10 years after my post, changing work country pleased to say that I finally found one
On 12 Feb during a quick 5 days trip to lebanon I found my new project a 260z that in need a lots of love and care.
Now she is going in the process of restoration
So lots of playing around was done to it and not in a good way I have some doubt about the engine and gear
The engine has one carburetor while the gear is 5speed the VIn read GRLS30-401190 so how can I verify
And any recommendations on slight simple increase in power while maintaining the car original specs Thank you all
Best Regards
Hi to all
great site indeed.
to introduce myself
Name : Sharbel
Location : currently working in UAE (dubai)
Origine : Lebanon
Age : 37
first time fell in love with 240z was like 15
in August 1993 bought a marvellous 240z Model 1972 which i am still in love with
in 1995 bought a 260z model 1975 but allow me to say no comparaison trade it after like 4 month with firebird v8 455 model 1974
sold the 240z as backup spare part on 1996 after my Brother had a very damaging accident with
i have been looking for one in lebanon for the past 3 years but since i do not live there i count on friends and family to look for me :disappoin so far nothin had turned up
by the way is there any one from arround my area here? (like lebanon, or uae)
best regards
MGB 1972 (project) http://www.sharbel.8k.com/photo.html