Everything posted by Bonzi Lon
you're getting old if u remember....
Butch wax was just that, a wax, for what we called a butch cut or flat-top. Brilcream (sp) was a grease for longer hair, hence a greaser, or pomade as in "Oh God Where Art Thou." The 8 track was invented by Bill Lear (of Lear Jet fame) taken from the Muncie 4 track player with double the time of play. I still have over 100 8 tracks and still looking for a Lear for my Z. We finally got dial tone on the phone in 64, before we had to tell the operator what number we wanted. I remember helping grand-dad put a turn signal unit on his pick-up. Cop cars had the gum ball machine on top. Windsheild wipers were vaccum operated. And those P.F. Flyers DID make me run faster. Bonzi Lon
What does the 1973 Dash look like?
My 7-73 dash is smooth around the hazard switch and crack free, which is a rarity for these early Z's. Bonzi Lon
Need help on Engine Rubuild please.
My Daddy always said "Experience is the best teacher, but golly geez it is expensive!" (golly geez are my words, his are not repeatable here) Bonzi Lon
Best car cover for an early Z?
That is the baggie I saw. May be a bit spendy, but what would a fender or door repair cost? It was just a thought. Bonzi Lon
Best car cover for an early Z?
I have seen somewhere there is a large bag you drive the car into, zip it up and fill it with air like a giagantic balloon. They even pushed a bicycle into it and it just bounced off without hitting the vehicle. Bonzi Lon
Loop pile carpet, any recent purchases? (2008)
The MSA kit DID NOT come with a true "jute" backing but a thread/material type stuff (as in dryer lint) as noted in post 11 and as Bo mentioned. The "ORIGINAL JUTE" that came with the car is of much better quality and heavier and appears more water resistant than the "stuff" that is on the new kit. Like I said I will try to remove the thread/material stuff and use my "Original Jute" as it is in excelent condition including the tranny tunnel. When I first saw this type of backing I had a feeling it would not hold up as it just pulls away in pieces (like dryer lint) except where glued. Funk & Wagnall's--jute, 1. A tall annual Asian herb of the linden family. 2. The soft, lusterous fiber obtained from the inner bark of this plant, (Corchorus capsularis or C. olitorius). Therefore, the backing that is on the new kit CAN NOT be called "jute", but is really floor sweeps from a cloth factory. Bonzi Lon
Loop pile carpet, any recent purchases? (2008)
Here are 2 photos of the clips in question. My camera seems to be myopic today but you can see what they look like. They fit under the tab welded to the floor. They are 2 5/8" long by 1 7/8" wide and the lift is about 1/4" and were clad plate but a little rusty now. If they were bunnies I'd have them make some sets for you guys. Bonzi Lon
Loop pile carpet, any recent purchases? (2008)
The first photo shows the difference in the backing, left is original with rubber backing, right is new, both have edge stiching but a little different. I think the jute would hold up better than the thread/cloth type backing on the new. Second photo is the passenger side that DOES NOT have slits cut for the metal hold downs near the seat edge, original DOES have the slits and are edge wrapped. I will have to cut slits and edge them myself. The snaps that came with the kit will have to be installed where needed. I'll put snaps in first then cut the slits for the hold downs. Metal clips shown for reference. The third photo shows the new hatch area carpet and there are quite a few differences from original. The original just has slits cut (no edging) for the luggage straps near the tool boxes but near the tail lights there are slits that HAVE BEEN edge wrapped for the straps. Also the original has semi-circle cut outs that fit neatly around the fuel evaporator hoses, the new one DOES NOT. When it comes to fitment time we will see if this needs to be trimmed or it might fit without cutting and edge wrapping, I doubt as it would be all bunched up under the interior rear panel. Hope this helps clear things up. Bonzi Lon
new to z's from Kansas
Just let me know when and what the cost is as I may have a few of us that may caravan up there. Bonzi Lon
Loop pile carpet, any recent purchases? (2008)
Just got my "Loop Pile" this week from MSA very good looking. It is edge stiched but no slots for the straps, which can be cut where needed. It came with padding but not the original rubber backing but a scrap thread/material type stuff about 1/2 inch thick glued to it. I would like to remove that and use my original jute but may be a mess removing it. It has a heavy rubber heel pad for the driver and came with a set of snaps to install where needed up front. Overall very pleased with it but won't have it installed for another month or so. If I can get the camera to work I will post a few photos. Bonzi Lon
new to z's from Kansas
Chad: I'm just down the road and to the left about 60 miles. For those that haven't heard about McPherson College, from what I understand, it is the only 4 year College course offered in the USA dedicated to automobile restoration. Most auto makers give time, money and parts to the project along with support from the likes of Jay Leno, Barrett-Jackson, after market suppliers, an lots of others. Several years ago a class project, 55 Chevy I think, was sold at Barrett-Jackson with all procedes to the school. Let me know if we need to pre-register or just show up. PM sent. Bonzi Lon
new to z's from Kansas
Welcome aboard Chad, good to see another Kansan with an early Z. I understand (heard/read) the College is holding an open house in the car restoration department the first part of May and want some "hot rods" to show up, I plan on being there with Bonzi if so. Let me know if this is still on, I would really like to see this program. Bonzi Lon
Look at this thing!
How about a Simca? Bonzi Lon
I've been in an accident!
I was also rear ended about 20 years ago and still find myself looking in the rear view mirror whenever I slow to turn left or stop waiting to turn left. (use of turn signals is a must) I think you will be looking also, if not already. Bonzi Lon
Dodge Rams Garage, Z escapes damage
When the discount store was built they had planted a row of trees to keep cars from "going over". If a car does go over it usually is very damaged. It is the taller trucks that make it. The first time was about 15 years ago, in the SAME SPOT. Over the years some of the trees have been "taken out" and never replaced. The store mananger and I are good friends and sure we can work something out so it doesn't happen again, now that the Z is near completion. It WAS a "beautiful day in Kansas", full sun, upper 50s. NOW, 36 hours later, its 19 and falling, blowing snowing, north wind at about 25mph. A beautiful day in the neighborhood.... Bonzi Lon
Dodge Rams Garage, Z escapes damage
Got a call at work stating a truck had run into my garage, AGAIN. An 06 Dodge Ram 3500 dulie was parked? across the street at the discount store, rolled 75 feet across the lot, down a five foot embankment, crossed the street and rammed into the corner of my garage causing major damage to the structure. The good news is nothing happened to any part of my newly painted Z. However, I had moved the two completed doors to the other room Sunday. They would of crashed to the floor if I hadn't moved them. Had the truck NOT hit the corner it would of come on through and spewed STUFF all over the Z. Or worse, had it been parked? one stall to the passenger it would of come through the garage doors and hit the Z head on. :mad: The police were called and a report made. The insurance company has been notified and they are "on it". I was only able to get this one photo then the batteries decided to go flat.:disappoin Bonzi Lon
Finally taking time to introduce my Z - long story
My car had the hitch already instaled when bought in 77, so if its there it can be used, right? Moved back from college (750mi) pulling an enclosed U-Haul very well balanced. It was a slow and interesting trip. The hitch will be reinstalled as part of the refurbishment, with a smaller than normal ball. Bonzi Lon
fiberglass hoods and replacement panels
I bought a fiberglass cowl hood in 1980 (cheap) and noticed where they attach to the hinge both sides were damaged I think from the excess force the tension/torsion rods put on the mounting flanges. Both will have to be re-enforced or the rods removed. Just something to look out for. Bonzi Lon
what u get for christmas?
Do you think your car had Led Zeppilin played in it?
From 1977 to 1980 my Lear 8-Track (of Lear Jet fame) and Jenson 6 by 9's were always blasting out Led Zep tunes. Freeway speed, sweet chick on the right, "Stairway to Heaven" blasting. Was it ever any better? Bonzi Lon
What did you find under your seat?
I found the usual suspects, coinage, rock hard fries, straw wrappers, etc. Found car parts in the bins, points (used), condenser, 3 broken choke handles, heater knob, fuel filters. The PO never smoked "cigarettes" so the ashtray was spotless until I filled it. When removed to empty I found a lighter, a handmade wooden pipe and a half ounce of very good weed. That is a nice little "hidie hole" under there. Bonzi Lon
Z car tool box
Quite a few fuel filters. Bonzi Lon
Just curious....
I live on a VERY busy hiway and enjoy watching traffic. You wouldn't beleive what goes by my house! I hadn't seen a first gen in years until about two weeks ago within an hour of each other. A rather rough white one on an auto carrier headed east, then a very fast orange one headed west with a dealer tag and both occupants smiling big. There is a rotary 1st gen in town that has changed hands 4 times in 2 years, now down. On a sadder note, I also saw most of the damaged cars and trucks that went through the Greensburg Tornado, hundreds of them, some were classic. It was amazing the amount of damage to everything, not a straight peice of metal anywhere. Bonzi Lon
Why do trucks keep hitting my Z?
Do you realize with all your electrical wizzardly knowlege you have unknowningly turned your car into a truck magnet, you know, like tornados and trailer parks. They have that special attraction. Time to de-gauss for trucks. Bonzi Lon
Destiny is not with me, or my Z
I think I have you all beat on time to get a car painted. I've waited 27 years!! The painter gave up after primer in 1980 and I just pushed it in the back of the barn. Avitar 2006. It wasn't supposed to sit for that long, but glad it did, no daily driver demo derby, or just being thrashed, trashed and crashed. After the Rip Van Zwinkle sleep it is now blue and I have rust free antique Japanese sports car. Is that possible? Magic barn? I am so glad now it was time capsuled and not sold during the sleep. One other thing: The engine was completly rebuilt at the dealership before the painting fiasco. Less than 1 hour running time. Should be on the road March 08 when it becomes an "Official Antique." Bonzi Lon