taken his philosophy that sex isn't sex if you don't do certain things. I appreciate that he MAY have done some good. The bad that he did IN MY OPINION far outweighs anything "good" that he may have done. With that said, Flame me at will. I tried like hell to stay away from this thread, but like a bad car wreck, I couldn't take my eyes off it and now I'm caught in the middle. Yes I am a right wing, gun carrying, probably naming my first son Walker after the President conservative citizen of the United States of America. Oh and yes I was named after Eisenhower :classic:
  22. Arizona240z replied to DakotaZ's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    I just set the TIVO to record and 2 shows came up. They are probably the same show but who knows. The first is on Friday morning at 8PST and it is part of the "Voyages" series. The one you mentioned was just listed under Automobiles.
  23. Arizona240z replied to DatsunZGuy's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Zguy, Sorry to hear about your loss.... we had to do the same to Daisy a year ago next week for the same reason (She was only 3). It sucks because they can't tell us what's wrong with them and we have to make the hard decisions. I do have to say that I'm glad you (and I) made the decision to do what had to be done. It pisses me off when people don't do it and the animal ends up suffering for a long time.
  24. Arizona240z replied to S30TRBO's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Asking price????? my oh my this is gonna be a nice find for someone.
  25. Sounds like you've been busy! You should post some pics to the gallery for us :classic: My short answer to your question would be yes replace them. But it really depends on what you are doing. Do you want to get the car running and have it be a daily driver/project car? Then wait until you are ready to do them. If your trying to get it to the point where you can drive it and only have to worry about regular maintanence issues, then do it right away. With it sitting for so long I'd be concerned about dry rot.

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