Everything posted by Bonzi Lon
First time Z owner
If you take it apart, the oil WILL come out. , but not much. I would suggest getting the DVD that ZTherapy has. Very good hands on instructions on carbs, carb adjustment, valve adjustment, console repair for choke mech. In my case it has paid for itself many times over. If you do wing it on your own, DO NOT mix parts. Bonzi Lon
New Hot Wheels 240Z
Mine is white with a different backing card. Got it 3 months ago at ALCO, a division of Duckwall 5&dime. Imagine that! Bonzi Lon
ZAdventure 2011
You forgot to stop by or even honk as you flew by my house! :disappoin Would of liked to seen both of you and the car. How is that 240 window crank working in the 260? (chop, cut rebuild) That drive you took is a pretty one. Remember that Branson is in late May early June. Cop pulled me over north of Branson, said he didn't see my tag. He really wanted to see the car, he later admidted. Bonzi Lon
Best way to seal rear hatch vents?
If you have a credit card size gap, there WILL be fumes. Try Black Dragon for the gasket, or look up the Kia Sportage thread. Be safe, get it repaired. Bonzi Lon
240z Throttle Return Springs
Call Bruce at ZTherapy. Proper spring rate, length etc. Bonzi Lon
Kia Sportage weatherstip rocks!
To check for the tightness on the hatch seal, do the $ bill test, especially around the hatch strut corner, above exhaust. Test: Close the hatch on a $ bill and try to remove, it should be held tight. Bonzi Lon
1973 240Z Refreshtoration – 901 Silver
I admire your attention to period correct detail, ie: insulation, flat tops, etc... Bonzi Lon
Exhaust Tip - How Far Should It Stick Out?
When replacing the exhaust on the 73, I was there and showed them where to weld the flat cut tip. It extends about 2" from the bumper, only photo. The old system had a slant cut which I think helped drag fumes under the car, and unwelded connections. :stupid: The combination of a new system and the flat cut end has reduced fumes 98%, but still get a whiff now and then. Bonzi Lon
Trans and diff gear oil
An easy way to re-fill if you don't have something to force it up & in. Take a 2 foot length of hose that will snake down through the plug hole after removing the ashtray, and into the fill hole. Pour in the pre-determined amount of fluid. Same with the diff., there is a plug near the back of the spare tire well. Bonzi Lon
alternate induction
Of the 2 carbs you have, the Holley 390 is the best for what you have now.:disappoin Get a pair of rebuilt SU's and it will be more than 'enjoyable', its down-right fun! :love: Bonzi Lon
omg! my z is awesome! new suspension and more..
I used the SEM Vinyl Dye for the plastic panels in my off white 73 and am pleased with the results. Super White 15103. IIRC, ordered 2 cans, $29 shipped, used 1 1/4 cans. Note: The original rear panel was fubar, so ordered one in off white from MSA. It arrived with SEM 15103 over black plastic. Ordered the off white rivits and they were more tan in color so had to spray them also. It takes alot to scratch it off, and easily touched up. All plastic matches now. Bonzi Lon
Door Rust Warning!
I saw the 'Shark Hide' also. With an engine bay full of polished aluminum I will give it a try this spring. Bonzi Lon
Coolest engine sounds
The coolest sounding engines I have personaly witnessed were the Allison, Merlin, and Rolls-Royce WWII aircraft engines mounted in the 200+mph Thunder Boats of the early 80's, just before the jet engines became popular. If you were in the water you could hear and FEEL the power. A vibratory massage. That low rumble is awesome. I can only imagine what a squadren of them sounded like at take off. Bonzi Lon
Gauge overlays
To tighten it up, very gently squeeze the hole on the hand. It won't take much. To keep from crushing the tube, place a small needle in the hole then gently squeeze. Dave, your method will work also. A little saying in school can also apply to other things we work on. "Make the part fit the machine, don't make the machine fit the part." Bonzi Lon
Gauge overlays
DO NOT put anything on the shaft or hand (pointer). It should be a friction fit. Press back on with less force than you took it off. Test by gently pulling, should be snug. There is no real touque to make it slip. I've been a watchmaker clockmaker for 30 years, if loose there are other way to make it tight. Bonzi Lon
omg! my z is awesome! new suspension and more..
re-skinned door panels
My 73 off-white panels were in storage for 26 years. The majority of the chrome 'foil' had peeled off from back to front, leaving about 3 inches. The blue plastic was a pleasent surprise. It makes for a nice accent to a blue car. However, I understand the ones that want a solution, I sure would if it didn't match. Has anyone tried the 'newer' chrome sprays to cover the strips? Bonzi Lon
Hi All.....Another Newbie
Get one of them running by spring and join us at the Branson Z-Fest, end of May first of June. Lots of Z cars and fun. This pic shows half of the car show. Bonzi Lon
Starting down the long road to new paint...
Guess Who Got A Coupe??
Now, thats a hot rod! ^^ KID-K, you can make it any color you want, it is your car. I wanted you to know I like it, and it 'could' be a rare color combo, as with the 240Z. As 240K&Beyond mentioned, white / off white is a nice combo also. That would soften the beautiful Calsonic Blue. You can see I am partial by my signature. Bonzi Lon
Question about louver installation
The 2 sets I have are 26 1/2 inches, top to bottom. Bonzi Lon
pictures of S30's with louvers
Thanks, Michael. It was just a sales ploy you don't often see in the automotive business. 'Buy a rear louvre and get 2 free mirrors.' Nice. Bonzi Lon
Oil filter questions
This is my Zinc of choice. Saw it in the Hagerty magazine. It was used more as a safety precaution than anything else, just in case. Way cheaper per dose as another popular product. About $3.50 compared to $40. http://www.cam-shield.com/ Bonzi Lon
'76 280Z Question on dist/manifold vacuum, dist timing, fuel pressure, brake booster
They have those hand held laser thermometers fairly cheap now. Works great in finding hot or cold spots all across the engine. Got my T&D set for $12 at Harbor Freight, paid for itself 3 times over first time I used it. Bonzi Lon
pictures of S30's with louvers
Did anyone else notice in the Datsun ad for the rear louvre, last line. "Comes with right and left side racing mirror kit." Wonder what they looked like? Bonzi Lon