Is a 70/71 cracked dash worth anything?
Got the PM's been swamped today I'll reply with some pictures tomorrow.
Is a 70/71 cracked dash worth anything?
OK. Thanks for the info. It came out of a rusted to nothing car and is complete. BTW, I have one that is not cracked as well, but again is in good to fair condition & incomplete. PM me if your interested or want pictures of either.
Is a 70/71 cracked dash worth anything?
I have a an early 71 dash that's complete that I'm thinking about giving away with a car I'm selling. It has one pretty decent sized crack in the top, otherwise is good to fair condition. Is an early dash worth anything after it's cracked?
Swaping drivetrain from '71 Series 1 to '73
Just an update: The swap went fine, no problems. The diff stays small enough that the strap wasn't a problem.
Swaping drivetrain from '71 Series 1 to '73
OK, that isn't too complicated. I did hear a 240Z was in the local junk yard that I was going to check out this weekend, possibly I can acquire those parts. Thanks for the help and advice, appreciate it.
Swaping drivetrain from '71 Series 1 to '73
Nope. Would be moving everything. 73 has doors, hatch, fenders, hood etc. but no or incomplete drivetrain/suspension and interior. So I'd be moving all drive train and suspension, and wiring/Dash. The PO of the 73 wanted the drivetrain/suspension as it was upgraded, and had the dash, but I didn't purchase it because I didn't really need it. Wasn't complete and probably would have been more work than just moving everything over anyway. I actually didn't know about the drivetrain differences until I got into this. Stumbled upon a thread somewhere on here about series one having different moustache bars and started looking into it. Live and learn I guess. Do you know by how much approximately the later mounting moves the assembly?
Swaping drivetrain from '71 Series 1 to '73
Arne, Exactly. All I have that's '73 is the body. And all I don't have that's 71 is a body that's not rusted away. I have everything from the 71 gutted anyway, and have nothing else to put in there, so it's about my only choice short of buying more stuff, and I have more time than money. It might not be ideal, but I just want something that works for the time being. Long term I'd like to repair the 71 body, but this will take me at least a couple years, so I'd like to have something driveable, even if not ideal, for the meantime if possible. Long term I could swap in the later diff mounting parts into the 71 when I get a hold of some and the body is finished.
Swaping drivetrain from '71 Series 1 to '73
OK thanks Arne. The '73 has a hacked away tunnel already, plus I have a 5 speed I could use so one way or another I should be OK there. OK, so the mounts on the '73 body should be the same, except the diff strap might not be in the correct location. I have all the parts for the '71, so I'd be swapping everything. At the moment I don't have any components for mounting with the '73 set-up. Eventually I can swap over to parts from a 72 parts car, but right now that's not really possible unless there's no way the 71 stuff will fit. (This is sort of temporary, not finished product configuration)
Swaping drivetrain from '71 Series 1 to '73
I'm planning to swap in the entire drivetrain/suspension from a '71 series 1 to a '73 body. I understand there are differences, but I should be OK doing this as long as I use all 71 drivetrain parts. The body mounting, etc should be the same, correct? Or might I run into problems? Also, will the dash fit as well, I noticed the mounting by the trans tunnel was a little different.
Manuals, parts and keys
How to restore your Datsun Z by Wick Humble and the typical Chilton and Haynes manuals have been useful for me.
Where to pull the motor from
Thanks for the help guys, she's out.
Where to pull the motor from
OK thanks for the help guys, hopefully it will be out over the weekend.
Where to pull the motor from
OK, thanks. So sounds like I should be OK with basically just two bolts holding the engine and tranny weight (I maybe should have specified I had planned to pull the tranny with the engine)
Where to pull the motor from
I'm planning to pull out my L24 soon here, but the lifting lugs to pull the motor have been removed from my car. Is there another place I can attach the chains to pull the motor from? My load leveler has 4 brackets that I could possibly use the valve cover bolts, but I guess I'd rather not have the load on bolt threads. Thanks for any help, Eric
Mice have been living in my Z, It stinks!
Update: This smell is very difficult to get rid of. I've used lots of vinegar and simple green, but the smell remains. It's much better, but it's not easy to get rid of. I'm just gutting down to the shell until I'm sure I have every nook and cranny cleaned out well.