I have a 1978 datsun and I recently purchased the crane xr-700 and I hooked up everything and i can't not get spark. how is the 1978 datsun ignition wiring hooked up compared to the 1977 datsun. becuase i have a 77 wiring diagram and some stuff the 77 has the 78 doesn't. like i can not find the transitor resistor that is suppose to go to the coil. well please help me
i have a 1978 280z with a 1982 drive train. when i put starting fluid in it,it will run off that. but i can't get the fuel injection to work at all. do i have to have a 82 ecu and harness to get it to work?? because i already have it and the 82 harness is totally different than the 78 as in hooking things up. which wires would i have to splice to get it to work, or is there some how i could still use my 78 harness and ecu??? please help