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  1. Donni-Jay commented on Donni-Jay's comment on a gallery image in Big Z Photo Collection
  2. I had an extremely embarrassing moment with my Alfa Romeo car. (Before I ever got my 280ZX) I lived in the Kings Rd, Chelsea, London and was taking it easy down this famous road in heavy traffic. Suddenly, my friend in the passenger seat and myself heard a sound like a tractor. We looked around, but did not see one. Well, we didn't really expect to, not in the middle of London. But, each time the traffic moved up a few feet, the terrible noise could be heard. Eventually I peeped out and saw the side strip hanging off my car. I asked my friend to pop out and see to it, but she lowered herself in her seat until she could be hardly seen! I got out, and I was wearing hot pants and a small top! Didn't want to make a spectacle of myself, so I tried to quickly pull the car strip off. It would not break or come off no matter how much I tugged. My humiliation caused me to laugh madly. And, only the top of my friend's head could be seen in the car. She ignored my pleas for help and would not come out and help. No-one else offered to help me, although there were plenty of stares and laughter. The traffic started to move and I finally gave up and climbed back into the car. As we continued on our way, the strip made the most awful noise as it dragged on the road. We tried to ignore it, though the noise should not have been heard above my friend's screams of laughter. She was still hiding under the dashboard! Finally we found a quiet place to park the car and were able to pull the offending strip off altogether. As for embarrassing moments in my 280, none really. But, I did get fed up of young chaps wanting to race me off the traffic lights. At first my pride made me take up the challenges. (Of course I won) But, after a while I made sure to ignore anyone level with me at the traffic lights. I did love the roar of the engine though. Especially, when going through a built up area.

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