Yeah, the have gotten quite a bit of my money also. I do really appreciate the previous owners filing skills however, he has just about every receipt for the parts/work he had done to the car. Makes it nice and easy to see if something was recently replaced or not, or to get product numbers. I wish I have been more careful with my receipts for the project, I am missing a few junkyard interior panel receipts, oh well, never to late to start keeping better track of a projects expenses
I need to flip through it again and see which cam he put in and if he did H4 upgrades or not.
I just wanted to give a quick hello and say I have no idea how I never knew about this site before. I found it over the weekend via google when I was looking for information on repairing/reconstructing a wiring harness. My harness decided it aspired to be like a piece of KFC chicken and went off and crispy fried itself I have been reading HybridZ off and on for a few years but it does not seem as active as it used to anymore.
I have a 71 Series One 240z as my latest and greatest project car. I picked her up out in the middle of the desert in nowhere CA in 10/04. The previous owner put quite a bit of work into the car and apparently his pocketbook and MSA were best friends. I have been working on it slowly, adding a few modifications but mainly trying to finish up completing the interior, and getting the car running correctly. The car has had many electrical issues prior to when I received it, it seems that the previous owner, or one of the previous owners before him, liked to play surgery with the wiring harness as it is very hacked up, and in someplaces for no reason at all, just cut but nothing done with either end of a cut wire, weird.