Everything posted by Si|v3r72
2 choke levers? tires?
The original tire size should be shown in the glove box. Mine are listed there as 175/14. I believe the a/r is supposed to be 70. I'm replacing my 195/70/14's with 205/70/14's this week. Probably a Dunlop D65 Touring tire - speed rated T and 80000 mile treadwear. Congrats on the new Z!!!
When you select Chat Room, does it work?
works fine for me Mike. GJ!
240Z Floormats
Thanks bro. I ordered an MSA catalog last week but it hasn't arrived yet .
240Z Floormats
I'm looking for some nice floormats for my 240. Does anyone know where I can find a pair of well fitted black floormats with the 240Z logo?
new muffler and exhaust system
I'm having my entire exhaust system replaced on Wednesday, but I am NOT using a header. All 2 1/4" with a turbo muffler (not sure of brand - IPC?). I'll let you know how it turns out.
A horrible weekend for me
Grantman, really sorry that had to happen to you. Did the guy in the Jetta stop? I hope they catch that b*st*rd. While this is a setback for you, be glad it's not as bad as it could have been. At least your collision coverage will get you some $blingbling for your next car. Salvage what you can and make your next Z even better!! Good luck man!
Lowered Z's
I don't have any pics but I'm curious too. What do you have to do to lower a Z by an inch or two?
Help me build a new exhaust system :)
SO how do you connect the 2 1/4" pipe to the manifold? Modify the "Y" connector? Will the 2-1 5/8" outlet openings in the manifold cause a restriction?
Help me build a new exhaust system :)
In reference to not installing headers, I was wondering what happens at the manifold if you upsize your pipes to 2 1/4"? Doesn't the stock manifold create a restriction thereby defeating the purpose of upsizing the pipe?
Help me build a new exhaust system :)
kmack - I'm basically wondering the same as you. The pre-muffler is a resonator but I'm not sure if it's even necessary. Anyone care to share some knowledge about this? Also, I've read conflicting reports about what headers will do for horsepower on an L24 engine. What's the scoop? I don't want to throw money at something that's not going to perform.
Help me build a new exhaust system :)
yup, it's a stock L24 w/ dual roundtop SU's. I was under the impression that headers would get me more power, but I like the sound of an inexpensive solution with similar results. Thanks.
Help me build a new exhaust system :)
I want to replace the entire exhaust sytem on my stock engine 72 240. The current setup is aftermarket and doesn't even fit the car. The things I am looking to achieve with a new exhaust system are more horespower and a better sound - not too quiet, not too loud, but sounds like it's got some muscle. As far as price goes, I don't want to go crazy, but I don't want to go cheap either. So given that and given that I'm car illiterate, my questions to you are: 1) Should I use headers? 2) What is the desired configuration behind the headers/manifold? 3) What type of muffler should I use? Should I add glass packs? 4) Should I go stainless steel? 5) Where can I go for parts? 6) Anything else I need to think about? I really appreciate any help. I'll be sure to post results when the time comes. BTW it's for this car:
I need to know
A good place to start is www.zhome.com. Go to the Z Ownership section on the left. Tons of info there.
My 71 240z
I'm the same way. Huge rims with super-low profile tires are all the rage now, but I just can't bring myself to swap out my 14" slot mags. They are (to me) the definitive rim for my car. Anything else wouldn't look right.
Calgary Z club meeting
Next Calgary Z Club Meeting Next meeting will be as follows: Date: Tuesday, April 16, 2002 Time: 7:00pm Place: Kal Tire, 404 - 42 Ave SE, Calgary. (NOTE: This is NOT our usual meeting location!) Bashir has planned a great info. session for us. Plan to be there and get the latest word on tires. Also: The new Calgary Z Club T-Shirts will be there. Be the first on your block -- well, you know. Al Gibson PreZ, Calgary Z Club http://www.calgaryzclub.ca -
Indianapolis Z club event
The Indianapolis Z Club will be hosting an Introduction Party for the 350z on August 16/17 of 2002. Ceremonies will be held at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway Hotel for the introduction Friday night. Saturday there will be a car show at the Motor Speedway with laps on the track and prizes. Details are still in the works but the dates and location are set. Any questions should be emailed to indy_z_info@yahoo.com. I will keep you informed as more details are released. -
NJZCC Car show
The NJZCC is hosting a car show Sunday April 21st Where: Route 23 Auto Mall (Ford & Nissan Dealer) 1301 Route 23, Butler, NJ 07405 (973) 838-0800 When: 9am to 4pm -- All cars must arrive by 11am. Cost $8.00 in advance or $12.00 at the show. This is a non-judged show that brought out 35 Z cars last year. The NJ Mustang and NJ T-Bird clubs will also be there, so we want a good showing of Z cars to have our Z community well represented. Every one who registers in advance gets a nice plaque which commemorates participation in the show, or you can hope that there are some left, first come first get, and there will be 3 dealers choice trophies awarded, 1 per group; Z, Mustang and, T-Bird. A nice goody bag is also given out with registration which includes; a hat, T-Shirt and other neat free-bees. for the rest of the family there will be a clown, and DJ for entertainment. This was a real big show last year with over 100 cars from the three clubs, and we're expecting this years to be bigger. So come on out an show-off your ride or just check out the others on display. Below is a link to a map, or call the dealer for directions. http://mappoint.msn.com/map.aspx?C=40.99157926%2c-74.34638975&A=5&P=|40.99157926%2c-74.34638975|1|1301+SR-23%2c+Butler%2c+NJ+07405|L1|&CV=1 Z Ya There, Barry -
Emerald City Z Club - 2nd Anual Z Fest
Roger Schlobin sends this message: Hi All, Emerald City Z Club of Greenville, NC, is pleased to announce it will hold its Second Annual Z Fest on June 1st at Greenville Nissan. It will be $20 for members, $25 for non-members ($20 pre-registration) and will include an embroidered t-shirt as well our numerous giveaways. We'll have people's choice awards. Cash bar afterwards at Basil's in Greenville. Watch for more details as they develop. Best, Roger Greenville, NC 1485 UPDATE: Hi All, The specifics have been set for Emerald City Z Club's June 1st show -- celebrating the heritage of the Datsun/Nissan Roadster, 510, and Z car. It will be June 1st from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m, at Greenville Nissan. Registration is $20 for Club members, $25 for non-members, but there is an early registration for non-members of $20 if received by May 15th. The show includes numerous giveaways, people's choice awards, and an embroidered t-shirt that we think may be one of the nicest any club has ever offered. I'd be delighted to e-mail the flyer & registration form (1.3 MB -- tell me if I can zip them) to anyone who's interested. Please spread our news far and wide. We look forward to seeing you. Best, Roger Greenville, NC 1485 -
ZCCC Track Day
Gary Bracken, Chief Steward of ZCCC sends this message: Dear Fellow Track Enthusiasts -- As you know, each year since 1990 the Z Car Club of Colorado has hosted two track events open to everyone. This year our first event, at 2nd Creek Raceway, will be May 11th. As always, you will have lots of time on the track (one hour and 15 minutes if you stay all day). To assure a safe and fun event, we will again limit participation to the first 50 cars registered. A registration form is attached to this notice for your convenience. As we move closer to the event, we should be thinking about having our cars trackworthy. As you know, that means attention to brakes, steering, leaks, loose parts (like the battery if your hold-downs aren't good), tires, wheels, safety restraints and other items that could affect your safety and the safety of others on the track. The tech inspection form we use is also attached for your information. If you have specific questions about what is required to pass the technical inspection for Z Club track events, please contact Roy Davis, Technical Inspection Crew Chief, at 303-979-0711 (home), 303-445-3055 (work) or at co300zxtt@hotmail.com. Tech inspections for the May 11 event will be held at FORTUNATE WHEELZ (303-798-9822; fortunatewheelz@aol.com), 11190 West Alameda, in Lakewood: April 27th, 9 to 12 noon May 4th, 1 to 4 p.m. If neither of those dates/times works for you, you may have your car inspected by special appointment at Roy Davis' home any evening after 5 p.m. from May 6th to May 10th. Contact information for Roy is shown above. Tech inspection will also be held at the track from 7 to 8 a.m. on May 11th. Breakfast burritos and coffee will be available at the concession stand to jumpstart all of us. If you have questions about the track event, please contact me at gbracken@dimensional.com or 303-969-9964. Remember, this event is limited to the first 50 participants. Tell a friend about this event if you want to share the fun, OK? I look forward to seeing all of you again this year. In the meantime, have fun and be careful -- OK? Cheers Gary Bracken Chief Steward, ZCCC -
The 8th Annual North Carolina Z Car Show
Hosted by Triad-Z http://www.triad-z.com/8thAnnualShow.htm -
ZCCR/ZANY Fall Country Wine Tour
Sept. 20-22 Rochester, New York Wine country tour, banquet, car show with peoples choice judging Please visit http://www.zccr.net for more info -
Second Annual Motorcity Z-Fest
Location: Nissan Research and Development Center, Farmington Hills, Michigan Car show, parade and cruise down to the strip 9:00a.m. - 1:00p.m. Please contact Robert Matthews (248)945-1505 or robzartist@aol.com -
Motorsport Auto 7th Annual West Coast Nationals
May 3-5, 2002 Orange, CA Kickoff party, indoor karting challange, car show, autocross, performance driving school and a suprise tour! Please visit event information page here for all the details!! -
Florida area Nissan/Datsun Meet
Pensacola, Florida Location: University Mall All who are interested, please contact Patrick Hartsfield @ diamondmotorcar@cs.com -
SoCal Dyno Day
Hosted by SoCal SE-R Club of America and SoCal-240SX Location: R&D Dyno Service, Carson CA (Do not contact shop) 115 E. Gardena Blvd. 90745 $40 two standard pulls, $10 each add'l Contact Thomas Fox @ Subculture@myvzw.com for more info and to get on the list!!