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Everything posted by Arizona240z

  1. :love I finally found the 240Z I've been looking for and I pick her up on Sunday. The only real body damage to think of is a nice dent on the top of the left 1/4 panel and headlight cowl. It'll probably cause me to replace it all. Interior is in good shape other than the usual dash cracks and broken clock. I'll post close ups and build my own gallery as soon as I pick the car up and run through a full tank of gas on the same day. :love: Dwight Zless no more!! oh and my wife informed she is with child this week:love: deleriously happy!!
  2. Arizona240z replied to sjcurtis's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    Talk to Mike about posting these on the site if you would.. I know I started a thread a while back about trying to get these. Dwight
  3. Next time you get the urge to trade the Z in on a plug and play or simple mods, let me know, I'll trade you the latest computer for your Z.. I actually don't understand the complaint about poor gas mileage, The last Z I had ('73 240 with '72 carbs) got around 24 miles to the gallon........ Let me tell you that anyone hat says they are doing better than that is either driving an econobox or lieing like hell. Keep the Z alive or give it to me Dwight It's Friday and I've had a few
  4. Wishing you Godspeed and many prayers for your Mother's recovery and that you and your loved ones keep your strength and positive thoughts while she is ill. Dwight
  5. Nigel, Let us know what the wife says. I'm currently in negotiations with my wife to let me pick up a 73 on the cheap. The body is in pretty tight but the interior is completely thrashed and although the engine looks clean, parts are missing so I can't crank it up. It's so bad it has taken me 2 days just to decide that I was willing to take on the project....... now I have to negotiate....... eeeeer convince the better half that it wont sit and rust. And no, I'm not telling where it is until I lose the battle. Dwight
  6. The heads will be turning with that yellow looks good though!!! Dwight
  7. where are the pics man!
  8. Arizona240z replied to deeph2o's post in a topic in Old Want Ads
    if deeph20 isn't interested, I am. I'm in Chandler, could you fill me in on the car? post here or email me at dnklovstad@msn.com Dwight
  9. Arizona240z replied to guy_geo's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    I think the site needs to be able to support itself...... I don't mind the banner since the site is free to use. Pop ads would frustrate me though. D
  10. Arizona240z replied to NickF's post in a topic in Polls
    There's bound to be a few glitches here and there, the site is huge. I used to sell websites...... these fixes have been pretty fast and easy, I don't think Mike has been sleeping much since he took this on. I'm sure the cookies will be back shortly (I noticed mine have been fixed already and I don't have to keep logging in). D
  11. Arizona240z replied to NickF's post in a topic in Polls
    unless your putting a v8 in a ....whoops, I'm not supposed to say that here. The site had a bad crash and Mike had to redo everything. I think its actually easier to navigate once you get used to it. Give it some time...Mike is still working on getting things back in place. D
  12. Arizona240z posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Site looks smokin mike..... good to haveit back! Dwight
  13. Arizona240z replied to halz's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    We have both here in Arizona, not too many speed cams though. But the red light cameras are going up like crazy. Both my wife and I got nailed by them 2 weeks apart. I don't mind paying a fine when I'm caught speeding or running a red light, my problem is that the tickets are not only outragous ($160 each) but OVER half the money goes to a private company that "maintains" the cameras. I've been told that they reduce the yellow light time on lights with the cameras. I guess I need to take the video camera out and time it. Come to think of it, If they aren't using the manpower to right the tickets, shouldn't the fines be cheaper. D
  14. I've found some answers at www.zhome.com under the production changes 69-73 link. It defines the series I but it also says that they built the 71's starting in July but didn't stop the 70's until October. They have the vin numbers listed over there to differentiate the two. Now I just have to get the vin number from the old man (should be easier than getting the car from himeven though its been in storage forever). :stupid: Dwight
  15. I'm in a research mode right now....... and have stumbled upon confussion (it's easy for me to do that). What was the cut off date for the 240Z going from 1970 to 1971? I was under the impression that the rear hatch vents were only on the 1970 model. The old man has a 240Z that has a manufacture date 0f 10/70 which, in the auto industry means 1971 (thats something else I don't get) but it has the vents. It is titled as a 1971 but seeing how he was the 3rd owner I could see the mix up. Dwight:ermm: :ermm:
  16. Arizona240z posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Hey... lets try and keep a running list of the Z concerts as they are "announced." I think most of us look at these posts more often than the Nissan concert page. So far it looks like the next show is Cheap Trick in Arbor, MI on the 21st and then ???? in philly on the 23rd. Knowing my luck they'll have someone awesome in Phoenix and it will be on a workday. Also, if anyone has feedback from the Ztour shows, let us know what goes on.... Any REAL Z's? (just a joke, all are real even if they have EFI and half of us don't like the look of the new Z (I still haven't seen it up front and personal so I'll reserve my comments until then). D
  17. Arizona240z replied to Arizona240z's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    As a former Floridian..... I have onr thing to say to you guys: GET THE H**L out while you can. In 2 months Florida will be a bad memory. I've had 2 Z's from Florida, got them in the late 80's so they were good, but the rest of the state needs to go away I'm tempted to find out the shipping cost to bring that baby here, but then again I need have a 240 to drop it into. The end of the month is looking good for buying a Z Dwight
  18. Arizona240z posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    I have nothing to do with this item, I just found it while surfing ebay, but it could be a smiking deal, especially for someone in the Oregon area. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=1860455435 Dwight
  19. Arizona240z replied to spudz's post in a topic in RACING
    Just having a little fun here......... don't take offense to my sarcastic crying and whining. Besides, if anybody donates to anything, it should be to improving and advertising the site. The car I'm looking at would be a fine advertisement tool for the site, A nice rear window decal promoting the site and the fine folks who offer help on it. Cash, cahier's checks, money orders, business and personal checks can be sent to ......... Dwight Thought it was a light-hearted thread until this morningROFL
  20. Arizona240z replied to spudz's post in a topic in RACING
    Sad to say, but there comes a time, classic or not that 99% of the cars end up being crushed. I don't mean any offense to anyone, but I am one of those die hard 240Z F R E A K S. except that I don't have one right now. Stock (except for the smog stuff and maybe an air damn). But I also respect other peoples choice, even if a V8 swap is crossing over to the other side..... Whoops, did I just say that or think that? Don't start flaming, do what you want with your cars, if you like it that is all that matters!!!! that and being able to afford it. Dwight Taking deep breaths' ALMOST accepting that I can't afford the car of the day
  21. Arizona240z replied to spudz's post in a topic in RACING
    no crowding in on my action here....... notice that this is a classici Z car club! That 81 ain't no classic yet brother... Just having some fun Dwight:stupid:
  22. Arizona240z replied to spudz's post in a topic in RACING
    My wife was just on the phone and now this post...... are you talking to her????? I only need one reasonable person to tell me no at a time!!!! I have faith in the car being a good drive and repair..... drive it while you repair it. Besides, although I am obsessive-compulsive, I'm no where near as bad as Kyle AKA whoops I screwed something up taking that turn too fast so I'm going to tear the car down and rebuild it. Other than the roof of the car, I have a good feeling about it. I may go check it out this weekend just to depress myself. Dwight Kicking and screaming like a baby... :finger:
  23. Arizona240z replied to spudz's post in a topic in RACING
    Make excuses not to help the begger...... I know its all in fun, just felt like chiming in and saying something. As much as I hate to post this....... the car is at: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=1858139619 :tapemouth :tapemouth :tapemouth Dwight Hopin the tax man (accountant for my now defunct self employment) calls tomorrow wit good news
  24. Arizona240z replied to spudz's post in a topic in RACING
    I'd love to support 2many's fund..... but first I need your support...... I am Zless and broke....... to make things worse I have a line on a 73 240Z for 1750.... who wants to help me out? Dwight Guess I'll have to wait a little longer :disappoinROFL :disappoin
  25. Arizona240z replied to derk's post in a topic in Old For Sale Ads
    Let them ask whatever they want. If you pay close attention to the cars on Ebay you'll notice more often than not, they don't sell at the high prices. I've watched many 240's get relisted that had winning bids the first time they were listed. Which leads me to believe that either people bid and bail, sellers lie about the condition or there is a lot of shilling (illegal bidding to raise the price). I have a co-worker that sells a lot on Ebay, he told me that there are two things that happen when it comes to autos and parts..... shilling and bailing. Now, to the greater question.... Would I pay $15G's for a 240? 70-71? yes 72? maybe, 73, doubtful. I would inspect it, take it to a mechanic and have him run through it with a fine tooth comb and make sure I didn't have to put anything into it other than maintaining it for a long time. Why? because you can not get a new car of that caliber for that price. Rest assured for $15G's I would want showroom original quality. Of course, I'd have to have the money to buy it.

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