Everything posted by Bonzi Lon
Opinions on Dash Caps
Zark: Larger auto-body shops should have it. I googled SEM Vinyl Dye and got lots of places for mail order. Just my opinion, the inexpensive dash caps and half dash caps remind me of a toupe. Bonzi Lon
Antenna Poll Question
I have no radio in my car, so my antenna is always down to that 5 inch height. Looks proper, in place, right height, proper slant to the rear, and chrome to accompany the lines of the side view of the car. Keeps it from getting bent too. Bonzi Lon
V8 z - does it need frame bolstering?
You might try this site for what he has done to this Z over the 30 years he has owned it. http://www.ratzun.com/ It might be the extreme Z. A 516ci engine with an 11-71 blower, running E-85, puts out about 840hp with as much torque, fastest 1/4 was 8.96, and it's Street Legal. (in KS anyway) Drives it to the track pulling a trailer of supplies. There is no Z metal left between the bumpers and rockers, full frame and cage. It was a joy to have it in my yard. Bonzi Lon
Installing choke lever
On the lever itself there is a fore and aft hole for a screw to mount to the underside of the console. The console had plastic bosses molded into it at the propper place and height, they were drilled and tapped for the screws. Over time the levers became hard to operate, due to the length, and mostly too much force was applied and the console cracked, broke, or stripped the screws out. Bonzi Lon
Air cleaner 110 orange
There should be a number or color name somewhere on the can. If not, post the 12 digit number below the bar code, that will be the same on ALL cans of that color. Bonzi Lon
newby from Aus
And the Hawk. Bonzi Lon
Installing choke lever
I tried to put a link in but failed. The thread is 'Choke Lever Mounting' by 240Z-Fan. Plenty of options. I made one out of sheet aluminum, very sturdy now. Bonzi Lon
Inadequate inspection
Had the engine rebuilt with New round tops in 1980. Dealership put 96 miles on it for testing. Brought it home for paint but it sat for 27 years. Carbs needed going through before 2007 startup. All 8 nuts holding the carbs on were taken off by hand. :stupid: I so much want a lift but only have a sub 8' ceiling. I'll figure out a different way to get it off the ground further, like Dave. Bonzi Lon
Tell me about the Series 1 Bumper "Override" Bar
I have a pair new in the box from 1980. I doubt they will ever go on. The 73 front one will be a little different width to mount on the over-riders. Pic is of the different positions of the over-riders of series 1, (black) thin and even with the hood line. The 73's are a little wider and closer in. Bonzi Lon
Water Leak over Inside Rocker Panel
Whenever I'm messing around with things that can fly, drop or just disappear I try to place magnets in the area or on the tool being used. Sure helped with the shifter bushing clip and clip for the door lock among other things. The black headlight covers (avitar) are held on by 3 very strong rubber coated magnets. For show only. If you see me at a show, ask for a pair. Bonzi Lon
Replacement plastic panels
Are these original colored panels colored all the way through the plastic? If so, time and light will take their toll on color. May have to spray everything one color to make everything match. We all know too well abot the runaway OCD, or the dreaded WIAI, (while I'm at it). Bonzi Lon
Need some help...
You need a 10mm flair nut wrench, and a little PB blaster, when working on brake and clutch fittings. You must be using a Haynes manual, spanner = wrench, in simple terms. Bonzi Lon
Replacement plastic panels
I noticed this also when I ordered a replacement rear tail finisher in the 73 off-white from MSA. The back was black and the front was sprayed with SEM Vinyl dye, which was fine because I had done the rest of the interior panels in the very same dye. What a coincidence! Over the years of storage and the car being smoked in for 7 years, had turned brownish compared to the vinyl. Ordered 2 cans of SEM and took care of that. You might consider doing the same to make everything match. Bonzi Lon
the WHO halftime
I remember seeing the WHO on their "Farewell Tour" (never to play again) on Dec. 2nd of 1982, The Cotton Bowl. I see they are still on that tour. Bonzi Lon
Need Pictures of 100% Original 1970 240z Engine Compartment
Enigma is right, the one I have does not look like that. On the one I have the left side is a way smaller version of the right side. Bonzi Lon
'72 Datsun 240z 'shell' to purchase or not...HELP!?
The VIN's on the 73's started around 120,XXX to 172,XXX. A friend of mine has a 8-72, registered as a 73, with a VIN of 121,XXX. That is the one that has the 840hp, 516ci, street legal engine. Does the quarter in 8.96, and runs E-85! Bonzi Lon
Need Pictures of 100% Original 1970 240z Engine Compartment
I noticed the same thing on HLS30-00110, 12/69, the resistor is mounted on the coil bracket. It appears the steel fuel/fume/vapor line and valve(?) are mounted in the place that the resistor is mounted on the 73, below the coil. This makes that fuel/fume/vapor line about 7 inches longer than on the 73. Bonzi Lon
'72 Datsun 240z 'shell' to purchase or not...HELP!?
WingZro: You might of added a digit or two to that 73 VIN, 10 million, 473 thousand is alot of 73 Z's. Shouldn't really be any higher than about 172 to 173 thousand, for the 73 year. Bonzi Lon
Motorsport Auto's 2010 West Coast Nationals
Ever since I first heard of the West Coast Nationals, I've always had in the back of my mind of taking that trip down the 'Mother Road' to witness it for myself. Someday. However, ZCON is a little shorter trip that I am looking forward to. Bonzi Lon
Need some help...
If you are loosing fluid, it has to go somewhere. If you still have the black fiber insulating board on the firewall it could be leaking behind that. Brake fluid is somewhat hard to see, I have used my finger to taste for fluid before, not recomended. Look up at the pedal assemply and move the clutch in and out to see where the clevis pin attaches. Like I said, it is a pain to get to, but it will come out. Seat removal helped me a bunch. If someone has an exploded drawing it would help. Bonzi Lon
I need help
If the bolt in question is the one on the end of the crankshaft, it is 27mm or 1 1/16th inches, either fit fine. Put the car in gear, set the e-brake, turn to the left. Bonzi Lon
Sold my rx7 fc for a '73 with electric gremlins yay!
What is the VIN of your 73? I have a thing for 7-73 VIN's. We all love pictures too. Bonzi Lon
Jumping in with 2
Another thing on air compressors that they never told me, or read. Every now and then, depending on use and weather, you must drain the TANK of water that has accumulated in the bottom. If you don't, after many years you will have a hole in your tank, as I do now. It took 28 years to eat through. Painted 2 cars before I got it. Mostly tire duty the years I had it. It wouldn't be too bad if it was a small inexpensive unit, but it is a very large Kellogg-American 2 stage 5 horse. About fell over looking at prices of new ones. The tank is 5.5 feet by 2 ft in diameter. No telling what it would will run to replace the tank. I might just sell it as it is and get a smaller one. Can't complain too much, it came with the house/garage, and a small envelope to the PO. Bonzi Lon
Need some help...
Your 'ka-klunk' happened to me, same symptoms. Master is blown. And the fluid is leaking inside the cab. I was able to get the 2 day old carpet out of the way before being soaked. Hardest part was the clevis pin removal and install. I used a wire hook for removal and needle nose plyers for installation. Bonzi Lon
Sold my rx7 fc for a '73 with electric gremlins yay!
I was going to say the very same thing, except the part about the 280Z. Bonzi Lon