Everything posted by Bonzi Lon
R-T diff mount Group Buy
OK, thats it. I've been SOLD! Put me down for one, Dave. Payment WILL be in the mail Monday morning. PM shipping info. You know this will set my Parking Light & Turn Signal upgrade account back about 30 days. I'll get back with you when its time. Thanks, Bonzi Lon
Voltage regulator cover from MSA
After reading this thread I went out to look at #110. Sure enough it has the plastic cover still on it, in pristine condition, and underneith is a new (invoice dated 76) voltage regulator. Bonzi Lon
What worst car have you bought ever?
Ha. Not if you factor inflation into the equation I forgot to add, :stupid:. or the one for sarcasim. The guy I sold it to put about 3K in it also. It was junk! Bonzi Lon
Rescuing parts from the crusher
A year before the refurbishment I had a gentleman visit one of my garage sales where I had some junk cars, cheap. He owned a salvage yard, metal recycler, car collector, he bought 2 and asked about the Z in the back room. He said 'Hope you don't need any parts, I just crushed all 22 I had last week'. Bonzi Lon
balance tube to linking rod
I take a pair of needle nose plyers and wedge under it, gently rocking back and forth till it pops off. Bonzi Lon
The restoration has begun
And right at the 6 month timeline! That is a quick turnaround (imo) for what you started with. Very nice, well done. Its exciting watching them get 're-born'. Bonzi Lon
Poster artist
As an antique postcard and paper dealer/collector for 20 years, the above poster is copyright by Nissan, the writing at the bottom provides the answer. It doesn't always have to be stated or have the little 'c circle' to be 'truely copyrighted'. Copies would be at your discretion. Do you have safety shoes and a hardhat? Bonzi Lon
- New paint ... Finally!!!
fuzze, I totally agree that 'color is a personal choice'. Having had the car for 32 years now, the love of a blue Z car has been permenantly imprinted on the brain. On the other hand, when properly done in black (as mentioned, super straight, attention to detail etc..) it is a sight to behold. Like a 'liquid mirror'. Its all about the reflection. Look at the tree reflection in rewiredz first photo. Thats what I'm talking about. Well done. Everyone that is painting, keep us updated with photos. We all need different colored Z's so we have the Easter egg effect at Z-car shows. Bonzi Lon
Son helping me get Z parts
My experience with a 'youngster' in the shop was when big brother brought his 5 year old daughter to 'help out'. She was imitating our work but she was using 80 grit on places we had finished with 220! Bonzi Lon
My heart went, BUMP! Bonzi Lon
Hi Z people Nice to meet you
Hello philbar73. I also have a 73, but for only 32 years. :disappoin If I may ask, what is the VIN and month build date? Bonzi Lon
Oregon or Bust!
It has snowed on me on Independence Pass in CO on the 4th of July. I prefer KS as it is flat enough to watch your dog run away for 3 days, and easy to spot a rouge tornado. Your adventure has been a great read. Thanks. Bonzi Lon
What worst car have you bought ever?
A 75 Corvette. Bought in 82 for $7000. It ran real good, had a rebuilt engine, beefed up from the original underpowered 350, but it was a piece of junk. Everything rattled, squeeked, fell apart, fell off, t-tops and back window leaked, 3 water pumps, chased vacuume leaks, 2 master vacs, ac froze up killing the engine at a busy intersection, etc, spent over $7000 on it in the 3 years I had it. Sold it in 85 and could only get $7000 out of it. The new owner had it 2 years and got $7250 in 87. Saw one last week in the paper for $7000. They do hold their value. Bonzi Lon
Road race 240z. Member here?
For those of you that like to look at V-8's, this one stopped by the house a couple of weeks ago. He lives about 20 miles away, small world. The car is well known on the web, just never thought it would be in my yard. His site is http://www.ratzun.com/. A determined and competent builder. A few stats: Very early 73 240Z, 516ci chevy, 11-71 blower, street legal, flex fuel E-85, dyno pull of 840hp, 700+ft lb torque, fastest quarter 8.96 sec. Lots more on the web site. Needless to say, when he left my heart was pounding, so was the ground! Bonzi Lon
Inspection lid "Early" 4 steps
HLS30-00110 (12-69) has the rivited tabs. One clip is missing , the other is half there. I would be up for a set. Bonzi Lon
How to attach interior hatch panel?
Might try a paper hole punch. I've used that tool all around the shop for making holes in gaskets and innertube to make non-existant gaskets. Bonzi Lon
Early 240Z towing hooks .......
According to the post Arne supplied (above) Carl Beck says that they should of been removed by the dealer and not been part of the car's sale. I'll just leave them and hope for the best. It will by my first Nationals, lots to learn by then. Bonzi Lon
Air Compressors
I have this Kellogg-American 5 horse, 2 stage, 5 1/2 foot long air compressor I bought in 1980. Funny part of the purchase was it came with a house. Bonzi Lon
Early 240Z towing hooks .......
Oh great. After spending time and money on my missing rear tow hooks, it looks like I will have to remove them before the Nashville show. Not much of a problem, just don't want to lose a point or two for having them on. Bonzi Lon
24th October 1969 - The S30-series Z public debut.
Thanks so much Alan. Several things I noticed. I like the blue one also, thinking about my #110, but allas, it was badged 12-69, and the above dosen't appear to have a blue interior. Look closely at the front and back, are those the tie down hooks on the right rear and tow brackets on the front? Post 13 of the engines show the 432 with a 7 blade fan and the other has a 4 blade fan with a blue air cleaner. Interesting. Happy 40th to all. Bonzi Lon
Old Nissan U.S.A.Newsletters
While we are showing our paper collections, I thought I would share what I found this past weekend at the 32nd Wichita Postcard Show. Having been and antique postcard collector and dealer for over 20 years, I have never seen or sought out cards of our beloved Marque untill this year. To my surprise I was able to find a dozen different ones, plus duplicates. 1. Datsun 240-Z Parker Advertising, Jason Halley Photographer. This is a Arcade Card, non postcard. 2. Datsun 1600 Sports Car, Arcade card. 3. 1968 Datsun 2000, Back describes both models, 3-68 4. All New Datsun Sedan, Back describes model, has CA dealer tag, 3-68 5. Test Drive A Datsun Champion, 'Pictured is the New York Metropolitan Datsun Dealers 610'. 6-12 Are Nissan Postcards, (lower left) Description of each in length is in the back. 6. Datsun 210, the guy is playing a flute! 7. Datsun 310 8. Datsun 510 9. Datsun 810, fuel injected 240-Z engine. 10 Datsun 200-SX 11 Datsun 280-ZX, 'Last year's Motor Trend "import Car of the Year"' 12 Datsun Trucks, 'Newly styled' The Nissan cards do not have any numbers on them, so no idea how many in the series, or what year(s) they have been produced. I can scan the backs if intrested. A dealer at the show said he had a yellow 240-Z back at his shop. It should be in the mail by now, if he has it. Bonzi Lon
Arrrrrr my bonnet doesn't open!
I made a second latch opening devise 'just in case' the original decided to break. Used a 3 ft piece of small stainless cable, looped it through the latch lever and secured with lead split shot fishing sinkers. Routed the cable behind the wiring and window washer tubes over the loom holder and down to and through a firewall gromet to the interior. Bonzi Lon
Poly bushing : Not worth it ?
It is my understanding that liberal lubrication will sequester squeeks, for a while. Bonzi Lon
Carburetor problams Please help in socal
Call Ztherapy 503-587-9800 get two hoses and the 'Tune Up Video', may be on cd by now. Also get a sync tool, aka air flow meter, at the auto store. Personal experience: Newer carbs been sitting for 26 years. Never been in any carb in my life. Got the video, watched it twice. Removed carbs, did everything the video showed, had them back on and running great within 3 hours. Bonzi Lon