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Bonzi Lon

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Everything posted by Bonzi Lon

  1. Bonzi Lon replied to Casino's post in a topic in Introductions
    Welcome, also. Not a 73 by the front bumerette / bumper. Bonzi Lon
  2. Bonzi Lon replied to csp311's post in a topic in Wheels & Brakes
    It is the same bolt pattern but not the same wheel, close though. The wheel covers from a Z "might" work on a Roadster wheel. I can check for sure later. The wheel from a Roadster will have 3 balls welded to the inner ring for the 'baby moons' to snap over. Here is one of each. Bonzi Lon I stand corrected. Went out and looked, both are the same except for the Roadster has mounting tabs, (not the balls) for the 'hub caps', the 240Z wheel covers will fit. Bonzi Lon
  3. Bonzi Lon replied to lonetreesteve's post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    I just noticed that the first 7 engine numbers in Carl's list do not have a '00' in front of the numbers like 004621. Photos in post 7 & 73 show this. I went to the garage 3 times to verify the double 0's before posting. The 2 exceptions would be ol'red70 and abas. Was this done to prevent forgery? Another mystery? Bonzi Lon
  4. Bonzi Lon replied to lonetreesteve's post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    Katz: This is a good article about body serial numbers. http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/showthread.php?t=35813 Bonzi Lon
  5. Bonzi Lon replied to lonetreesteve's post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    Having worked in a small family owned ductile / cast iron foundry in my youth, all answers are spot on. The raised numbers are part of the pattern used to make the sand mold, that iron is poured into. The numbers can be changed at any time on the pattern, each time a mold is made, daily, monthly, line, employee, batch etc. The second photo of Katz shows the square pads with number on which were changes on this partictular pattern. There were several parts we made that had number changes from each run ordered. The stamped number can be added at any time from casting to customer. We had one part we had to date stamp on a 'non machined' surface while still hot. Our engine number stamp could of happened about anytime, after machining, after assembly, after first fire-up, maybe someone knows. Bonzi Lon
  6. Bonzi Lon replied to IdahoKidd's post in a topic in Interior
    This is a good photo showing what age can do to a 73 'off white' interior. It was all removed in 1980 and put in storage until 2006. They were cleaned the best possible, then the photo. The door panel shows the armrest difference in only 7 years of being on. The plastic panels show what smoking can do, in 3 years time. The chrome strip was found on the floor, the blue plastic matches the car's color. The dome cover is up side down to show discolor drawn into openings, also seen around rivet holes. The vinyl is somewhat darker than I remember, could be the flame resistant chemicals used. The headliner material held the color the best. I used SEM vinyl dye on all plastic parts. I needed a new tail finisher in 'off white' so ordered one from MSA. Like said before, it is black plastic sprayed with the same SEM dye I used on the other parts, got lucky. This part is of thicker material from OEM, and needed trimed. I ordered the 'off white' rivets from Courtsey, and they were closer in color to the original vinyl, so they got SEM'ed to match. Not everything matches, but most is original. Bonzi Lon
  7. Bonzi Lon replied to lonetreesteve's post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    Sitting in the garage is: L24-004621 E31 0126C was told it was in a 1/70 car. Bonzi Lon
  8. This happened to me about a year ago. I'm still sick about it. No Armor All at all. http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/showthread.php?t=36800&highlight=dash+cracked Bonzi Lon
  9. Bonzi Lon replied to cygnusx1's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    I saw that episode advertised, then forgot to watch it. :stupid: Having been there myself during Z-Con I wanted to see what Dennis Gage thought of it, and what he showed. I ran into Mike B, where else, at the 3 Z's they had on display, 2 shown. I now know what numbers to look for on the glass, thanks Mike. The others are from the Z-Con Car Show. Most, if not all, were on loan from the Lane Motor Museum just for this event. When I was going through them I was wondering which one I would like to add to my growing Datsun collection. For some odd reason that newer Nissan Figaro captured my heart. Wonder what that could cost? Legal to import/drive in the States? hmmm Bonzi Lon
  10. Bonzi Lon replied to Oiluj's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Thats an Alfa-Romeo!! The tiny round badges gave it away. So cool. The Lane Motor Museum in Nashville had some cool cars. Here is one without fins. Bonzi Lon
  11. Black Dragon shows them for $139.95. Bonzi Lon
  12. If, and when you remove the sending unit and it looks somewhat like this, you might consider replacing it. Cheaper in the long run, and don't forget to get a new O-ring to go with it. Bonzi Lon
  13. Bonzi Lon replied to ChrisZ's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    The one that was on the 73 is 159mm (6 1/4") center to center, the 70 is 179mm (7") center to center. Both are adjustable, but not the 20mm that was needed. Bonzi Lon
  14. Bonzi Lon replied to ChrisZ's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    You might take a measurement of it, as the one off of a 73 is a little shorter than say one off a 70. I found that out the hard way. Bonzi Lon
  15. You might consider going through the fuel system, injectors back to tank, filters, to remove possibilities of junk / rust particles and the over 2 year old fuel that is left in the tank. Start fresh. Bonzi Lon
  16. Never had a cell phone before but was forced by family to get one 'just in case' for the trip to ZCON, service provider gave me # xx0-xx1-11x1, hmmm (cue Twilight Zone theme song) "Imagine, if you will..." Bonzi Lon
  17. Just after returning from looking at the first 3 rows of cars, got a water, looked up and Mr Matsuo was walking to and pointing at my car saying 'nice color', his hand caressing the drivers side hip, looking inside. As we walked to the passenger side, he looked it over closely. Before leaving KS, I put a silver sharpie in the glove box, 'just in case'. I asked Mr. Matsuo if he would sign the glove gox door and he graciously agreed. He sat in the seat, looked around nodding then signed the door. Mr. Matsuo got out of the car, I closed the door. Mr. Carl Beck got our attention and photograph, thanks Carl. Mr. Matsuo reached up and tapping on the sunroof saying "this not mine" looking around tapping the sunroof, "this not mine". I made a feeble attempt to explain it was an aftermarket mistake and would someday be removed / gone, my mistake, and appologized. However, as a designer, Mr. Matsuo was interested enough to ask if it opened, I demonstrated and he took several photos of its operation. Upon leaving I thanked him for designing, looking at and signing my car. Mr. Matsuo replied, "Nice Z. I like color". That experience was my "Trophy" from Z-CON10. Bonzi Lon
  18. Bonzi Lon replied to madkaw's post in a topic in Exhaust
    As seen in person, that is one sweet system. Well done. Bonzi Lon
  19. I got home Sunday night, 13 hours each way. The car ran flawlessly, averaged 24.89mpg over the entire trip with the new carbs, 4 speed, up to 77mph, exhaust sounds great. The whole week was great. It was fun meeting new people, putting a face to a computer handle, knowing a particular car, and CARS everywhere. Plenty of ideas came home with me. Thanks to the Crew for getting more Factory tours, that was impressive and unforgetable. Thanks again. Bonzi Lon
  20. Great news on the Factory Tour! Thanks to everyone involved. 300 Z's? WOW! Bonzi Lon
  21. Bonzi Lon replied to Pomorza's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Another thing to consider is small 'vermin' getting into the air cleaner intake or up the tail pipe. Bonzi Lon
  22. I used weatherstrip glue and a piece of inner-tube rubber under the offending sheet metal. My tire guy carved a foot long section out of a blown one, it comes in handy around the shop. Bonzi Lon
  23. Bonzi Lon replied to bounce's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Back in 70 I was a 14 year old gas pump jocky, way before self-serve and unleaded out of a pump here. Unleaded was known as 'White Gas' as it was clear. We sold it out of a 55 gal barrel, mostly for Coleman products. To this day it is still shipped clear, however discolors due to oxidation. Leaded Reagular had a pink tint. Leaded 'Eythel', now known as premium, was bright red. Desiel used on public roads is always tinted green, green handle on the pumps. Desiel used as farm or non rode use is tinted bright red, red handle available in rural areas. You DO NOT want to get caught with this in your public road vehicle tank. The jar above has nothing on the 26 year old vintage I got out of my tank. Bonzi Lon
  24. Bonzi Lon replied to kjphilippona's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    That strange little part goes on the end of the doors, see pic. Bonzi Lon
  25. Kansas has none that I am aware of. "And the skys are not cloudy all day." Bonzi Lon

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