Any Nor Cal owners going to Canby???
I'm hoping to finally make it up this year. Not exactly sure what I would take if I do go. Caravan would be cool if possible. Mark
5 slot rims question
The difference in width would have little effect. You need to check the offset/backspace. That will be more important. Mark
"Shelby" center caps clean up
Check eBay. There was a guy on there selling replacement stickers, but it was a while ago. This is what they look like. Mark
WTB: L series automatic flywheel/flexplte
Sorry, the "I just went and looked" part had me thinking YOU went and saw it. I am not a Hybridz member. Anyone in the states have one? :classic: Mark
WTB: L series automatic flywheel/flexplte
The shipping from OZ kinda kills it. Sent an email. Thanks for the possible lead. Mark
WTB: L series automatic flywheel/flexplte
Looking for an automatic flywheel/flexplate for a L series engine. Needs to be 6 bolt flange. PM me your asking price including shipping to 95023. Thanks, Mark
Painting in California
Uh, yeah. Stay away from Omni clear. Paint seems OK, but the clear sucks, or at least it did as of 5 years ago. Started flaking off after 2 years. Now it's almost completely gone. Big waste of money. (this was on a proffesionally painted Chevy PU, FWIW) Mark
Warning: Route 66 Supply in Hollister, CA
If you have any other issues, these guys are a stones throw from me, if the address is correct. I would be happy to stop by and see what's up if needed, or pick up what you ordered and send it to you. Can't stand flaky business practice. Mark.
Tire Suggestions for 14 X 6.5 inch wheels
I have 205/60-14 tires on my 14x6.5 +9. I think they fit nice, but judge for yourself. Mark
New wheels for the Z!
Got some "new" wheels and tires for the Z recently and just got around to installing them today. I think they look great. They are 14x6.5 Racing Hart (Hayashi) wheels with 205/60-14 tires. What do you think? Mark
SSR wheels? Rare?
Those are not SSR wheels. They are Works (or work knockoffs) and not all that rare, especially considering you can still buy that model wheel new. Mark
Another Z in the Bay
There is a monthly old school import meet the last thursday of every month at the starbucks on the corner of El Camino and Lawrence Expy. Usually at least a couple Z's there. Keep an eye on Craigslist, as the organizer usually posts up a notice there. Mark
Penetrating Oil Research
Has anyone tried a product called Yield? Supposedly this is industrial strength stuff and works great, but is like $15 a can or so. Mark
Another 240Z exhaust goes NLA
Have you ever looked at trying to get parts for the same vintage Toyota/Honda/Mazda/Mitsu? You want to talk disappointing? We can at least still get parts for the Datsuns, from the dealer no less! I would almost kill to have the same disappointing parts availability for the other Japanese brands. I'm sure others that have tried to or are restoring one of the "others" know what I speak of. Mark
Buying a 67 Fairlady project, opinions appreciated
A sub-forum would be cool. I'm not sure how much traffic it would get. Most Roadster owners I recognize here do the Roadster talk on 311s.org. Mark