Everything posted by Si|v3r72
Z Custom Tag
cuz it was the coolest number of the choices I had. .
Wallpaper- Enjoy the Ride
Z Custom Tag
I wanted mine to be L33T Z when I got my car, but in Delaware you can't put numbers after letters on vanity tags, which drastically limits the choices. So instead, the girl in the DMV (who I know) was nice enough to find some new numbered tags that start with the number 72 (my car's year) and let me take my pick, which is why my tag number is 72666.
stuttering at low rpm
well i have the ztherapy video, and although i haven't taken my carbs apart, i do know they are in sync. both of my mix nuts are about 2 turns from closed. i also have the problem of wet plugs every time i check them. i'm not a mechanic so i don't really know what this means or what to do about it.
stuttering at low rpm
Guys lately (well really since my last carb tune), my 240 is stuttering at low throttle, like the fuel delivery is not there or I'm missing. But as soon as I step on it or if I'm traveling at higher rpm's, it's as smooth as silk. Any guesses as to what's wrong?
Honk if you drive a Z, or Where's the love?
Grantman, that's exactly what prompted this thread. I was cruising in the slow lane on the way back from the beach this weekend and saw a sliver 300ZXtt quickly approaching, so as he passed I honked and waved and he never even look at me.
Honk if you drive a Z, or Where's the love?
sickos hijacking my thread. i like it .
Honk if you drive a Z, or Where's the love?
Do you honk or wave to other Z car drivers? I do, but sadly my experience is that most do not wave back. You'd think there'd be some love between fellow Z drivers. I'm just not seeing it. C'mon people! Give a honk or a wave when you see a Z on the road! Spread the <3!
You know what I thought the same thing about the car in the MSA catalog - I thought it was the car because of the flames.
Based on that one pic I'd say I like it - even the flames (I'm a big fan of flaming). Other than the headlights, it looks like everything else was done tastefully - nice air dam, nice spoiler, and I like the white parking lots. Any more pics?
For Sale: MSA shift and handbrake boot - NEW
I bought the MSA outside shift boot. Sure it's vinyl and a bit stiff at first but my old one (original I assume) was a rag. Still the vinyl one fits well and looks just fine.
Hi there. I love your Z! What I really like is the all silver rear end. I know all the stock 240's had a black rear end. Is yours a custom paint job? Very nice look.
What's our club name?!
YAY my vote is winning!!!
How much would you want for it and how hard is it to install? My dash is the worst part of my interior. it's 30 years old and has 4 large cracks in it and will only get worse as time goes by. A new dash would do wonders for my interior, but I have no idea how to do it or how hard it is to install.
All hail 2MANYZ's on his 800th post!
Mike is at 666 on his post in this thread. EVAL! Way to go 2MZ's!
How much should a good tune cost?
I'm talking top-to-bottom on a stock L24 by a Z expert. Valves, carbs, dizzy, all filters. I'm considering have a pro do my Z cuz I'm a newb and I just don't seem to be able to get it right. My mileage sucks and he claims he can get me 25mpg. In the long run it would be worth a few hundred for a tune. How much do you think a complete tune will cost?
Look (back) at that...
I replaced mine through my local Nissan dealer's parts office. $80 for left side mirror, but it IS the original mirror - very good quality, very snug, and nice looking to boot.
2001 NJZCC Show
Twisted Z
top speed of a 72' 240z
I've had mine to 115, but ran out of road to go faster (no long straight isolated roads here). I can tell you though that it still felt like there was plenty of top end left.
Distributor/timing question
Ok the dizzy comes out this weekend. As for books, I agree, you gotta have at least one. I currently have the original Nissan Engine service manual for model L20A and L24. and the Clymer Datsun 240-280Z Shop Manual. Both of these books are excellent IMO.
Distributor/timing question
Ok I found the screw but it's stripped both inside and out. I can't get to it with a socket and the inside is too stripped for all size screwdrivers. SO, I can't budge the thing. I tried tapping a hammer on a screwdriver against the plate itself to see if I could get it to move but no go. I suppose I'll have to take the dizzy apart just to get to the screw, but I'm not sure if it's worth it for as little as the timing mark is off. Any suggestions?
Distributor/timing question
I checked my timing today and it's just slightly off. I'd like to correct it, but I don't know which screw/bolt loosens the distributor so I can make the adjustment. Can someone describe which it is? FYI this is for a 72 240 with the single point dizzy.
Front Spoiler
My MSA catalog shows 10 different front air dams for model years 1970-1974, including a G-nose conversion. Some are fiberglass, some are urethane. Prices range from $99.95 to $329.95 + S&H (US). Not sure about painting. I'm sure someone else here can answer that one.
Mix nuts - again
Ah yes, now we're getting to the meat and potatoes . Interesting approach hmsports. Sounds quite reliable. I'm still in the bottom of the learning curve, so I have yet to learn how to make valve adjustments. I'm pretty sure the valves are good or close, since I have good performance and no tapping. I WILL learn to do this though. Do you use a flow meter to balance after setting the mix? Royce, I'm aware of the function of the fast idle pin, and that this pin stays out at all times except when tuning carbs at fast idle (3000rpm is what I use). Good heads up though! One thing on the list to check is my needle position. Scott from ZTherapy shows how to do a simple and accurate needle alignment. For now it's just trying to get my mix right. I gave it another crack today and - viola - things are right with the world again. I HAD previously taken the mix nuts all the way up, but hadn't brought them far enough back down. My car sounds better now than it sounded before, and it sounded damn good at the time. Idle is smoother and my backfiring even sounds a little different - more little pops and less big pops. Yeesir, all is good .