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Everything posted by Arizona240z

  1. Arizona240z replied to CNIXZGO's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    uhmm errr ahhh, How did I iss that car in the movie? I guess I'll have to add it to the netflix list (which I highly recomend if you watch a lot of movies www.netflix.com). Does anybody know whose car that was? Are they part of the group? Dwight
  2. Somebody tried doing this a couple months ago and it flopped. Ebay has the recognition and trust that an auction site needs to be succesful. There are already plenty of people on Ebay trying to sell overpriced Z parts, do we need another place? "Zbay" while in theory is a good idea, I don't see anything that differentiates it from Ebay that would make it a strong competitor to Ebay. Dwight I still think there are too many people on Ebay trying to "inflate" the value of Z parts.
  3. Arizona240z replied to Z Kid's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    and wait for the next one. I'd be suspicious of what he is doing. Are you positive that he has another bidder? When he calls back saying that the other guy won't match the offer tell him your priced dropped by a few $$$. Dwight
  4. I was going to say 260 and 280 but figured I'd only tick a few people off.:classic:
  5. With that said...... leave the inline 6 alone! Take the 260's to the darkside if you have to go there. Ok, now that I've ticked off about half of the group remember I'm a bit sarcastic and I believe everyone should be allowed to do just about anything they want. But speed and reliability are more important in my book....... Dwight
  6. Arizona240z replied to XYZ's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    There are a lot of guys out there who think that might be an acceptable price but I'm not one of them. Some guys seem to be setting high prices on thier cars and parts. I watch ebay way too much and see how many things don't get bids because the starting price is out of line or they don't hit reserves although they have respectable bids. Everything has 2 values: Real worth and "emotional" Unfortunately the emotinal value seems to be winning. Dwight
  7. OK Zvoiture.... where did you pull that avatar from.... that is hillarious ROFL
  8. Those are stock for the Eclipse! only girlie cars would have thoseROFL
  9. Arizona240z replied to Zvoiture's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    first let me clarify that its past happy hour on Friday and that drecord should take this with a grain of salt If one of those trucks with 4 doors and a 3ft by 3 ft bed can haul anything more than a cartful of groceries then I'm the Pope. And just so everyone knows, I hate the #@$%^&* Jetta with a passion, if it's here past April it is only because I was able to muster up enough cashola to pay the lease off (my wife did that before I even met her) and then we would have NO car payments! I did say I have a Sonoma, that is a SMALL truck, I just want to advise anyone looking for a truck, if they need to haul anything, get as big a truckbed as you can get. I used to drive an 82 (I think that was the year) Silverado with a full size bed and damn do I miss that thing. If I'd a owned that truck, I'd still have it. Mandatory Z content: The Z engine might fit in that small bed but it won't be fun getting it in there. Dwight
  10. Arizona240z replied to Zvoiture's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    My Daily Driver is a 95 GMC Sonoma with 150,000 miles, been pretty damn good to me. If I were to buy a new truck today it would be a DODGE... Quality, respectable price and damn nice looking. As far as the 4 door trucks......... the ones they are making now should not be called trucks. My wife's Jetta has more trunk space than any of the beds in those new 4 door "trucks" Dwight Trucks shouldn't be a fashion statement!
  11. I let her drive it the day I brought her home.. her enjoyment at hitting the gas scared me but her hatred of the no power steering was enough to calm me down. I want her to drive it once just in case she ever has to, but as the baby grows inside her that seat bealt just isn't comfy anymore so it'll be a while before she rides in it again. Dwight
  12. Arizona240z replied to Zvoiture's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    What year? what are you going to do with it? Dwight
  13. Arizona240z replied to Zedrally's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Shoulda woulda coulda looked at your location and I woulda realized that you were interested in RH cars. I got 2 of them off ebay a few months ago, pretty damn cheap. But since they are too small for VIN #'s I'll just leave them on my desk at work for now. Dwight
  14. Arizona240z replied to Zedrally's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    www.zhome.com already has this. Carl Beck has put a lot of time and energy into building a great informative site regarding the Z life. http://www.zhome.com/IZCC/ZRegisters/ Dwight
  15. Arizona240z replied to Zvoiture's post in a topic in Old For Sale Ads
    *Disclaimer* read this with a scarcastic tone and a grain of salt. It must be something in the California air thinking they can charge outragous prices for everything. Although I have not done any scientific research everytime I see stuff on Ebay (Z stuff mostly) that is coming out of CA the buy it now prices are insane. Even some of the "Z parts websites" prices are insane. I know this isn't the post for venting but since the guy is in California and the post is here.... I had to put my 2 cents in Dwight Arizonans may be next to last in education but at least we aren't out to rip people off :tapemouth
  16. Drive it till the wheels fall off??? are you crazy man.... spend some time searching the site, research prices for the bodywork repairs and then make a desicion. I think you'll find that people have revived cars in worse shape than this one and that it is doable financially. You might not get to do it all at once and it may be undriveable for long periods of time, but do whatever you can to save that baby. Next time I'm in Vegas, I'll play a hand of blackjack for the car :stupid: Dwight
  17. [urlhttp://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=1876028512&category=6392]http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=1876028512&category=6392 Not that I'm in the market to do this but I thought it would be a neat way to get a newer car that is actually different from the cookie cutter cars around here today. What do you guys think, if you've done it let me know. I do need to get the wife a new car in the Spring. hmmmmmmmmmm I wonder what she'd say if I said "Honey, I bought you a new car in Japan" Dwight She'd probably kill me
  18. http://www.canada.com/national/story.asp?id={03387C89-BCCA-4800-AA2B-9E66F3D8EAE1} Copy and paste the ENTIRE line above into your browser
  19. "It was really about the fact we had to be visionary and not retro, not looking back," said Diane Allen, head of California-based Nissan Design America and in charge of the 350Z's styling. "We wanted to celebrate our future, not our past. The more we looked at it, we needed more of a modern, visionary statement." I've copied the above statement from an article in the news column of the site: http://www.canada.com/national/story.asp?id={03387C89-BCCA-4800-AA2B-9E66F3D8EAE1} "not our past" "modern, visionary"........ someone please tell me this woman does not have her job anymore. At a time when everyone is going retro, you go retro. As much as I hate VW, they proved we want retro and everyone else is following suit..... except Nissan. I'll keep my sexist views to myself on this subject but I sure as hell hope someone fires this lady. If anyone has her email address, feel free to let her know what I think. On another aspect, it is a great article that explains a lot...... it also explainst that this Diane woman needs to go back to Betty Crocker. Dwight On My Soap Box!
  20. Now that I've looked at the picture on a decent monitor, I can tell that the tires aren't actually on the car..... when I posted it, it looked to me that the tires were on the car and set to stick out that wide. My Goof on that one...... is the car local?
  21. Arizona240z replied to XYZ's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Fox News had a truck with the same set up this morning...... I'm sure it'll get replayed a lot today since it is bound to be a slow news day. Dwight Merry Christmas...... now tell the in-laws to go home
  22. What'd ya get? and are ya bragging or complaining?? just kidding. The one that gave it to you must have wanted you to have it!
  23. Arizona240z replied to XYZ's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    I wanna see some video footage of that thing! :stupid:
  24. Ok, I'm a fundamentalist..... a purist if you wiil. If the gov't had never jumped in and started adding rules and things we'd still have the 240Z in the new car lots. I also thank the good Lord that we live in a country that allows us the freedom to do what we want. With that said, even though I personally view the ZX as the red headed step child, the owner of this 280ZX should be shot for what he has done: p.s. I found this at www.beaterz.com
  25. Revell has issued a new one, I bought them on Ebay from a shop in GA. They have a website www.modelroundup.com they have them in stock for 9.90. Fast shippers. I haven't done a model in 10 years so I bought 2, the first as a "tester" and the second to make it look nice. They are white and painting them sucks (unless you know what you are doing)...... I haven't gotten the first one done. If anyone wants to trade a finished one for an unfinished one I'm willing ROFL Dwight

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