New Guy - Central Texas
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Z's on BAT and other places collection
A similar car came to an AutoX school. Accelerating out of a left hand turn his right hand door came unhinged and flew open damaging it. He did fix it and a friend said he put X bracing underneath, but he never returned.
Z's on BAT and other places collection
sorry, I messed up ..... on Zed Head post about the keys, on my 10/69 Fairlady Z-L keys, the lock key is the same, however both ignition keys are reversible and the key head is oval shaped. Could be the ignition was swapped?
Z's on BAT and other places collection
Super Rare Super Limited Fairlady Z / S30Z / Z432 / 240ZG Nissan / Ornament / Emblem Pattern Apron / Unused.
Nice find, I have 10/69 Fairlady Z-L #00253
Let's show vintage racing pictures. I'll start.
Nissan GTP-Turbo at Mid-Ohio Sports Car Course
float bowl overflow
Same thing happened on my Z years ago, had to remove the float, it had fuel in it. Replaced with another float, ran fine.
Autocross Chest Strap
Mine didn't slip, most of the runs were 45+ seconds, butt still moved with normal seat belts. One strip of duct tape on the seat back should hold it up if it does slip. There's a set for $22.88, google cheap racing seat belts. I installed mine in 94, still use it.
Autocross Chest Strap
Made a chest belt out of a 3'' canvas strap back in 91, burned the ends to keep the fabric from coming apart. Fastened Velcro strips on the ends, worked quite well until I installed a 5 point cam lock in 94 when Hp increased to 218. Didn't move a bit in stock seat.
'72 240Z on BaT Already at $45k with 6 More Days to Go!
Exceptionally nice, noticed the front bumper slightly higher on the left side from the previous picture from lonetreesteve.
MZR Roadsports UK Article
March/April of Road & Track has a nice article on the restoration shop in the UK. Also a BRE article of the 510
Found old Z pictures. I’ll start!
I was stationed at Lowry AFB 1968, studied weapons systems on F100, F105,, F111, and F4 c,d & e aircraft .
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas to all of you.
Is this a new find?
Kats , just checked the seats on my 10/69 Fairlady Z-L & 72 240Z. No vertical stitching. on either car.
Vibration dampener thingy
Maybe it's to differentiate male Z's from female Z's, they found out that the female Z's tend to whine, lol