seen on ebay Nissan GT-2 280Z -Tube Frame
Yeah you could have Mike! ... Well put the word out, if you know somebody that's interested. It should have a fresh engine back in, in a couple of weeks.
seen on ebay Nissan GT-2 280Z -Tube Frame
Yes I still have the trailer and the van. Both of which I want to keep until the car sells or I'll sell everyhting as a package.
seen on ebay Nissan GT-2 280Z -Tube Frame
Yes it was the red frog car.
seen on ebay Nissan GT-2 280Z -Tube Frame
Hmmm..... I'll sell you mine for far less. http://home.comcast.net/~gtzilla/
*New* comp crankshaft damper
Yes I thought $800 was pretty high. But when I asked (maybe 3 years ago) the only one made was the comp damper. It would have been a one off design built to my specs. Nissan told they were in the process of redesigning theirs. So I waited and got the comp damper. I didn't get a chance to take a picture this weekend, my stupid camera was dead, but I did get all the parts down to the machinist for balancing. I *should* have it all back late next week and I'll mock it up and get the trigger wheel set for attaching to the damper.
*New* comp crankshaft damper
I'll take some digi pics and post them this weekend. The damper is all new, not like the older rubber damped two piece unit, and is SFI approved. I had the old one and the HPV trigger wheel was mounted as Preith mentioned. I had priced a custom damper from ATI (IIRC) and it was like $800 at the time, which I thought was highway robbery. I'm not sure who is making these for Nissan. Maybe once I post the picture one of you will be able to ID it.
*New* comp crankshaft damper
Beulller.... Beuller.... Beuller Nobody???? :cross-eye
*New* comp crankshaft damper
Anyone here running the new comp damper? More to the point anyone running the new damper with the Electomotive HPV crankfire wheel? I have some questions on how you mounted it. Thanks in advance.
Greetings fro the Pacific NorthWet
John I remember you from some other Z car forums. Zdriver was one I think. Already going to bail on us huh? Did you ever make it to any NWDE meetings? Anyway, I just finished repainting all the body work on the race car today. A stunning...... white. I'll have the engine back in it in a couple of weeks, and then I'm afraid it's going on the auction block. I'll list it here when I get it back together. Things are changing for me and I have to let the car go. Anyway, I hope to meet up with you before you split. Going back to CA?
Greetings fro the Pacific NorthWet
Arne, I just filled out the location. I'm up in Renton WA.
Greetings fro the Pacific NorthWet
Hey everyone. Some of you may remember me from the past. I've got a couple of Datsun Z cars, including a GT2 car that I've raced here in the Northwest. I've been involved with Z cars since the early eighties, and started out autocrossing about 25 years ago. Anyway hope to contribute something useful to this forum. Cheers Randy