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Bonzi Lon

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Everything posted by Bonzi Lon

  1. Great to hear. New paint is always exciting. I was lucky enough to help with the entire painting process as "Painter Ray" allowed me to help with just asking, and a little begging. It was an interesting part of the project, biggest change in looks. Enjoy!!! Bonzi Lon
  2. Bonzi Lon replied to Garagegoon's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Welcome, I'm just a half hour west of you. From my understanding the 390 cfm is about the right size for these engines. Most owners have the round top SU carbs that came with the 70 to 72 Z's as opposed to the flat tops of the 73 models. When running right you will LOVE this car. Again, welcome and a PM has been sent. Bonzi Lon
  3. Bonzi Lon replied to Mike B's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    My (new to me) 68 1600 roadster has the hand throttle but didn't know it could be twisted and locked. Haven't driven it much and would be a little nervous to use it as a cruise control, just a warm up feature. Bonzi Lon
  4. Bonzi Lon replied to kenz240z's post in a topic in Technical Articles
    I did nearly the same thing but used Dupli-Color wheel paint and left the inner scallops chrome and painted the red center reflectors to match the car. And yes, it does take alot of time and patients doing four, or five in my case, gotta have a spare. Bonzi Lon
  5. Bonzi Lon replied to steves72z's post in a topic in Introductions
    steves72z: Give Black Dragon a call in Lenexa, KS 1-888-789-3746 they have a new catalog out now or visit them online at www.BlackDragon.com they have about everything you could want/need. Bonzi Lon
  6. Thank you all for the compliments and comments. sblake01: I guess I will change the avitar and put it in the signature box, still like looking at what it WAS, dust and all, like before and after. The seats I would like in black would be in cloth as the brown ones (custom made) are, an upgrade from vinyl, but white cloth seats would (imo) would be a bear to keep clean, but then the white vinyl would be original and am now leaning that direction. They weren't that bad to start with. Mayby my "Economical Stimulas Package" will be going that way. MikeW: I will crawl under there and see if that is the problem. It did haul a trailer once and still have the hitch. I tried to put it on last week but when a bracket smashed my ring finger I said "@#$% it" its not going on now. Was real close to scratching the paint, not good. gogriz91: I wanted the original "alkid enamal" but my painter did not want to do it. We got real close with a 1992 Mitsubishi "import only" Fiji Blue Metalic, with a little more pearl and metalic. It is very close and brighter with base coat clear coat. When viewed with an LED light the pearl and metalic really glow!!! zhead240: You are right. Did it myself with a small bottle of "Tester's" paint. The red was really faided and wanted to be a little different and it matches the rest of the car. Only a real zhead would know they should be red. The interior door chrome was pealed off and the blue plastic stripe showed through and now compliments the exterior. Again, I thank all of you for the kind words, compliments and comments. Without this forum and the knowlege contained within, I don't think I could of done it. Bonzi Lon
  7. About the seats: They were redone with more padding back in the 80's when the car was to be copper but things changed and I couldn't afford to have them torn apart and done in black. I'm thinking of selling these and having a new set made in black, with more padding of course. Thanks xray, I am proud of it because I never thought I could ever get it done. It was done with all the advice and knowlege of this forum. Bonzi Lon
  8. I got Bonzi on the road about 2 weeks ago, the day I was questioned by the Secret Service, but still have a few problems to figure out. Rear shocks have been ordered, after 35 years I think they should be changed, it seems to jump around when I hit a bump. Turn signals, horn and back up lights are not working, more digging there. The engine has lots of power, much more than I remember, but the carbs have been changed to round tops and they (dealership) put in a 'high performance' cam, #13001-N3626, makes a very nice tone out the 2 1/2 inch exhaust. I've put about 225 miles on it so far and you still can't slap the smile off my face. I tried to get photos of my "crack free" dash but didn't turn out. Enjoy and all comments are welcomed. Bonzi Lon
  9. I had the same problem, but they wouldn't turn on. Take the switch apart and clean the contacts. I think MikeW did a write up. I used the search "combo switch" to find it. Sure would like to be taught how to post links, I'm so computer stupid. Bonzi Lon
  10. When I changed out the fluid in my masters, after sitting 26 years, rather than pushing it ALL through the lines I used a plastic syringe (about 6cc without needle) to suck it all out of the reservoirs, available very cheap at the local drug store. A turkey baster from the kitchen would work also, but you better replace it before the wife notices it missing. Bonzi Lon
  11. Bonzi Lon replied to JoelH's post in a topic in Interior
    I used the 3-M 77 on my vinyl, and it says on the can about half way down, "do not use on poly-styrine (sp) foam or automotive headliners." It is good suff as I was stuck to the vinyl several times. Bonzi Lon
  12. Carl Beck's story is EXACTYALY why I didn't want to say anything or ask any questions of them. I'm old enough to have read, seen or rememberd others that have opened their mouth saying the wrong things at the wrong time that got them in a heap-o-trouble. And now days they are a "little" bit pickier than in Carl's story and I was only 60 miles away and 4 hours from the fly-over. However, they started it and I made sure the conversation was related to my car. I really wanted to know and see what was in that "black box" though. Bonzi Lon
  13. My 73 had the gaskets that fell apart in my hands when I took the (metal) buckets off. Made new ones out of an old inner tube. Bonzi Lon
  14. I knew I did nothing wrong, they were real freindly and "car guys". The shades were a little much, but it was sunny out. Bonzi Lon
  15. This morning I took Bonzi to the local Gas-N-Go (crazy over the price) to get a sip and was approched by several Men in Black. There were two large black Surburbans all blacked out and a 4 door Ford truck all blacked out with a very large black box on the back with antennas and a dish on top, all had "U S Gov." tags I knew right off who they were and what they were doing there, but went about my business not wanting to start 'anything'. One of them came up to me and asked if I wanted to trade him straight up for the Ford truck. I said "Sure, but just for the day." He was very surprised by my answer and then proceded to back out of the deal as "His Boss" may not approve of the deal. We both had a good chuckle then another MIB came over and said he had a B-210 a long time ago that his cousin blew up, he loved that car. Then another MIB came over and said he hasn't seen one of these (240Z) in years and mine was a real gem, I thanked him for the compliment. Then another MIB came over and asked all kinds of questions about how long it took to get this way, parts availability, what kind of engine, four speed or five, whats the color name, all kinds of car questions, answered truthfully and with a smile. They were still filling when I left, but left with a heavy right foot and screeched it in second to get a little tire chirp. That really made my day, and hopefully theirs. They were on their way to Greensburg, KS to prepare for President Bush's visit. I then drove by our school parking lot only to see another fifteen or so more "black" Sruburbans and trucks waiting on the others. Not very often does one get questioned by the Secret Service and walk away unscathed. Bonzi Lon
  16. I tried the gasoline first but it wouldn't cut the varnish like the gallon of laquer thinner did. It was suggested to use MEK (meythel-ethel-keetone) but none was available on short notice. I poured everthing in a can and let the thinner evaporate to come up with about a cup of goo, took to car wash 3 times, between applications of thinner, then relined the tank, as per instructions. Bonzi Lon
  17. Bonzi Lon replied to fuzze's post in a topic in Wheels & Brakes
    I also used the very same paint on my "steelies" and wheel covers, with a coat of clear matt finish, am very pleased with the outcome. Now to the tire store for new rollers. Bonzi Lon
  18. Bonzi Lon replied to Zak's Z's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    When I took mine apart 28 years ago they were there, or at least what was left of them, disintergrated in my hands. I also knew that the base coat clear coat chips rather easy so I made a set just for the insurance. They may not be needed but made them anyway, slow day in the shop. Bonzi Lon
  19. Bonzi Lon replied to Zak's Z's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    Zak's Z, I made a post a while back on how to make them as I made a pair out of an old inner tube. Works great and can be seen if you look REAL close. I'd post the link, but am computer stupid. Just look up my posts, they were real easy to make. Bonzi Lon
  20. Nice eye EScanlon, yes there is one reflector on one side and dirt stuck to the glue on the other. They must of been put on for safty reasons. Thanks to all for the comments as this is a real attention grabber sitting in the yard. I live right on a VERY busy hiway and the stares are amazing. MikeW is right on the odds 1 in 100 and 1 in 1000, but factor in the same make, 40 and 35 years old, 5 years difference, in the same state, on the amount of vehicles left, and ones for sale, within 90 miles, the amount of times visiting craigslis, (about once a month) etc.....get my drift? Just lucky I guess, but I don't gamble so the point is mute, but fun working the numbers in the brain anyway. Visiting the 311 site reveiled a very large number missing in the VIN#s for the 68, but it dosn't matter, I love this little car. First one I've seen in person. I don't think Bonzi is upset over the attention the other is getting, but have to have it finished and broke in before Branson, not much time left. Again, I thank you for all the comments. Bonzi Lon
  21. The under hood tag MikeW is talking about is on the passenger shock tower, and you will be looking at it up-side down. The engine number is on this tag and the engine number is on the smooth pads of the block just under cylinder #'s 5 & 6, back of engine near the firewall. Bonzi Lon
  22. I'm going to join the 311 club because it will need a little TLC and even tho it is some what like the 240's I know it will have its own quirkyness to get it right, let alone finding parts if I need them. I did try the jack just to see how that little ingenious thing worked but didn't go up more than an inch, the frame is the best place to take it up. I checked a list and the vin is not on there so will get it on there ASAP. Looking forward for a bad hair day and ear to ear grin. Now it needs a name. Any sugestions? Bonzi Lon
  23. I found this little gem on Wichita craigslist last month and knew it wouldn't last long, but to my surprise it was relisted at a lowered price 3 weeks later. I went and looked at it and knew I had to have it. It is a 1968 Datsun 1600 Roadster with 58,663 actual miles (have records). I bought it from a banker who had bought it (3rd owner) for his wife on their 30th wedding anniversary in 1983 and they put 1285 miles on it in 25 years!!! It does have a bad respray and a few rust bubbles on the fenders and rockers, solid floor pans, but a good driver and looker for being 40 years old. It came with owner's manual, service records from new, radio instructions, tauneau cover, soft top, top cover and a never (?) used jack. All badges and chrome are in place but a little pitted in places. I'm going to drive it for the summer and then decide on refurbishment or restore. The odd, strange and curious thing is the VIN# is 18,100 and my 73Z VIN# is 168,500, both vins end in double zero!!! Coincidence? What are the odds of that? A fun little roller skate. Bonzi Lon
  24. When you do a tank inspection and find some brown varnish in there, regular gas will get SOME of it broken down. I got the majority of it out with laquer thinner, rather expensive, (13.75 gallon), but worked great. I got about a cup of goo out of mine, but it had been setting for 26 years with 3/4 of a tank of gas that evaporated to less than a gallon, what a mess and stink, but fine now, after rust prevention and lining. Bonzi Lon
  25. On Monday afternoon I pushed Bonzi out of the garage to take photos for the insurance company. As I was walking back to the house to get the camera I saw an older gentelman in a land yacht had noticed it and started to stare. He was slowly drifting across the double yellow line untill he was half way into the on comming traffic lane, then had to yank it hard to the right to get back into his lane. Lucky for him no semi or another car was in that lane or it would of been a head on. Bonzi Lon

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