Everything posted by Bonzi Lon
240Z cylinder heads
My general information notes on intake manifold numbers are: E46--68-71 4 screw SU E88--72 3 screw SU N33--73 flat top N36--74 flat top Notes also said the N36 were the ones that had a little more volume, and flowed a little better. No true numbers were given to verify though. Bonzi Lon
My new 240k Hardtop
You have a very beautiful car. I fell in love with this body style first time I saw it. Silver and black make it. Mighty fine ride you have. I notice your wheels have changed. What are they? I like them. I'd put them on my Z if available and would fit. Very seldom do I see 5 spoke with 4 lugs. Again, nice car & wheels. Bonzi Lon
How Black Is Black?.................
I have used Mike B's referenced fizzle can paint, mostly for cost, convenience, I needed it then and lots of it. The first sample wheel cover looked to shiny compared to the original tail finisher, side by side, so it was toned down with a coat of light matt finish. The grille, tail finishers, 4 wheels and 5 wheel covers were done, including the matt finish. If you are doing the wheel covers you will have plenty of taping to do. I've done it twice! :stupid: Use the finest thinest masking tape available. The first was regular masking tape, pulled up in places. Blue Scotch plastic tape second time around, much better results. One roll is enough. They are not exactally how they left the factory, shows a little more chrome, not as dark looking. Makes the scollops pop. The red reflectors had turned orange and pink, replacements were NLA. Solution was dark blue 'Testors' in a bottle. Bonzi Lon
Emblem Restoration Question
This is my original 73 hood emblem. I hope there is enough detail. They were not perfect, look at the chrome bit above the 'D', then the one below. Same with the 'N'. Upon further examination, the original R quarter emblem pot metal is seperating, not the chrome. Back side is the left, it too has started, but not as bad. Bonzi Lon
Emblem Restoration Question
Carl, the 73 quarter emblems are metal, all others are plastic. On my original ones, the chrome was seperating from the pot metal, making it impossible to cloth dry. I found NOS metal ones for my refresh. Bonzi Lon
25 degrees this morning. Yup, perfect day for a drive
Wichita had -19 (record low). My Z is under a blanket. Bonzi Lon
Synchromesh worn out?
What they say about shifting is correct, weird as it sounds. I did it all the time in a 75 Vette I had, once I was shown how. Fun little trick to amaze and astound your passenger. When you get comfortable with it you can really run through the gears. Bonzi Lon
smoke in engine bay?? HELP
We used magnesium in a ductal iron foundry. Once caught on fire you could drop it in water and it would still burn. It is an impressive burn when 750 pounds of molten iron hits 10 pounds of mag, blinding. Lloyd Bridges used magnesium sticks in "Sea Hunt" to light up the darkenss of the deep. Close to here, in the early 80's, some dirt trackers were in a wreck and the mag wheels caught fire, killing 2. Mag wheels were then banned. Bonzi Lon
No spark from coil, I've tried everything!
My electrical knowledge is limited, but I do know you will need a 'ballast resistor' in the mix. Is the ballast resistor wired in? Bonzi Lon
Crankshaft pulley nut size?
I used a deep well 1 1/16" socket on a ratchet, or 27mm is the correct size. Did not remove fan, just loosened the belt. A standard length socket with a small extention will work too. Bonzi Lon
Weird Myths or Facts about your Z car
The Z was at Painter Ray's when a delivery guy dropped off a package. He looked at the car and asked if it was a 260 or 280? I told him it was a 240. He looked confused and said, 'never heard of that one'. I went back to sanding. The Z had been painted and some bits put on, but no emblems. I pushed it in the drive to sweep the garage floor. A kid about 12 on a bike stopped to look at it. "Cool Ferrari, why'd ya paint it blue?" Bonzi Lon
Second Hatch Strut?
IIRC there are 4 holes on the bracket for the welds to fill. Look for the stain of the previous welds for proper placement. He clamped and welded spots in all 4 holes. Short bursts so not to burn through. very solid now. It is not the easiest place to weld, thankfully he was a small and bendable. Bonzi Lon
Second Hatch Strut?
Once you get the plastic covers off and look in there you will be able to make a decision. I have not seen (paid attention to) the 280 strut bracket to see if they changed altogether or a mirror image was made for the right side. Maybe someone has a pic? I found out placement of the bracket is critical. A buddy of mine had a portable mig, took him about 10 minutes, cost me a 12 pac. Bonzi Lon
Starting down the long road to new paint...
esmit208, there are several threads on how to make several styles. One inexpensive way is with 2 Harbor Freight engine stands and some rigging. Bonzi Lon
Second Hatch Strut?
manny1973, yours is now the 6th 73 that has had the bracket welds fail. From my own records over 5 years. The spot welds appear to be small / weak at all points. Mine failed in 79, rewelded during refurbishment in 06. The only paint damage will be on the rain gutter under the weatherstrip. The inner welds are on a peice of metal about 1/2 inch from outer body. Mine never got warm there, wet rag for caution, but the gutter area was toast. Dis-connect battery before welding. 2 struts? -- Been there, done that. -- Didn't work. -- The way I did it. I removed another bracket from a 71, it was welded in better than the 73 by far, reversed it on the passenger side, with the pivot same distance, which makes them off-set, then the plastic won't fit without a trim. Drilled, made a bracket for the hatch attachment. At the time, I didn't know the 280Z strut was a lower pressure. I installed both 240Z struts. Fail! :stupid: Very hard to close and about takes your nose off when opening. :tapemouth The bracket must of been off a little bit as it made the passenger side lift 1/4". :mad: Said bracket was removed and is now unreconizable. So, back to original design, welded solid and always close the hatch with my hand right above the strut attachment. Bonzi Lon
Post Pix of Your V8 Z
This is not mine. He stopped by in late 09 and has done changes since these photos. His web site is http://www.ratzun.com/ At the time of the photos it was a 502 Chevy with an 1171? blower, E85, street legal drag car! This car had had many incarnations over the years. Within our conversation, we came to the conclution he was the one that rebuilt my 73 engine at the Datsun dealership where he worked in 1980. Bonzi Lon
Smoke Testing
Might check out the party stores to see if they rent them out. Bonzi Lon
Hello Z Lovers
Hello again, Bryce. (pm answered) Looks like we could have a small Zmeet of our own when it gets warm. Will we be able to tell the 2-blues apart? Keep Branson in mind, first of June. http://www.bransonzfest.com/ Bonzi Lon
Trailer hitch
Trailer hitch
geezer, I'll be that one that did it, but only a 1/4 the way cross country. The 73 had the hitch on when I bought it, so why not use it. Moving back from college, hooked up the smallest enclosed trailer U-Haul had, about 4ft sq. Balanced the best I could and off on a 750 mile journey. Anything above 55 it got squrirley. Slowest trip that Z ever made. This is what it looks like and mounting points, not the best, but it worked. Photos won't load, will post later. Bonzi Lon
exterior taillight trim piece plastic rivits?
I couldn't find anything like original so I used Stainless Steel finish screws that sit in a SS cup. Looks nice on the charcol/grey/black trim. The one IdahoKid shows would work and removable without losing the little pin. Bonzi Lon
Thinking about buying a Z
I'm 1/2 hour from sx, then another 3 1/2 to the car in question. This one is in Hutch, posted last month, but still up. http://wichita.craigslist.org/bar/2137268154.html It must be understood I know nothing about EFI or wiring. I prefer the old school 240's. Shoot, I still run points & wheel covers! Lear 8-track if I could find one. Bonzi Lon
SU's got me stumped
I'm sure there are quite a few following this thread that would be interested in knowing what the autopsy results are / were. Bonzi Lon
'76 280Z Question on dist/manifold vacuum, dist timing, fuel pressure, brake booster
You might try this method, I did and it worked. It is very messy so have plenty of rags around. http://www.zcar.com/70-83_tech_discussion_forum/1971_240z_no_rear_brakes_883872.msg2608979.html#msg2608979 I will add this was done while the master was on the car as it didn't work doing it (bleading) on the bench. Bonzi Lon
'76 280Z Question on dist/manifold vacuum, dist timing, fuel pressure, brake booster
Yes, if it were mine, I'd change it. One of those 'while I'm at it'. Bonzi Lon