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Bonzi Lon

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Everything posted by Bonzi Lon

  1. Bonzi Lon replied to madkaw's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    Just a heads up, my 73 has 6 holes in the floor and 2 in the spare tire well that measure about 1 inch in diameter, 4 larger holes in the floor about 1 3/4 inches in diameter, then the 2 that are in the hatch that are 1 1/4 inches in diameter. Most that I have seen for sale fail to mention the diameter, just say floor plugs or hatch plugs. I have not seen any for the 1 inch holes, yet, still looking. Bonzi Lon
  2. Bonzi Lon replied to Bonzi Lon's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    It is misspelled on pourpose because my nic-name at the time was Bones and I got a personal plate for it and it had to have a Z in it. Besides, today's kids misspell everything, so it is up to date. And I do like the little trees. Bonzi Lon
  3. Bonzi Lon posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    some friends and I were riding around in my 4X4 rocking out to Boston's first album blasting from the Craig Power Play 8-track, when we noticed some loud clacking noises from the engine. The oil light did not come on. Three quarts of oil and 2 cans of STP later, got it quieted enough to trade it in, TODAY. Went by a used car lot and out of the corner of my eye I spotted what I knew was the nose of a blue 1973 Saab Sonnett type III. I had test drove one in 1973, and really liked the looks of it. I pulled in and took a closer look only to see it was a 240Z. It looked great and we test drove it. Leaving the lot I punched it and was amaized from the power and sound it made. All I could scream was "Bonzi!" (thus the name) I had to have it, so did the loan with my bank over the phone and brought it home. In 1980 it needed a paint job so I let a friend talk me into doing it for a loan he owed me. After a while he just gave up on it and I gave up on him. I pushed it into the back room of the garage and just let it sit for the next 26 years. The avitar shows it the day it came out of the garage with all the dust still on it. It has been slow going as I still need to get it painted, cash flow problems. Hopefully will try to have it painted and put back together by the time it is an "official" antique vehicle next year. 35 years for the state of Kansas, also you can register your "antique" vehicle with a license plate from the same year as the car was manufactured. That makes any antique vehicle look from its time. Over the years I've had several chances to sell it but could not even think about that. There is something about these Z-Cars that you just can't explain. It might be love over money. Bonzi Lon
  4. Bonzi Lon replied to Darbji280z's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    I have a set just like them. Had them installed in 1980 and they have yet to see a drop of rain, rubber is still soft and seals tight. I regret putting them in now, but a roof is out of the question although I have really thought about it. Bonzi Lon
  5. Bonzi Lon replied to Hrududu's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    I did what you are about to do in 1980, however I kept my Z car (because I could), and boy am I glad I did. That 1975 Vette was a peice of crap. Had a hopped up motor and all but was not the car the Z is. The Vette did not have the leg or luggage room of the Z, every thing squeeked on it from the hood, seats, doors, the T-tops and and they leaked along with the back window. The newer paint cracked within months and after a re-paint it started to crack again. Blew 2 water pumps, and boy that was a chore. I gave 7K in 1980, owned it for 3 years put 2K in it and sold it for 5K? had it on the busy hi-way for months before it sold. Bad economy, remember? Out of all the cars I have every owned the Vette was the biggest mistake. I am so glad I kept the Z, twice the car at half the price! Paid $2600 in 1977. Anyone can drive a Vette, everyone knows what they are and about what they're worth, but take an older Z and some people are left scratching their heads, and I like that. This was MY experience with a Vette, it will be up to you to regret buying or selling. "Memories of what we once had are stronger than memories of what we could of had." unk Bonzi Lon
  6. Bonzi Lon replied to Hrududu's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    I did what you are about to do in 1980, however I kept my Z car (because I could), and boy am I glad I did. That 1975 Vette was a peice of crap. Had a hopped up motor and all but was not the car the Z is. The Vette did not have the leg or luggage room of the Z, every thing squeeked on it from the hood, seats, doors, the T-tops and and they leaked along with the back window. The newer paint cracked within months and after a re-paint it started to crack again. Blew 2 water pumps, and boy that was a chore. I gave 7K in 1980, owned it for 3 years put 2K in it and sold it for 5K? had it on the busy hi-way for months before it sold. Bad economy, remember? Out of all the cars I have every owned the Vette was the biggest mistake. I am so glad I kept the Z, twice the car at half the price! Paid $2600 in 1977. Anyone can drive a Vette, everyone knows what they are and about what they're worth, but take an older Z and some people are left scratching their heads, and I like that. This was MY experience with a Vette, it will be up to you to regret buying or selling. "Memories of what we once had are stronger than memories of what we could of had." unk Bonzi Lon
  7. Bonzi Lon replied to Ramses's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    May I suggest as an "EXPERIMENT ONLY" to get several scrap lengths and bends of exhaust and put on what you have. Try running curved down fully behind bumper (street sweeper), curved pointed to the curb, straight to extend beyond bumper different lengths. I know, it may look ghetto during this time. but you just may hit on something. I know you have had some problem with this so just trying to throw anything out there. Bonzi Lon
  8. Bonzi Lon replied to xray's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Did anyone catch in the description it was a Tan 4 door with a Tan interior? Bonzi Lon
  9. Turpentine works wonders because it is a solvent distilled from pine sap. A chain saw works wonders on offending trees. Bonzi Lon
  10. I read or heard somewhere the the Fastenal (sp?) Company have these in all colors and sizes. Might be worth taking some in and seeing if it is true and report back. I will need some soon also. Bonzi Lon
  11. Bonzi Lon replied to 240zGraham73's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    I would suggest getting a new clutch hose also. This rubber hose fits the slave cylinder to the hard line. They tend to crack and weather rather quick in my opinion. Check your brake lines at the wheels because they are of the same material and subject to the same environment. Braided stainless steel lines all around would solve that problem and look nice at the same time. Bonzi Lon
  12. Bonzi Lon replied to Surfsup's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    In my opinion it is like duct tape and bailing wire, they all work in a pinch if nothing else is available, but don't expect too much out of any one or all of them. Or look at it this way; if it is a non essential part, why repair it. If it is an essential part, why not repair it the best way possible or replace it? Bonzi Lon
  13. You might try Black Dragon Automotive in Lenexa, Ks. They send free catalogs on request 1-888-789-DRGN or order on line BlackDragonAuto.com comparable prices and close to you. Will it be ready for Branson? Bonzi Lon
  14. That thing is bad, very very bad. Just the right color too. Have you considered a tire sponsorship? Bonzi Lon
  15. This shows that a piece of wood about a foot in diameter is stronger than steel. Take it to the track, there are no trees or power poles. This tree may not survive with that much bark damage. Bonzi Lon
  16. Bonzi Lon replied to 240zGraham73's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    I still prefer bra-less. Bonzi Lon
  17. When I bought a ton-o-parts an engine and the 1000# stand with 4 wheels from Harbor Freight came with it. It is a nice "stand", however one should be carefull when rolling. It has a tendancy to tip if not pushed or pulled properly even though the front steel wheels are on casters, they can catch on a pebble or whatever is on the floor causing a tip and a scare. My signature proves my paranoia. "theianmonster" you are correct on the used head bolts, I also used them because they were the strongest ones that fit the block, although I had to use spacers. Works great and safe. Bonzi Lon
  18. I will be 52 in July and Bonzi will be 34. July also marks our 30th year of companionship. I've looked at the Birthday Box quite often and am very pleased to see all the youngsters on this site.
  19. Bonzi Lon replied to TomoHawk's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Then on the other end of the scale from my above post would be "Christine". Creepy, but great car and effects. Look, another possessed automobile. Theme or coincidence? Bonzi Lon
  20. Bonzi Lon replied to TomoHawk's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    I'm going to make you all laugh. You said 'car related', how about "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang". I was 13 when that came out and got real emotional when they were talking about throwing her into the "fire-re furnace", the car shakes in protest, giving thought that some cars are more of and about us than we think. Still a great car related musical for the grandkids. Bonzi Lon
  21. The burlap dash cover is an interesting addition. Bonzi Lon
  22. Bonzi Lon replied to gb5422's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    This subject brings back a memory. When I bought my car in 1977 it had a trailer hitch instaled. That fall I put what I could in the Z and the rest in my parents 79 Lincoln Town Car trunk and went to a one year school for watchmakers and clockmakers. Upon graduation I had to move myself back so I thought "have hitch will trailer". I went to the local U-Haul dealer and they thought it would work with their smallest enclosed trailer. Just make sure it is loaded so everything is as level as possible and watch the speed and curves. It was about 4 foot square, real small. I was able to get everything in and it looked level and I had just gotten a new set of bias ply tires on sale. (see avitar) So off I go. It pulled fine and handled good, but you knew something was back there. Out on the road it was fine up to about 55 then it started to move around so had to back off and took it about 50. Slowest trip this car ever made from school to home. The only hard curve on the trip was getting off I-235 and Kellogg in Wichita. This is one tight downhill right-hand 270 degree curve onto the busiest road in town, at evening rush. It was a white knuckle ride all the way down, it was trying to swing the rear out and I was braking hard and trying to keep the nose turning without going too far, then made it just in time for a hard acceleration to merge and avoid another exit lane. Wow, what a ride! I was very releived when that was over, I was shaking for about 5 minutes after. Made it home in fine shape. The question is: Will I put it back on after restoration? Prob. It is an oxy-moron option. Will I ever use it for pulling. Not on your life!!! Bonzi Lon
  23. I forgot to mention, the front bumper filler on a 73 is flat black, put it up against my wheels and there IS a difference. I have my doubts on sun fade (on mine) because these have not seen the sun in over 26 years. Now that we have sunlight today after the blizzard, the ladies are right, the wheels have a blue tinge or hue to them. Put the tail light surround up to the wheel and the surround is a true graphite grey and the wheel has a blueness to it but is still dark. Looks like the wheel is going to go to the paint store some day for a color match. Bonzi Lon
  24. My stock steel wheels (7-73) are the charcoal grey that match the tail light surrounds, scallops on the hub caps, and the grille, lighter color on the back, matching spare. Read a thread the color available in a fizzle can is Autozone Duplicolor #WP102 Graphite then cover with #1902 Matt Fine Clear Duplicolor HP Wheel Coating. Haven't tried it yet but I really like the color with the 115 Metalic Blue. Bonzi Lon
  25. Bonzi Lon replied to zack_280's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    It may not be a stock fix for a 70, but my 73 has a chain attached to the cap and filler neck with the rubber flap absorbing any dings. Can't leave this one behind like I have others. Bonzi Lon

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